It's time once again to join Sami at Sami's Colourful World and her Monday Murals. Even though it's still Sunday in my world, please be aware
that Sami's mural link goes live at 11:01 a.m. my time today.
I want to begin by apologizing if I didn't leave you a comment last week. I tried. Seriously. I got rid of all my cookies, rebooted twice, and still was unable to leave comments on many more than a few blogs. It was NOT my intent.

One early morning in mid-April, right after I had my vaccine, I sought out this mural at LaFamilia Senior Community Center.

I am familiar with the Senior Center because, while President of my local neighborhood association, I, and one other person were responsible for bringing the bike trail to our neighborhood. You can see a tiny portion of the bike trail on the right in the photo.

It was also at this Senior Center we provided lunch to the visiting KDOT (Kansas Department of Transportation) personnel who would either approve or disapprove the project. Thankfully, they approved it and paid 75% of the cost, with the city of Wichita paying the rest.

The wall on which this mural was painted hides a courtyard.

This is the area leading to the interior of the Senior Center.

My apologies for the early morning photos being so dark.

Here's a photo I found on the internet. It is much brighter. These murals are at La Familia Senior Center at 801 E 21st Street in Wichita, Kansas (USA).
24 thoughtful remarks:
That's a beautiful mural at the senior centre! A bit if colour does so much to brighten up the surroundings. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie
Sure are some amazing artists in this world. xx
Beautiful one. Ahhh, one can feel the heat. It´s down to 13C / 55F and cloudy again here.
Oh I like this one a lot! Thanks for visiting Kew with me. I didn't intend to portray the corn as exotic, there was a display board above that I didn't photograph, (or take much notice of to be honest) about the importance of corn. sorry to mislead.
Gorgeous mural - and thank you for working to making your community a better place.
Sometimes (and only sometimes) when blogger is refusing to let me comment if I log out of my blog and go away for a bit it will relent when I return. It only refuses to let me comment when I am in the 'prove you are not a robot' cycle and adds another level of frustration.
That mural was nicely done, and I was able to see your pics easily. Hope you're doing well, and waving hello! Hugs, RO
Nice way to give character to a building.
Wow! I love this mural. Someone really did a very nice job. Have a great day today.
Congrats on the bike trail. Communities need more resources for bicycles and pedestrians :)
The mural is a welcoming sight.
It’s interesting that you are active in community projects — even the president of the association for your neighborhood. Arranging for funds for a bike path is a great accomplishment, which must be great for a lot of recreational activities.
best… mae at
Hi Elizabeth! :) What a lovely post, those murals are really beautiful!
...this mural doesn't look like a fun one to photograph! It looks like we are in Mexico. Thanks for sharing.
It brightens up the building and probably the surroundings
That mural is really beautiful Elizabeth!
Hope you have a good week,
Alison xx
What a great mural.
Sorry you've had computer issues. They're the pits.
I like the southwest feel of this mural. Sorry to hear you're having computer problems. That's frustrating. And I did see the bike trail. Is it only for bikes or walkers also? Happy new week. Hugs-Erika
Nice find, Elizabeth. I enjoy art based on southwest themes.
Nicely done, makes me think this is not Kansas anymore... lol
I love this mural which is so much nicer to look at than just a wall. Really nice.
I am partial to desert scenes so I love this one.
No worries about not visiting, stuff happens!
Nice mural Elizabeth, it makes you feel as if you are in the middle of the desert.
So wonderful that you were one of the people responsible for bringing the bike trail to your neighbourhood.
Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals.
Sorry you've been having computer problems. I was sick the first week of June and then worked every day for 10h a day as 2 other colleagues got sick last week, so I hardly visited any blogs!
Beautifully captured!
It's big and beautiful.
Love the cactus!
What a fabulous Mural! Hugs, Chrisx
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