It's Wednesday, which means I'll be joining Julia, our Desker Queen, at Stamping Ground. Unfortunately, this will be my final WOYWW for a few weeks. I will be back in August, though.

Welcome to my basement studio. This is where assemblages are created and fabrics are dyed, mostly in the microwave. It won't win any awards and there's so much here, it's hard to take it all in during one setting. This is also the place where I've created gel prints using that horrible gelli plate I thought I just
had to have years ago (and have only used twice)! Note the plastic bag on my rolling cart on the far right in photo above.

My dear friend Sally gave me all this old costume jewelry that was in the white bag. She never wears costume jewelry, so finally went through these pieces someone had given her. The she sent them my way to use in my art. Most regular readers of my blog are aware I don't wear jewelry because I'm allergic to metal against my skin.

I randomly opened a couple of the bags. I can't wait to disassemble the necklace with the Asian coins.

I didn't have to look far to find a rocking horse, this gifted one was stenciled and in an embroidery hoop.
Whether you're a closet voyeur, a craft enabler, or someone just getting workspace ideas, you have come to the right desk hop.
Please join me at Julia's, where you will meet the kindest, most generous bloggers around (the world, even).
37 thoughtful remarks:
it is good to see a wider view of your workspace. I know you will put that costume jewellery to good use. See you in August! happy WOYWW Helen #?
That's a cool view of a different workspace Elizabeth. That costume jewelery looks like it will produce some great pieces for your artwork too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3
That´s what caught my eye instantly - the microwave!!! I thought, wow, Elizabeth must be hungry all the time!!! LOL! Kidding, I knew you use it for arty stuff, of course!
So sorry you cannot wear any metal. Jeans and such must be a no-go, too, then?
Cute rocking horse.
I am definitely a voyeur - and a very happy one. Thank you.
Your studio looks very neat and tidy. Have a great Wednesday, hugs, Valerie
How lucky you are to have a basement studio dedicated to these crafts, i'd have been drawn to those coins too, love adding old or broken jewellery into my creations, nothing ever goes to waste. Happy crafting & WoywW Tracey #9 xx
What an amazing view! Love your workspace.
Thanks for your visit last week, the sheet of 6x6 paper measurements are for embellishments only . . . keep watching as I actually cut out and made the cards.
How exciting to disassemble the jewellery . . . I have a few bits, they were my Mother's, and I have never thought of incorporating them into my artworks . . . . thank you for the inspiration
Enjoy your week
Christine #17
Happy WOYWW. Thank you for sharing your basement space. I think we would all like to have a good poke around in there! Ali x #14
Good morning Elizabeth, Loving your workspace for your "messy" art we are working on setting up a little space for me in the basement for playing with dyes etc. I was used to commercial size sinks in my old kitchen at the woods-here one of those tiny sinks-never realized they were so small haha. and if make papers again would like to do that downstairs too.
old costume jewelry is fun to create with Loving your rocking horse-hugs
This place doesn't look familiar at all, very different from what we normally see but interesting space. It's funny how some people love the Gelli plates and others just don't get on with them at all. I like them but when I start playing I can't stop so tend not to get it out too often which I know sounds crazy. Interesting collection of beads and stuff and I'm sure you'll have fun with those. Have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela x16x
Bet you’re really looking forward to a change of scenery, it’ll be lovely to have a break, enjoy enjoy. I’m enjoying the sight of your cellar workshop, and had to laugh at the gelli plate you had to have, mine was sold on without even having been taken out of it’s packaging, after about a year. I clearly remember one autumn afternoon that I had cleared the decks, got an apron on, pulled out my paints, set the gelli plate and a couple of other new bits out and was paging through YouTube for a tutorial when Mr Dunnit rang from the house he was installing a new front door in and asked if I could go over and ‘run interference’ to keep the clients from watching talking and holding him up. It happens a lot on weekend installations. So I did, and I NEVER got back to that state of gelli readiness again. Do you know, Mary Anne is the only person whose papers make me feel that I should have tried a little harder, and only then because she uses all hers!
Wow, I have craft space envy - your basement is a wonderful space to work in - especially to do the messier stuff. I also can't resist old costume jewellery - some to wear but mostly for the beads - like you I was also drawn to those wonderful Asian coins.
Thanks for such an interesting nosey around your new (to me) space!
Enjoy your break,
Diana xx #19
Wow! It's always so fun to look at where you work, and it's like taking a personal tour. Of course there would be a rocking horse too! Hugs, RO
Great view of your work area. Have you only got one rocking horse in your workroom? 😳. You have done better than me with your gel plate - I haven’t used mine once! Have a great time away and hope you find at least one new rocking horse x Angela #7
I love seeing the spaces where people create and wishing I had a nice atmosphere for that too. I also am in the basement but it looks nothing like as nice as your basement looks. It’s very crowded down here but I am grateful to even have a dedicated space so I don’t complain about it (too much). There’s a plan for someday, but until then...
How fantastic to see your craft dungeon!! I must ask though, is that a table tennis table on the right?! I have one in my garage and do play quite a bit but it also comes in handy as a potting up table when I’m sowing my veg seeds! Hope you have a good break, it’s been lovely seeing you on the desks this past few weeks.
HUgs LLJ 12 xxx
It took me forever to find this post, but finally I just kept scrolling down, down, down, and there it eventually was. So odd.
It must be nice to have such a large space dedicated to your art. The jewelry is pretty. I'd be tempted to wear some of it lol
Your blog didn’t load on my PC, but just for fun, I tried the iPad. So glad I’m able to visit. Looks like a wonderful space to create in.
very nice of sally to give you all that jewelry Elizabeth; there are some really pretty pieces included
bleu and squiggles....we hope ewe both iz doin well, we haz been havin trubull sneekin over ta blogland late lee...
stay kewl and N joy sum mor catnip :) ♥♥
I actually prefer your basement studio - somehow it looks lighter than the other one? Or it could just be the artificial lighting, I guess. Lovely jewellery. You know I had trouble accessing your blog today. I kept coming back thinking that the page didn't load - turns out I had to scroll all the way down to see it! It must be a Blogger glitch, cause mine's doing funny things as well (sidebar links not working) - hope they sort it soon. If you're missing any visitors, that could be the reason - I was ready to give up myself! See you when you're back and thanks for your visit earlier! zsuzsa #24
I love how much light fills that space Elizabeth. and those necklaces do look like they will make fun bits and pieces of texture too. ~Stacy #27
On and off all day I have been trying to access your WOYWW post. I just get the background (yellowish colour) and nothing on it. Have left it to sit a while thinking maybe it was photo heavy but still nothing came up. So in the end I decided to send you a message and scroll down to the last post - voila - that is today's post - or at least the woyww post I was looking for.
Love the view of your work area ie your basement studio. It looks like a crafter's paradise. What a fabulous area to do all those things in - I note you are not a Gelli plate fan - me neither. I try and try but am not very happy with the results.
Love all the costume jewellery you got, what fun you will have with all of that - I can see lots of crafting coming on with beads dangling in the future.
Hugs to all three
Neet 5 xx
You have a great workspace Elizabeth. I have a couple of bags of old jewellery, one day they may be used.
Hello Elizabeth, that workspace is impressively tidy! Shame you didn't get with the gelli plate, I find it quite addictive but I have to be in the mood for mess. The rocking horse is adorable as always. I have a ton of costume jewellery that I can't bear to throw away in case I need it for something - don't think I've touched any of it for at least 3 years!! I used to wear lots of jewellery but I just can't be bothered these days - it all seems so heavy! Glad you liked my pic! Have a good break, see you again soon. Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx #8
Everything looks very neat and tidy.
Love the rocking horse :)
All the best Jan
Lovel your workspace and all those amazing goodies. xx
Nice to see your play area and great jewelry from Sally. I agree those Chinese coins will be great in some art. And I like how you have some space. I’m crammed in the smallest bedroom of the house, and of course I have too much stuff In there. Smile. I tried to get on your blog yesterday and it wasn’t opening up correctly for me. It’s Working on my phone now though. Hope all is well. Hush Erika
Great art studio Elizabeth.
You have plenty of costume jewelry there to start your own shop :) I'm sure you have plenty of projects for that.
Hi Elizabeth, just popping back to tell you that the Blogger glitch seems to have been sorted! It was definitely their fault as I have my links working again - and your posts appear where they are supposed to as well! So that's good news at least. Enjoy your time away!
Love seeing so much of your room! And what a stash of jewelry! Love the rocking horse.
Thanks for popping by. I tried to get on your blog yesterday but it wouldn't open so here I am today!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Carol N #26
Wow, your craft area is so neat and tidy! Unlike mine at the moment (ha, ha!) 😀. Those necklace look awesome, so lovely to play around with the beads and chains. Take care and happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x
What a lovely room you've got, Elizabeth - it looks as if you've got plenty of space. I love the stencilled rocking horse! A very subtle design in a muted colour. I'm sorry to hear you didn't get on with the gel press - I suppose it isn't to everyone's taste! You've got a wonderful stash of jewellery to take apart. I always buy up lots of junk jewellery at village fetes and take it apart. Amazing how much good stuff can be recycled.
Thank you for your visit and your kind comments. I am doing very well post-op - no problems at all, except my hubby has passed on his wretched troat/cold bug so I'm not feeling too well at the moment.
The Pakistani card is almost complete! I'm very thrilled with how it's coming out. The colours are super-vibrant and today I added lots of shimmer and sparkle.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #18
I always really love these work desk, posts, Elizabeth!
I am very envious of your lovely room and that bag of jewellery. I am sure it will come in handy!
I love my Gelli plate - although it did sit unused for about 5 years, after I decided I really needed it. This was mainly because we moved countries twice and it was in an unopened box... I now have several ranging from the first A4ish size to 6in square to small ones.
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well! See you in August...
Susan #23
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!
ooh some great costume jewellery to re purpose, hope you have a great break too
Sorry I'm sooooo late for last weeks WOYWW? but once again I was so sure I'd been and commented! I know it did take a long time to 'go' and it kept timing out so perhaps it just didn't work! I'm going to double check that I hit the right button this time! I love the rocking Horse and the jewelry (I can never spell that!)I often buy bits and pieces for the grandaughter and!! love the poster Boards! I bet people drive by just to see what's being talked about that day! Stay Safe Happy late woyww ((Lyn))
(5th try!)
I have finally decided that some of the jewellery I have been keeping will be better off in the charity shop! Your do have some lovely things to pick from! Hugs, Chrisx
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