When I got home from my bEARTHday brunch, which turned into a nightmare, because I got food poisoning, these two boxes from Amazon were on my porch. It seems my friend Scott ordered a keyboard and mouse for me, then was told it wouldn't arrive in time for my birthday. Therefore, he ordered one from a different seller. I got two at the same time.
It's called a Jelly Comb and apparently has really great reviews. Yes, they are green. I actually LOVE it.
This came around the first of the month from
my dear friend Cindy in Canada.
She is the collage queen.
She wanted to make sure it made it in time for my bEARTHday.
She sent both rocking and rolling horses. Even an extra stamp. That was SO sweet of you, Cindy. I love, love, love it. Thank you so much.
Next came this beauty
and a special Earth Day cancellation.
Inside was this amazing birthday card hand made by Linda. I wish you could see all the sparkle and shine it has.
Imagine my surprise when I saw this incredible gift.
I can't wait to start using some of these. Thank you SO much Linda. I suspect I'll be using a few of them when I make ICADs this summer, too.
This next envelope was bursting at the seams. I hope nothing was lost, because it looked really full. Even the stamps were wonderful.
I loved how my dear friend Erika recycled a postage stamp that had an Earth Day cancellation on it. SO clever, too.
I LOVE the punched circle and the sewing she did on the ribbon.
When I opened the card, all these goodies tumbled out. I plan to use the stamp soon, but I believe you will see bits of these in ICADs this summer. Thank you so much, dear Erika. You always spoil me on my bEARTHday and at Christmas, too.
Next was the LARGE envelope from I bet we all know who. Squiggles always loves being included. Note the cup of goodness on the envelope, too.
Sadly, there was no postage to show, Lisca. Just metered mail.
Who do we know is famous for a black cat? Yes, of course. CJ. She sent all these goodies wrapped in ribbon.
Inside this envelope was a handmade book. Can you see the cat ears protruding?
Open it up and much of it has to do with Earth Day. I love it already. Note the re and up with cycle.
Inside the large white envelope were these cardinals.
The are from Current and are circular stickers.
Lots and lots of incredible collage fodder and adorable tags
along with one of the most unusual privacy envelope designs I've seen. From the looks of things it's rather old and I LOVE IT. You are far too kind, CJ and I am incredibly grateful.
My final gift takes us to T day.
This is from my dear, dear friend RO!
It reads I am a cat, not a tiger, although it's very hard to read in this light.
I got a bit carried away taking photos from every side.
As I was preparing to put everything away and wash this, I found that it is actually TWO cups, one large, one smaller. I can't thank my dear friend RO! enough for this incredible gift.
It's now your turn to share your drink related post. It can be
gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail
art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed
media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is
digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back
to a drink, any drink. Yes, teabags count! Please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T
gang will be by to visit. Please link only your T post and not your
blog in general. Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken
any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.
I would also be remiss if I didn't remind you to dig up your Second on the 2nd post. It can be any post you have shared before. The only rule is, it must have been published sometime in the past.
That is awful that you got food poisoning on your birthday. You certainly received a lot of great packages full of goodies! Loved seeing all the cards and such. And that green keyboard is lovely. I LOVE the color! Happy Belated Birthday and Tea Day, Kate
You had some fantastic birthday mail. I love the Japanese kitty cup. How cute. And I am glad you noticed the Earth Day postage I added to the card. It came in the mail, and I thought of your card right off. I'd say other than some food poisoning, which is miserable, you had a nice birthday. I've never seen that keyboard before and it does look cool. Have a great T day! Hugs-Erika
Oh no- how terrible to get food poisoning, especially for your birthday:( I hope you are fully recovered by now. What incredibly generous birthday mail and gifts!!! (Thanks for including my meager offering-much appreciated, and glad it arrived on time and with the Earth day cancellation:) The keyboard from Scott looks very cool. And you have much new fodder to play with in your art projects! Love the adorable cat cup set from Ro. Enjoy your well deserved treats, and happy T day!
I’m so glad the package arrived in time for your Bearthday. I hope you are feeling better. I enjoyed seeing all of your bearthday gifts especially the kitty cat cup. So cute. Happy T Day
It´s always great to start the day with a smile that grows bigger and bigger, my face nearly hurts! So many wonderful gifts! Booh for the food poisoning, but reckon you smiled a lot anyways :-) Love especially the keyboard (hahaha, no wonder, huh?) and the cups, awww. To a Happy T(ea)-Day!
Food poisoning on your birthday? Oh dear! You don't elaborate on that. Well, I don't suppose we want to hear the gory details. I am so sorry to hear that. You hardly ever go out, so the one occasion you do, you want it to be memorable in the positive sense. But you do have a new keyboard, and a wireless one at that. This Jelly Comb looks gorgeous! Well done Scott. The surplus one gets sent back. I assume. Do you have to go to the post office to do that? Or Does Amazon have a distribution point near you? (Here we have to take it to the post office). I love all your mail. Cindy's stamp from Canada (with the mountains on it) is beautiful, and of course the rolling horse stamps are really special. And an Earth Day cancellation stamp is the icing on the cake in Linda's stamps. (And lovely fabric tapes) I looove the T Rex stamps from Erika, and all the little knick-knacks she added. So sweet of CJ to include Squiggles in the salutation. She is a true cat woman. I agree the privacy design is very unusual. I used to collect envelopes for their privacy designs and I used to use them in my crafting. The teacup is gorgeous. It looks very Japanese. That could be the reason the top is a smaller bowl. (Hot water in the larger cup and tea in the smaller one. Have you ever seen Japanese drink tea?) But I'm sure you will use the bigger cup and put the used teabag in the little bowl. Such lovely Bearthday treats. Happy T-Day, Lisca
Oh, my goodness! Look what happens when I don't check in for a few days: Happy bEARTHday, Elizabeth. I'm glad it was so special and that you got such wonderful gifts - although I'm sorry you got food poisoning. I hope you are recovered from that by now. Take care, and stay well.
Happy Bearthday Elizabeth, so many gorgeous presents too, so sorry you had food poisoning on your Birthday, not good at any time though! I love the Kitty cups and what a gorgeous spoon that matches them. I do like your new keyboard, never seen one of those before and a lovely cool colour too. Have a Happy T Day Jan x
What in the heck? You went out to celebrate, and then suffered from food poisoning? That had to be the pits, and pretty dang uncomfortable. I sure hope you're all better now. I get such a treat seeing all the creative goodies from your artsy friends. Such clever and fun ideas. Yay to Scott for such a useful and colorful idea. I know those will come in very handy. Glad you liked the kitty cat mug, and as always, I'm sending plenty of hugs, RO
Ignore my previous post - I read Erika's post right before yours and mixed them all up together....very early in the morning for me and no coffee yet!
Happy Bearthday - I really love all the fun presents you received and I know you are going to enjoy playing with them all. The keyboard is super cool!!! Love the cat cups, and new stamps, papers and other things are always fun.
I hate you got sick on your birthday - food poisoning is never fun. Hope you have recovered. You should have a do-over for sure eating something much better this time (with cake of course).
How sad it was food poisoning on your birthday, Elizabeth. But I am happy that you are OK now. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, my dear friend. I LLLLLLOVE the beautiful gifts you got! You certainly deserve them! Hugs, sweetie.
that cat cup is awesome, I want one!!! so sorry to see you had food poisoning... omg so awful. But the keyboard... maybe I need one of those too! Happy week
Love seeing all your BD treats - sorry you had to get sick though! Hope you’re all better now. I adore the cat cup set and matching spoon - adorable! Xo
What wonderful bEarthday gifts! Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you are feeling better! So sorry about the bad birthday meal. Thank you for my goodies. I hope to get a doube duty card in the mail to you soon. And, I actually posted my blog, today!
So sorry you got food poisoning from your birthday lunch! That keyboard looks really swish! What lovely surprises you received and oh! those stamps! Love the Hoopoe pic - my SIL in France gets them in her garden - they are amazingly beautiful birds! Hugs, Chrisx
What delights. And what an amazing keyboard. AND the kitty cups and spoon are adorable. Good job, Rockin Ro;) That's just sick and wrong that you got food poisoning on your Bearth Day brunch. So sorry:(
I'm so sorry to hear about the food poisoning Elizabeth, however, it was lovely to come home to all those wonderful gifts and cards. I love the cat teacups and spoon, and that keyboard is a beauty. Alison xx
<div class="Second on the 2nd button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;">
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Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
32 thoughtful remarks:
So sorry that your birthday lunch was such a disaster! I hope you are feeling fine again. Your gifts all look lovely.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
That is awful that you got food poisoning on your birthday. You certainly received a lot of great packages full of goodies! Loved seeing all the cards and such. And that green keyboard is lovely. I LOVE the color!
Happy Belated Birthday and Tea Day,
What thoughtful gifts! I have yet to send mine your way. It will be a very belated b-day. Hey, I'm just letting you enjoy your birthday longer. ;)
You had some fantastic birthday mail. I love the Japanese kitty cup. How cute. And I am glad you noticed the Earth Day postage I added to the card. It came in the mail, and I thought of your card right off. I'd say other than some food poisoning, which is miserable, you had a nice birthday. I've never seen that keyboard before and it does look cool. Have a great T day! Hugs-Erika
Oh no- how terrible to get food poisoning, especially for your birthday:( I hope you are fully recovered by now.
What incredibly generous birthday mail and gifts!!! (Thanks for including my meager offering-much appreciated, and glad it arrived on time and with the Earth day cancellation:) The keyboard from Scott looks very cool. And you have much new fodder to play with in your art projects!
Love the adorable cat cup set from Ro. Enjoy your well deserved treats, and happy T day!
An amazing celebration! I love the little book with cat ears. Happy belated bearthday!
I’m so glad the package arrived in time for your Bearthday. I hope you are feeling better. I enjoyed seeing all of your bearthday gifts especially the kitty cat cup. So cute. Happy T Day
What fantastic gifts! Whoohoo!
Sorry you got food poisoning, though. I hope you are feeling lots better.
It´s always great to start the day with a smile that grows bigger and bigger, my face nearly hurts! So many wonderful gifts!
Booh for the food poisoning, but reckon you smiled a lot anyways :-)
Love especially the keyboard (hahaha, no wonder, huh?) and the cups, awww. To a Happy T(ea)-Day!
what thoughtful gifts to receive, but so sad you also got sick for your birthday! hope you are fully recovered.
Your gifts are fantastic, enjoy! Have a wonderful T Day, hugs, Valerie
LOVE your beautiful and totally deserved gifts. Each one borne of love. Enjoy them.
Wow, so many bEARTHday treats! The cards and gifts are amazing, so generous and thoughtful of everyone 😁. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
Food poisoning on your birthday? Oh dear! You don't elaborate on that. Well, I don't suppose we want to hear the gory details. I am so sorry to hear that. You hardly ever go out, so the one occasion you do, you want it to be memorable in the positive sense.
But you do have a new keyboard, and a wireless one at that. This Jelly Comb looks gorgeous! Well done Scott. The surplus one gets sent back. I assume. Do you have to go to the post office to do that? Or Does Amazon have a distribution point near you? (Here we have to take it to the post office).
I love all your mail. Cindy's stamp from Canada (with the mountains on it) is beautiful, and of course the rolling horse stamps are really special.
And an Earth Day cancellation stamp is the icing on the cake in Linda's stamps. (And lovely fabric tapes)
I looove the T Rex stamps from Erika, and all the little knick-knacks she added.
So sweet of CJ to include Squiggles in the salutation. She is a true cat woman.
I agree the privacy design is very unusual. I used to collect envelopes for their privacy designs and I used to use them in my crafting.
The teacup is gorgeous. It looks very Japanese. That could be the reason the top is a smaller bowl. (Hot water in the larger cup and tea in the smaller one. Have you ever seen Japanese drink tea?) But I'm sure you will use the bigger cup and put the used teabag in the little bowl.
Such lovely Bearthday treats.
Happy T-Day,
Oh, my goodness! Look what happens when I don't check in for a few days: Happy bEARTHday, Elizabeth. I'm glad it was so special and that you got such wonderful gifts - although I'm sorry you got food poisoning. I hope you are recovered from that by now. Take care, and stay well.
Happy Bearthday Elizabeth, so many gorgeous presents too, so sorry you had food poisoning on your Birthday, not good at any time though!
I love the Kitty cups and what a gorgeous spoon that matches them.
I do like your new keyboard, never seen one of those before and a lovely cool colour too.
Have a Happy T Day
Jan x
What in the heck? You went out to celebrate, and then suffered from food poisoning? That had to be the pits, and pretty dang uncomfortable. I sure hope you're all better now. I get such a treat seeing all the creative goodies from your artsy friends. Such clever and fun ideas. Yay to Scott for such a useful and colorful idea. I know those will come in very handy. Glad you liked the kitty cat mug, and as always, I'm sending plenty of hugs, RO
Ignore my previous post - I read Erika's post right before yours and mixed them all up together....very early in the morning for me and no coffee yet!
Happy Bearthday - I really love all the fun presents you received and I know you are going to enjoy playing with them all. The keyboard is super cool!!! Love the cat cups, and new stamps, papers and other things are always fun.
I hate you got sick on your birthday - food poisoning is never fun. Hope you have recovered. You should have a do-over for sure eating something much better this time (with cake of course).
Hugz - extra ones for your birthday (bearthday).
What a cool keyboard! and so many other delightful gifts :) I love the little cat spoon.
I'm so sorry your meal turned into sickness but hope you're right as rain now. Happy T Tuesday!
I knew our birthdays were close together. I am so sorry you got food poisoning. You did get lots of pretties though. Have a wonderful today.
How sad it was food poisoning on your birthday, Elizabeth. But I am happy that you are OK now. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, my dear friend. I LLLLLLOVE the beautiful gifts you got! You certainly deserve them! Hugs, sweetie.
that cat cup is awesome, I want one!!! so sorry to see you had food poisoning... omg so awful. But the keyboard... maybe I need one of those too! Happy week
I have linked but will be back later to have a proper look here, Chrisxx
Love seeing all your BD treats - sorry you had to get sick though! Hope you’re all better now. I adore the cat cup set and matching spoon - adorable! Xo
I'm so sorry that you got food poisoning on your birthday, hope you are now fully recovered.
So nice to see all of your lovely birthday gifts and goodies, a lovely selection.
Take care of yourself, my good wishes.
All the best Jan
PS I do like your new green keyboard.
What wonderful bEarthday gifts! Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you are feeling better! So sorry about the bad birthday meal. Thank you for my goodies. I hope to get a doube duty card in the mail to you soon. And, I actually posted my blog, today!
So sorry you got food poisoning from your birthday lunch! That keyboard looks really swish!
What lovely surprises you received and oh! those stamps! Love the Hoopoe pic - my SIL in France gets them in her garden - they are amazingly beautiful birds! Hugs, Chrisx
What delights. And what an amazing keyboard. AND the kitty cups and spoon are adorable. Good job, Rockin Ro;)
That's just sick and wrong that you got food poisoning on your Bearth Day brunch. So sorry:(
What lovely gifts! The food poisoning is unfortunate and scary.
What lovely gifts and cards. I think you'll love your battery mouse. They're the best. And I love the color of your keyboard!
I'm so sorry to hear about the food poisoning Elizabeth, however, it was lovely to come home to all those wonderful gifts and cards. I love the cat teacups and spoon, and that keyboard is a beauty.
Alison xx
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