It's time to once again join Erika, aka BioArtGal and Chris, aka Pearshapedcrafting our hosts this month at Art Journal Journey. Our theme this month is Inspired By (Eileen). I'm inspired by art I recycle and the pieces left over from other projects.
Today I give you a piece I'm calling Banana Tea.
Let's return to the beginning. Everything I used in this spread was left over from some other project. The flower was left over from last month's Art Journal Journey challenge and the paint I got at my local Household Hazardous Waste Swap and Shop Facility (HHWS&S) some time before March, 2020, when I went into quarantine.

It was essentially FREE to me, although the county adds around $8.00
(USD) to my annual property taxes. I might as well get my money's worth
and definitely have in the past.

I haven't sewed anything this month, so it was time to do just that.

I cut the flower down to fit on the page. I then sewed it to the teabag, which has the iconic shape of Lipton tea bags.

The sheet music was left over from a previous project,

and I always keep security envelopes on hand because they have such great and varied designs.

I pulled the paint chip samples out because I hadn't used any yet this year and they fit the color scheme I was going for.

My friend Scott, who shops for groceries for me, knows when I ask for TWO bananas, one of them must have a sticker on it. He doesn't have to be reminded, because he never lets me down.

These adorable animals were cut from an ASPCA sticker. I rotated the image so you could see it better.

For this page, I assembled several leftovers and recyclables onto a sheet of copier/printer paper I removed from my recycle bin. I sewed all the pieces to the printer paper using variegated thread, then attached the page to my Coll-AH-ge Two altered book using a glue stick.

It occurred to me it's been awhile since I showed this book. Although I wish it laid a bit flatter, here is a side view in all its glory.
For Day 10 of 22, I recycled and repurposed leftovers from my stash. I used a repurposed flower from a calendar I painted using paint from the HHWS&S, a teabag, a cut sticker, two paint chip samples from my stash, two banana tags, sheet music left over from a previous project, and a portion of a security envelope left over from yesterday's post. Thank you so very much for joining me on this quest to recycle products to keep them out of the landfill. I am so very grateful to you and your visits. Bleubeard and I also hope to see you at
Art Journal Journey with your own take on what inspires you.
23 thoughtful remarks:
I like this very much! Here (maybe as in this household?) security envelopes are rare, but I sure will keep one if I get one, you have great ideas. Like making Ingo presenting me with a sewing machine :-)
Your piece is beautiful, well done. Nice sewing, too. Have a quiet weekend, enjoy! Hugs, Valerie
Decorative, clever and fun. Thank you.
Brilliant sewing love the projects. Had to chuckle you said you like my first card the best as it has a dog on it....errrr it is actually a pig.. xxx
A reward in itself when we can recycle anything and everything, love how you have used different ways to attach and you know those stitches make me very happy. It's all coming together fabulously. I'm smiling at your junk journal as I have lost count of the amount I have all bulginging the same, some thin some very very fat. I try to take out some of the papers to help out that bulging spine but it bulges even more the next time I add something.
Glad all went well with the vaccine, one step closer to a safer world for us all. You take care and rest up with the furboys Hugs Tracey xx
P.S Hope this message posts, i'm having problems with pages reloading all across blogland grrrr x
I have a Smash Book that looks like that, yet worse. And there are still a few pages to fill yet. The makers certainly don’t account for the user actually adding stuff to the pages. Ha! However, yours looks like it might be made from a real book. Of course the writer never dreamed it would become a junk journal. Even more interesting. Your post reminds me that I need to finish a small project using junk mail (and real mail) return envelopes that are not needed for their purpose. I think that will be todays project inspired by your post. Being a sewer, I love the added stitching. An option that I most of the time forget to use. And I have loads of threads I could use. You really have me thinking here! So many ideas, so little time left!
I love using up bits and pieces. It can be a challenge to decide what to do with all the pieces that don't seem to belong together, but it is always fun to do. This piece came out great. I do like those adorable animals on the sticker. And our "dump" doesn't do things like paint (but they do bigger things the managers think are more usable), but I wish they would. You can find some good things that way. Happy Saturday. Hugs-Erika
Hello Elizabeth, and here is another great fun recycling game. Why do we have to buy new art materials - answer - we don't.
I love the way you annotate each photo so that we can follow exactly what happens and how the art is made. I've not really made any art like this but I will go and rummage in the paper bin and round about and see what I can do.
Thanks for this great recycling fest you are showing us. It is like a recycling festival.
You have turned recycling into an art.
A gorgeous collage page Elizabeth, great to see the teabag and some stitching!
Happy weekend,
Alison xx
I'm just catching up on your last few days and it's great that you now are fully vaccinated (once the waiting time is over). So sad that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is now having problems and many people will not be able to get it -- but I'm very happy for you. And I see that you haven't missed a beat on the recycling project. I don't do crafts but I do recycle plastic food containers for storage of other food; however, that makes for very uninteresting photos.
be safe ... mae at
This is lovely.
Great piece. The variegated thread sets it off.
I do believe that book is thicker than any of mine:)
So glad you've got your vaccine. Woot. Woot.
I love how your brain works at creating art.
awesome page Elizabeth
Your art is something beautiful and special and I like it and your folder is getting full!
Have a nice weekend, hug Elke
sending 'oinkie' hugs. xx You gave me another chuckle.
I can't get enough of that variegated thread, especially in a zig-zag. Love the look of it.
This is absolutely brilliant Elizabeth! I was counting how many recyclables there were only to find you have listed them at the end!!! Err, how does Bleubeard feel about you adding a dog to your page?? I love how you altered the flower - may have to copy this idea! Another great page for Eileen's theme and definitely inspiring me! Hugs, Chrisx
I love that you don't let things go to waste. This pink is so wonderful and I love the stitching.
A wonderfully rich, inspiring page, Elizabeth. You ques, that the cat and dog took my heart :)
Have a nice day, and keep well xx
I love how it all came together, and I'm always a fan of your stitching :)
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