Had I realized how much of this tag would be recycled, I would have created it sooner.

The next layer was corrugated cardboard that I removed from a box that had been lingering in my recycle bin for far too long. It took awhile to separate the two sides, but it was worth it.
The bottom layer was a gift from my neighbor across the street. When her daughter was planning to get married, my neighbor got samples of wedding invitations and announcements from several companies. Upon her decision, she asked if I wanted the samples. Never one to refuse collage fodder, but not knowing how I would use the announcement in my art, I gave a resounding yes I would gladly take the samples. I began by deconstructing the outer layer of the card face. I had to find a way to hide the sample announcement and the corrugated cardboard was the perfect size to hide everything. Everything was sewn together using variegated thread.
The final thing to be recycled was a tiny bit of fabric I tore from a piece I originally dyed using turmeric.
So who am I thanking, you ask? Why YOU, of course. If you visited even once during my 22 days of recycling, this tag is for you. I made it in your honor to show how grateful I am that you dropped by to follow my recycling projects. I can't possibly show how grateful I am, but maybe I can share it in my recycled art! Thanks again dear friends, readers, followers, and lurkers. Now it's time to visit Tag Tuesday.
Finally, I have an update on a previous post.

My old keyboard sat on top of a drawer on the keyboard tray. It was the only place I could get it to work properly, and only if I didn't move it (it being the old keyboard). When I placed my new keyboard in the tray where it belonged, the drawer was exposed. Once I looked inside, imagine my surprise and happiness at what I found.

16 thoughtful remarks:
Thank YOU - and how wonderful that you found that eraser - and that it worked so well.
Beautiful tag, love how you put it together, with all of the great layers.. And thanks so much for joining in at Tag Tuesday. I use tags to put onto journal pages, and as little thank-you's to neighbours and friends. Or instead of birthday cards. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie
QUEEN of recycling, love this and the way you made a fab tag, Thanks also for your lovely comment. I had day surgery again yesterday, a tooth removed at the back under General, the root had a hole in it and couldn't be repaired....hitting the sinuses....so am back home crafting...well in between yawns xx
Great how you put it all together with recycled materials. The wedding invitation announcement your neighbour gave you is very pretty.
I like your tag Elizabeth. I like how it is a recycled tag. You could easily use this on a journal page. Or make a little tag book. But you probably know that. I really like that white paper background. It has beautiful details to it. Hope your week is going well. Hugs-Erika
Elizabeth, what a very pretty thank you tag! Your recycling adventures have me looking twice at everything! Even though each household here has huge recycling bins that are collected from every two weeks. Many items that would normally go into the bin can easily replace a purchase of a supply. You’re a great inspiration. I hang my tags around the house to enjoy. I keep them in a decorative box. As seasons and holidays change, so does my tag decor. I really love seeing these small bits of moveable art as I roam through the house. Some don’t really fit any season or holiday, so those hang out in my arting space.
I’m SO glad the eraser worked for you! And what a bonus that you’ve had one all along. In my arting space that eraser gets most used to remove excess almost dried glue from projects. I refer to it as my magic eraser. Not to be confused with Mr. Clean’s sponge thing. Ha!
What a fabulous recycled tag Elizabeth! And I'm glad you found that eraser, you'd never know those pencil lines were ever there now.
Alison xx
You are welcome but the pleasure, I think, is all ours! And thank you for that tip on the pentel eraser. That's very good to know!
That eraser is a marvel, and I'm glad you found it. I've never made tags, but I've noticed people using them as elements in larger page-sized pieces. I don't know how people store any of the art they make. Y'all are all so creative and so busy!
Those erasers sure know how to hide, don't they?
What a lovely tag and thank you.
Take special care, dear Elizabeth.
I have never made a TAG. This is beautiful and well put together.
Gorgeous tag and thanks for the info on the eraser.
Your tag looks neat.
Your question on what to do with tags really interested me. Ever since I have been reading your blog and the associated craft blogs I have been wondering about what happens to all those tags, so I'm glad to hear these various responses. Sometimes commercial tags are attached to gift bags (nothing recycled there unless its a regift!) and I have used them as bookmarks, but I rarely read paper books any more. Also, if the book is recent and in good shape, sticky notes make better bookmarks since they can't fall out.
I'll be sure to read your blog tomorrow.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
What a bit of luck to find the clic eraser! I like your tag very much, especially the different color sewn parts.
Funny story with the eraser! I never even knew about those!
Your tag is beautiful and such a great shape! So nice to find stuff you forgot you had. Must remember that eraser!! Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.
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