I want to begin by updating everyone on the swap next week. I have added Kokopelli and Spyder to the list of those swapping. I have also drawn my six names and their ATCs will be in the mail this week. You may add an asterisk (*) behind your name this week if you like, but next week is when it will count.
I keep getting asked about the fact I use two dates (12/13) for the party. It's that pesky 24 hour time zone (clock). When T time starts at 4 p.m. my time on Monday, it's already tomorrow or Tuesday, in Australia, Japan, the Philippines, as well as parts of Russia and China. It's the same day, just different time zones. Now it's time for T.
My friend Sally and I went to Bagatelle for take out on Sunday. When I leave the house, I wear a mask. Regardless. Period. Sally, on the other hand, has put her masks away because she has been fully vaccinated.
Granted, I've been vaccinated too (and safe since my birthday in April), but I still won't give up my masks. I told Sally I will give up my mask when the entire world has been vaccinated. However, instead of going inside to place her to-go order, I had to do it. She said there were too many people in the restaurant and she suddenly didn't feel comfortable. I was the only person in the place wearing a mask and my disposable gloves, another thing I wear when I go out. BTW, you may not be able to tell, but people were packed in because you order and pay at the counter. No social distancing at all. You stand in line pressed together like sardines, while someone orders food and/or drink. Instead of giving them a number, the order is filled in front of them as they (and everyone in line) wait. The food is then paid for before the next order is taken. That worked well in days of old, but not with social distancing still required.
Back home, this is what I stood in line for. I ordered the fruit salad, got a roll with a pat of butter hidden under the roll, and a ratatouille empanada. In case you didn't know, empanadas are similar to a turnover that have a flaky outer crust. The ratatouille consisted of onions, squash (or maybe zucchini), basil, bell pepper, tomato, and possibly parsley. It was delicious, but I could have eaten two of them because it was that good!
Because I didn't think to take a photo of my coffee I was drinking at the time, I called on Pexels to help with my drink. Much prettier than anything I could have shown, too.
It's now time to share your own drink inspired post this week. It can be
gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail
art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed
media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is
digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back
to a drink, any drink. Regardless,
please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T
gang will be by to visit. Please link only your T post and not your
blog in general. Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken
any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.
That does look like a somewhat skimpy dinner, especially since you had to work so hard for it. Sally sounds a bit inconsistent in the way she is coping with the current situation, and so does the restaurant. I think it's not over yet, but not everyone is handling things well.
That is a pretty cup in the picture you posted.
My post is a couple of days old, but does have photos of drinks.
I know what you mean about crowded places! I, too, am fully vaccinated, but am still cautious. Here we have to wear masks in shops and restaurants etc, but of course you can take the mask off to eat and drink.I prefer to be outside! Glad you enjoyed what you got. The pexels photo is lovely. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
The ratatouille empanada sounds delicious, I'd want two just like you and that coffee cup is very pretty a good choice of pic. It's very scary in crowds I agree, with the announcements in the UK today of so called Freedom day on the 19th it just sends shivers down my spine.. I think i'll just carry on as I am for now with the masks and social distancing. Always enjoy your T Day post Elizabeth, I may surprise you and join you one week ;) T Day Hugs Tracey xx
I would def love your empanada especially:). Things are still inconsistent all over the US and in individual locales, states, cities, and establishments. I leave home with mask and gloves and assess the situations/places before deciding how I want to proceed. That is one elegant cup of coffee for sure:) Happy T day!
That empanada sounds yummy. I've never heard of a ratatouille one but I what a great idea. I have found in crowded places I want my mask, but it is kind of strange feeling to go from having to be so cautious to suddenly being told it is safe. I'm glad you could at least get your food for take out. I hope you had a nice July 4th weekend and have a happy T day too. Hugs-Erika
I would say half of the shoppers here are still wearing masks although we are "open" here and masks are optional unless in dr office, etc. Your lunch looks lovely but this ol' girl wants something substantial lol. TWO definitely!
I avoid crowded places. I don’t wear my mask most of the time, but we still required to in medical facilities. I also put it on if I’m going to have to pass close to other people.
I'm glad you explained what ratatouille empanada is. The description and picture made my mouth water;) Sounds wondrous. Good on you for masking up. Much better not to take chances.
STay careful, I think there is going to be a second wave soon as so many people don't seem to care anymore around the U.S. plus so many people are still not vacinated. The food looks and sounds wonderful and the cup you posted is beautiful! Many hugz
Morning Elizabeth, we have ratatouille with fish, my husband makes it , very tasty, the Spanish have empanadas, usually it’s tuna and egg in them. your tea cup and saucer are beautiful and delicate, I wouldn’t dare use it though! I don’t blame you being careful, I wouldn’t actually go In a place that was so crowded, even with a mask on and being fully vaccinated, we walk without one but wear one in the shops, I would even if they say we don’t need to, we also have to keep our distance, I tell people now if they get too close, better to be safe than sorry. Happy T Day, hugs jan
THAT I "love" Corinna for - DISTANCE! Standing in line with people in my neck I always hated!!! Since Corinna this is no more. People keep the distance - and if not I tell them off!!! Yes, tiny, introvert me told people off! That or the cash-out person if he/she sees it!
At least your food looks yummy and the name of the restaurant is funny :-) Pretty cup!
Oh what a pretty cup! Your lunch looks very modest. I always get the impression American meals are enormous. I suppose the name says it all (bagatelle meaning something small and unimportant). Happy T-Day, Lisca
Your meal looks delicious and I think you are right to be still wearing your mask, I would have too 😁. Glad it was so delicious! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
What a nice breakfast. Too bad the place was crowded. Even before the pandemic, I never liked crowds. You also chose a very pretty tea cup. Happy T Day
You are quite right Elizabeth, the Gnome card I sent to Jo (Twigglet) was a bit bigger and had a swish and pop mechanism under the first layer of the card, but I made the one in the picture before, I was practising! And not making a very good job at it, as I wanted the Gnomes to move about, but I didn't leave enough room between the layers of the card, so it was a tight fit and the magnets would 'fight' each other! And the Gnomes would get stuck or fall off. I hope to blog about both of them later, although I appear to have mislaid the plug in thingy with the pictures of the bigger card on it. Your tea cup looks lovely, my mum left me and my eldest daughter 'posh' chain tea sets but not having any place to display them, they're still boxed up in the attic. Jack the Cat was another cat I've looked after. He was very much of the same colouring and breed as Jasper and of the same sort of age too and also really made a lot of very loud meows!! Hubby's sister and her hubby took us out over the weekend to a pub (first time in about 18 months! he's just bought...or might buy, Lovely roast dinner and the chocolate Brownie and chocolate sauce and homemade icecream was the best I've ever tasted!! 5* from me! Stay Safe! Happy T day ((Lyn))
I think you're being very wise Elizabeth. Restrictions here are being lifted in a couple of weeks, but I'll still be wearing a mask and self- distancing myself. Cases are rising here, so I can't understand why the government want to get back to normal. Keep safe, Alison xx
We were saying this morning that if we go back to pre-covid times with people crowding at counters to get served we won't be going out much even with masks - no we're not giving them up yet - we only wear them outside if it's going to involve meeting others but aways inside. We went to IKEA yesterday and their queueing system was great, we have never got through the queues there so quickly...but I suppose that will all change again when so -called 'freedom' day comes on the 19th Already saying there will be no need to wear a mask unless you want to and social distancing won't be necessary....pah!!!! Happy T Day, Chrisx
First off, I wore a mask and gloves before covid. With lupus I never wanted to take a chance with flu, and people are just nasty, especially in the grocery store. I will never give up my mask. You can still get covid even if you are vaccinated, you just don't get as sick. Well, with 1/2 the populating refusing to get vaccinated or wearing a mask, I can't take the chance. Last month my brother wanted to come see me. I told him I am not accepting company. He asked why, I said, "Covid" He smirked at me over the phone. I asked if he was vaccinated yet. He started yelling over the phone that he is not vaccinated and never will be and that I was crazy for falling for the lie about Covid. I calmly said, "Well, that settles it doesn't it?" He came to OR. and visited my other brother who feels the same way as he does. That food does look a bit skimpy, but good. The T cup is really beautiful. PS. we all have to live the way we know is best for us.
Hm, that dinner looks "well-arranged" (übersichtlich) like we say in Germany. We use that term, when there isn't much or as much in the plate as you expected. But if it was good, that's a plus. Wear your mask and gloves, if you are comfortable with. Don't care what others say. I wear a mask, too, as there are too many people, who aren't careful and this isn't over yet. Take care!
<div class="Second on the 2nd button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;">
<a href="http://alteredbooklover.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow">
<img src="http://www.halleshobbies.com/secondlook.jpg" alt="Second on the 2nd" width="200" height="200" />
Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
24 thoughtful remarks:
That does look like a somewhat skimpy dinner, especially since you had to work so hard for it. Sally sounds a bit inconsistent in the way she is coping with the current situation, and so does the restaurant. I think it's not over yet, but not everyone is handling things well.
That is a pretty cup in the picture you posted.
My post is a couple of days old, but does have photos of drinks.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
I know what you mean about crowded places! I, too, am fully vaccinated, but am still cautious. Here we have to wear masks in shops and restaurants etc, but of course you can take the mask off to eat and drink.I prefer to be outside! Glad you enjoyed what you got. The pexels photo is lovely. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
The ratatouille empanada sounds delicious, I'd want two just like you and that coffee cup is very pretty a good choice of pic.
It's very scary in crowds I agree, with the announcements in the UK today of so called Freedom day on the 19th it just sends shivers down my spine.. I think i'll just carry on as I am for now with the masks and social distancing.
Always enjoy your T Day post Elizabeth, I may surprise you and join you one week ;) T Day Hugs Tracey xx
Lovely dine out/in restaurant. Love the cup and saucer. We have to wear masks in crowded places regardless if vaccinated or not..take care. xx
I would def love your empanada especially:). Things are still inconsistent all over the US and in individual locales, states, cities, and establishments. I leave home with mask and gloves and assess the situations/places before deciding how I want to proceed.
That is one elegant cup of coffee for sure:) Happy T day!
That empanada sounds yummy. I've never heard of a ratatouille one but I what a great idea. I have found in crowded places I want my mask, but it is kind of strange feeling to go from having to be so cautious to suddenly being told it is safe. I'm glad you could at least get your food for take out. I hope you had a nice July 4th weekend and have a happy T day too. Hugs-Erika
I would say half of the shoppers here are still wearing masks although we are "open" here and masks are optional unless in dr office, etc. Your lunch looks lovely but this ol' girl wants something substantial lol. TWO definitely!
I avoid crowded places. I don’t wear my mask most of the time, but we still required to in medical facilities. I also put it on if I’m going to have to pass close to other people.
I'm glad you explained what ratatouille empanada is. The description and picture made my mouth water;) Sounds wondrous.
Good on you for masking up. Much better not to take chances.
STay careful, I think there is going to be a second wave soon as so many people don't seem to care anymore around the U.S. plus so many people are still not vacinated. The food looks and sounds wonderful and the cup you posted is beautiful! Many hugz
Morning Elizabeth, we have ratatouille with fish, my husband makes it , very tasty, the Spanish have empanadas, usually it’s tuna and egg in them. your tea cup and saucer are beautiful and delicate, I wouldn’t dare use it though!
I don’t blame you being careful, I wouldn’t actually go In a place that was so crowded, even with a mask on and being fully vaccinated, we walk without one but wear one in the shops, I would even if they say we don’t need to, we also have to keep our distance, I tell people now if they get too close, better to be safe than sorry.
Happy T Day, hugs jan
THAT I "love" Corinna for - DISTANCE!
Standing in line with people in my neck I always hated!!! Since Corinna this is no more. People keep the distance - and if not I tell them off!!! Yes, tiny, introvert me told people off! That or the cash-out person if he/she sees it!
At least your food looks yummy and the name of the restaurant is funny :-)
Pretty cup!
I have yet to go into a restaurant.
The empanada looks great. Love that cup, even if it wasn't yours.
Oh what a pretty cup!
Your lunch looks very modest. I always get the impression American meals are enormous. I suppose the name says it all (bagatelle meaning something small and unimportant).
Happy T-Day,
Your meal looks delicious and I think you are right to be still wearing your mask, I would have too 😁. Glad it was so delicious! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
What a nice breakfast. Too bad the place was crowded. Even before the pandemic, I never liked crowds. You also chose a very pretty tea cup. Happy T Day
You are quite right Elizabeth, the Gnome card I sent to Jo (Twigglet) was a bit bigger and had a swish and pop mechanism under the first layer of the card, but I made the one in the picture before, I was practising! And not making a very good job at it, as I wanted the Gnomes to move about, but I didn't leave enough room between the layers of the card, so it was a tight fit and the magnets would 'fight' each other! And the Gnomes would get stuck or fall off. I hope to blog about both of them later, although I appear to have mislaid the plug in thingy with the pictures of the bigger card on it. Your tea cup looks lovely, my mum left me and my eldest daughter 'posh' chain tea sets but not having any place to display them, they're still boxed up in the attic. Jack the Cat was another cat I've looked after. He was very much of the same colouring and breed as Jasper and of the same sort of age too and also really made a lot of very loud meows!! Hubby's sister and her hubby took us out over the weekend to a pub (first time in about 18 months! he's just bought...or might buy, Lovely roast dinner and the chocolate Brownie and chocolate sauce and homemade icecream was the best I've ever tasted!! 5* from me! Stay Safe! Happy T day ((Lyn))
I think you're being very wise Elizabeth. Restrictions here are being lifted in a couple of weeks, but I'll still be wearing a mask and self- distancing myself. Cases are rising here, so I can't understand why the government want to get back to normal.
Keep safe,
Alison xx
Better late than never? I've been out of town and have just gotten back to my computer.
That vaccine is _almost_ 100% effective, but not close enough to be perfectly safe. I'm wearing my mask. Maybe forever.
We were saying this morning that if we go back to pre-covid times with people crowding at counters to get served we won't be going out much even with masks - no we're not giving them up yet - we only wear them outside if it's going to involve meeting others but aways inside.
We went to IKEA yesterday and their queueing system was great, we have never got through the queues there so quickly...but I suppose that will all change again when so -called 'freedom' day comes on the 19th Already saying there will be no need to wear a mask unless you want to and social distancing won't be necessary....pah!!!!
Happy T Day, Chrisx
Your teacup from Pexels is beautiful! Thanks for showing us your Bagatelles lunch. Happy Tuesday!
First off, I wore a mask and gloves before covid. With lupus I never wanted to take a chance with flu, and people are just nasty, especially in the grocery store. I will never give up my mask. You can still get covid even if you are vaccinated, you just don't get as sick. Well, with 1/2 the populating refusing to get vaccinated or wearing a mask, I can't take the chance. Last month my brother wanted to come see me. I told him I am not accepting company. He asked why, I said, "Covid" He smirked at me over the phone. I asked if he was vaccinated yet. He started yelling over the phone that he is not vaccinated and never will be and that I was crazy for falling for the lie about Covid. I calmly said, "Well, that settles it doesn't it?" He came to OR. and visited my other brother who feels the same way as he does. That food does look a bit skimpy, but good. The T cup is really beautiful. PS. we all have to live the way we know is best for us.
Hm, that dinner looks "well-arranged" (übersichtlich) like we say in Germany. We use that term, when there isn't much or as much in the plate as you expected. But if it was good, that's a plus. Wear your mask and gloves, if you are comfortable with. Don't care what others say. I wear a mask, too, as there are too many people, who aren't careful and this isn't over yet. Take care!
The empanadas sound delicious! That photo of the china cup is just so pretty isn't it, just the perfect tea cup. Happy belated t day Elle xx
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