I am once again joining Elle from Empire of the Cat, our host this month at Art Journal Journey.

As I'm sure by now you know, Elle's theme this month is

This quote comes from your favorite mouse creator, Walt Disney.

His take on language

may be a bit different from most.

"Of all our inventions for mass communications, pictures still speak

the most universally understood language."

For this journal entry, I started with a sheet of 110 lb. cardstock that I swiped with distress ink. I used the same distress ink pad on the two pages written in Russian. I computer generated the quote and printed it on my laser printer, which is low on toner. If I position the text on a certain area of the page, I get better toner coverage when I print the quote. The six adorable llamas were the "previews" on the reverse of a calendar my friend Sally gave me. Aren't they simply adorable?
you ever so much for joining me today, along with the six pictures of llamas. Bleubeard and I also hope
to see you at
Art Journal Journey.
19 thoughtful remarks:
We are told that every picture tells a thousand words - and some of them a great deal more than that.
A big awwww at the llamas.
Beautiful pictures on your journal page, llamas are always so pretty. I love visiting them when I go to Kalkum. Have a great week, take care, hugs, Valerie
So true that is. Like a real life silent movie of and showing every emotional feeling there is. Photos brought to us to feel every emotion imaginable. A great journal page for the theme.
So true, a picture is worth a thousand words or something like that is the saying. I love your pictures - the ones you chose certainly say something and ~I wonder what all those animals are saying. The one with the green and the red tassels certainly wants to tell you something.
Hugs, Neet xx
Hi Elizabeth, I'm traveling in the far-off mountains. Will be hiking and birding off the grid all day, and no time to visit blogs, but I thought I would just say hello. I do have a drink theme to one of the wildlife photos I posted, so if I can I'll link it (or you could link it) for the Tuesday Tea Party. Hello from me to all the blog friends, see you when I get back... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Wonderful page and so true. The llamas are very cute, indeed.
The mention of "Disney" is enough to set me off on my copyright rant. But I'll refrain ;) and focus on your pictures. They speak volumes, and I'm glad there are things we can share openly without violating the more-restrictive copyright laws.
A great page- love the quote and yes the llamas are adorable!
Beautiful work Elizabeth!
the "dood" on the bottom left gets out vote for fave photo !!! ☺☺♥3
bleu and squiggles we hope yur week end waz grate and ya both getted inta all KINDZ oh trubull ;) ☺☺♥3
I love that quote! It works so well with your art.
How can anyone not love those faces. Great art.
Pictures do speak the universal language. I love the ones you picked out, dear Elizabeth.
Wow. Excellent photos. Multiple languages!
I like the llamas. And the quote. Ad the background paper. Is it Greek? This is a nice page for Elle's challenge, The llamas are definitely cute. Hope it was a good day. Hugs-Erika
A great Journal page and love the quote!!!
Wonderful idea!
Hug Elke
We often say here that....every picture tells a story.... your page looks fantastic and there is so much to read into each picture you shared today.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx
A wonderful page! xx
Very true, perhaps we are all visual learners deep down. I love your page, the pages in the background and the cute llamas. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx
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