Today is a National Holiday in the United States. It is NOT, however, a Federal Holiday. That means all federal and most state buildings, including the post office, will be open for business.
"Flag Day is celebrated every June 14. It is considered a National Holiday, but not a Federal Holiday."
For some reason, I can't get the quotes icon to work tonight.

In the midst of the Revolutionary War, colonial troops fought under many different flags with various symbols. Rattlesnakes, pine trees, and eagle flags, as well as slogans such as “Don’t Tread on Me,” “Liberty or Death,” and “Conquer or Die,” were just a few I could find.
The Declaration of Independence made the adoption of an American flag necessary. Previously, each colony or special interest had its own flag.
The first American flag was designed to represent the 13 original
colonies with 13 white stars on a blue field and 13 alternating red and
white stripes. One of the first flag designs had the stars arranged in a circle, based on the idea that all colonies were equal.
The Second Continental Congress adopted our flag on this date in 1777.Now the quotes icon is working. Blogger is annoying me to no end.

18 thoughtful remarks:
Another history-lesson,, YES!
I copy these, I hope you don´t mind, also to get my Nieces a better education than I got. I get it but now! At age 49!!!!
From you and other fellow bloggers from around the world, isn´t this plain crazy?!
I never knew this - some fury quotes they had!
Love your work - and certainly my copying is private! And will refer to you, too. If not OK, please let me know... I´ll certainly respect that!
And. LOL. Well, not laughing, actually, blogger drives me nuts, too, and whom not. But it´s for free, right...
I sure learn a lot from your posts, this is interesting. xx
Lovely journal page and a great idea to remember the flags of various groups and the ensuing unity. Have a great Monday, 'see' you later! Hugs, Valerie
Blogger is peeving me too.
It is a public holiday in most States in Australia today. For the Queen's birthday (despite the fact it isn't her birthday).
We don't have a flag day - or if we do I miss it each year.
An interesting post and a marvelous page to celebrate your flag day Elizabeth.
Alison xx
As I remember, Flag Day would be mentioned but not much celebrated in school when I was young, as it would have been around the last week before summer vacation. So we didn't do as much as we did for holidays in winter. Now schools finish earlier, so I wonder if they even mention Flag Day at all. We did study the flag's history a little, like with the legend of Betsy Ross.
best... mae at
Have a great flag Day today. I love the background with the soft green colours which brings out the flag and saying more.
I forgot it was Flag Day. Thank you for reminding me. love your page, and how you added the butterflies too. They both flitter and flutter in the wind, so they work together well. Hope all is well with you this Monday morning. Have a great Flag Day.
A nice journal page with a history lesson. I was never good with history in school. I was the type that processed the lessons as not real relating to my young carefree life. I learned and passed tests and then immediately forgot it all. It does come back later in life when it is real and much more amazing to learn about. It’s time my patriotic decor came out of storage. You make (re)learning fun. Thanks!
Wonderful journal page and fun facts. Happy Flag Day!
My life is such that I hadn't realized today was the 14th lol I'm getting my flag out on the front door now. Thanks!
what a cute art piece today Elizabeth !!! and a nice post about the flag as well; I enjoyed today's entry ☺☺
hi bleu and squiggles; hope thiz findz ewe both happee campurrz :) ☺☺♥♥
Happy Flag Day! And thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I'm a novice when comes to art quilts, but I learn and have fun.
Happy Flag Day, Elizabeth. It's a great image you did to celebrate the occasion!
Great your journal page with the interesting story. It's exciting how you live! Thank you!!!
Hug, Elke
Gosh Elizabeth, you are a wealth of knowledge. I had no idea you had a Flag Day. Thank you for all your information.
I liked the background and am intrigued now to know whether I have any reinkers for Stazon at home. I wonder if it will work with any? I have just got some isopropyl to do the technique with the alcohol inks when I return home.
Great butterfly mail art!
Hugs, Neet xxx
Fabulous page and once again I am learning from your post! Hugs, Chrisx
Sorry I am late calling in yet again. I loved the page especially with the history you included, I am learning more about the USA here than I ever did all those years ago in school.
Yvonne xx
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