Monday, July 26, 2021



It's time to share what we sent to and received from our P.I.F. partners.  Today is the big reveal.

I hope you've had enough time to have exchanged your ATCs.  I wasn't expecting anything, so I couldn't believe my good fortune when I received three gifts over the past few days.

I actually don't have any photos of the items I sent to my recipients, but I have heard from two people in the states and one international player.  Everyone basically got the same thing, except one international player who I have yet to hear from.  The names of the people whose names I drew and who I have heard from are Chris at Pear Shaped Crafting, Mae at Mae's Food Blog, and Sharon from Foxy Stamping.  Actually, I gave Sharon one of the six because she tried to help me learn about my BigKick.  The ATCs were on the table the day she visited, so I decided it was just good manners.  At that point, I hadn't drawn any names yet, so all I had to draw were five.  Turns out three went overseas, or across the pond as I prefer to say.  
One of the ATCs going to a T Tuesday player in the states didn't make it to the post office.  It had slipped behind my guillotine cutter and I didn't find it until a few days ago.

I fear we may need a second reveal party in a couple of weeks.

I know how much Lisca likes to see the postage stamps and this one is all the way from Germany.

Sharon sent this to me along with some goodies I can't show because I will be using them soon in my art.  It appears Sharon even made the adorable envelope, too.

Here is the stunning ATC Sharon sent. I love the little bird sitting in the stack of tea cups.  Thank you so very much Sharon, and for the friendship we have developed.

All these goodies were inside the Hug in a Mug, which were all sent by my dear friend

Erika, who many of you know as Bio Art Gal.  I love this dimensional postcard with the German Scrap and the puns.  I love it all, Erika.  Thank you so much.

The final gift and ATC came all the way from Germany.  It is from Iris at Iris Flavia blog.  She also sent a sheet  of paper from a magazine called Flow.

Iris explained she got confused and sent the ATC to me.

She named it "Can we travel or just have ice cream?"  Thank you for getting confused, Iris and sending this darling ATC to me.  I am most grateful.

Here are all the beautiful and amazing gifts I received for our 8th anniversary exchange.  Thank you so very much ladies.  I am most grateful.  BTW, I am drinking some luke warm black tea.  I was making iced tea, but realized I didn't have time for it all to chill, so I poured a mug of tea.

Blogger or my internet are so slow today, it has taken me over FOUR hours to get this post together.  I only load one photo at a time which may account for the extra time.  I am making this just under the wire with only about six minutes to spare.  Please excuse any and all mistakes you might find.

Now it's time to share your own P.I.F. entries, or just a normal T Tuesday post.  Your "normal" post can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share below and the birthday boy, along with Bleubeard and I, will join the rest of the T gang and be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year.


I forgot to mention, it's time to dig out that second look for the 2nd.  The end of July really snuck up on me, too.  Remember, it can be any post as long as it's been published in the past.


28 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Enjoy your lovely gifts, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said... 2

I offered to link Mae because it is rather obvious she is not near wifi right now. She will still appreciate your comments when she has access to wifi, I'm sure.

Sharon Madson said... 3

Oh, what fun goodies you got Elizabeth! I can't wait to see how you might use what I sent! It is pouring over on this side. Hope you can stay dry. Happy Reveal Day!

Lisca said... 4

Such lovely gifts! And one all the way from Germany! Yes, the stamp is beautiful. I also like the 'Greetings from Braunschweig' stamp on the envelope.
Sharon's ATC is gorgeous too.
Happy T-Day,

kathyinozarks said... 5

Awesome slow mail-my favorite kind. Enjoy it all Hugs and Happy T Kathy

My name is Erika. said... 6

You had some really fun mail. I'm glad you liked the ATC, and I hope you can use the bits and pieces. Sharon made a gorgeous ATC, and so did Iris. I could tell the envelope was from her with that lion. What a great rickshaw photo on hers. Hope you have a super T day. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 7

wonderful mail art and goodies! Love the ATC art along with the thoughtful bits you received as well. Happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 8

How Fun! You got some lovely gifts.
Happy Tea Day,

Olde Dame Holly Rose said... 9

You made out like a bandit! What wonderful, lively, thoughtful gifts!

Elephant's Child said... 10

Simply beautiful - the thoughts AND the execution.

Iris Flavia said... 11

Yay for so much happy mail (oh, boy, I still feel a tad dumb ;-)..)

J said... 12

I love all your ATCs and so many gifts. Very pretty envelopes too
Happy T Day

Let's Art Journal said... 13

Wow, what beautiful T Day ATCs! So many fabulous crafting goodies too, that's so kind 😀. Enjoy and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

nwilliams6 said... 14

Love the ATCs (everyone is so creative and fun) and how great to get happy mail plus a personal visit from Sharon. Lucky you!

You have gotten me addicted to ATCs and now seeing how fun it is go get them from others you may have created a monster! LOL! I need to find some swaps or something.

Looks like you had a fun week. Happy T-Day and many hugz!

Barbara said... 15

FUN! Love surprises in the mail. 😁

Jackie McGuinness said... 16

Such thoughtful gifts!

Divers and Sundry said... 17

So cool! I'm excited to see them even though I'm not participating :) They make me want to find a place and get my artsy stuff back out :)

Happy T Tuesday and T Day Anniversary. Thank you for all you've done :)

CJ Kennedy said... 18

Lovely goodies you received and sent. Thank you so much. It was a lovely surprise. Happy T Day

Jeanie said... 19

Lovely ATCs, each and every one. Seeing them reminded me of the days when I did a lot of ATC exchange -- it was always fun and I really liked doing it. And isn't it fun to get mail that you don't have to pay someone in the return envelope?

DVArtist said... 20

Nice gifts. Have fun with them.

pearshapedcrafting said... 21

Such fabulous ATCs and gifts! (there is definitely more to come!)
I sometimes enter my photos one at a time - if they need to be in order, as blogger has an annoying habit of putting them in reverse order - today - no problems - Why??? Dunno!!!!
Hugs, Chrisxx

da tabbies o trout towne said... 22

what wonderful and awesome gifts from your friends Elizabeth !!!! enjoy :) ☺☺♥♥

wavez two ewe bleu and squiggles; hope ewe doodz are havin a grate day and gettin inta sum trubull,;) ♥♥☺☺

Sandra Cox said... 23

All kinds of goodies:)
You can't have too many parties:)
Hope your evening is relaxing and pleasant.

Halle said... 24

Lovely ATC's and gifts. So much fun!
Happy T day

nwilliams6 said... 25

Elizabeth, saw your note - send me an email at and I will send you my personal email. Thanks! Nancy

Kokopelli said... 26

I'm a bit late for the reveal party, as life got in the way (building a house is FUN, they said. *LOL*) So many lovely cards! Enjoy and Happy Anniversary! Seems like my recipients didn't receive their ATCs yet, but there will be time for another reveal post next week. Have a great day!

craftytrog said... 27

Beautiful ATCs!

Japer Taxton said... 28

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