Today I go for my Covid vaccine. Kansas opened their vaccination requirements to ages 16 and older, so I'm off to get mine out of the way. I'm not really looking forward to this because I have read so many horrible side effects that have happened to some of my internet friends.
That's why I'm truly delighted my dear friend Chris, who some of you know as Pearshapedchris, and whose blog is known as Pearshapedcrafting, has offered a wonderful

Inspired by an Instagram friend who die cuts packaging I turnedsome coffee and biscuit wrappers into a journal cover with a background of corrugated packaging!
I hope this has inspired you to visit Chris and see this incredibly clever recycled project.
For Day 8 of 22, I have a guest designer who has a great idea for recycling. Thanks so very much for stopping by. I'll be by to visit if I'm able after my vaccine shot.
17 thoughtful remarks:
I love that corrugated paper. And side-effects seem to run the gamut with the worst being after the 2nd does of the vaccine if you get the Moderna or Pfizer. I got the Moderna. I had sore arm and right neck/shoulder muscle pain as I got the shot in my right arm. I was also really sleepy and napped most of the afternoon. Himself said he had "teensy soreness" in his arm. Round 2 for me is Apr. 21. Hope you're feeling ok.
I didn't really have any side effects - a bit tired the following day. Far better that than be at risk of the virus. I am sure you'll be fine.
Oh, boy - first: love the recycling art - how did she do it?
Clever to turn it upside-down, I might copy that for fun!
Second: I wish you "luck". Here they took another vaccine off the market, but hope to see you soon as you get one with effects and no side effects!
Weird times. Am I glad so far I can avoid this crazy.
They should TEST first, then shoot, but it seems to be the other way round.
Good luck, fingers and toes crossed to see you fit and happy tomorrow!
Wonderful piece from Chris. Good luck with the vaccination, I hope I will get my turn before too many months have passed! Hugs, Valerie
Good luck with the vaccine. And huge thanks to you and your talented friend.
Die-cut packaging?! A very inventive and attractive idea! Don’t fret over possible vaccine side effects, Elizabeth. My vaccine experience was excellent and side effects were barely noticed. It was extremely well-run with medical professionals and National Guard personnel keeping things moving, and It honestly was very easy all around. I know a reaction is always possible, but if it happens, it is promised to be short-lived. I hope this comment goes a long way in helping you know that most of us were not negatively affected. Sometimes in this life we only hear the worst reports about things, not the overwhelming majority’s much easier experience. You should still use a mask and be careful, but you can look forward to feeling more confidence in your well-being. You are absolutely doing the right thing for yourself and others, and you will have some peace of mind because of it! ��
PS..that image at the end of my comment was meant to be a smile with two hearts. Feeling affection for you forging ahead in spite of your fears with being selfless and getting the vaccine. It’s truly for everyone, not just yourself! I wish everyone felt that way.
Hope all went well with your vaccination 😁. Chris' project looks amazing, I'm looking over there now to have a look! I hope you're having a lovely week! Take care! Hugs, Jo x
Good luck with your shot. I'm going to think positive and that you will be a OK afterwards. Do you know which one you will be getting? And it's great to see what Chris came up with too. Hope all goes well. hugs-Erika
Had mine this week and no effects at all.
I am very happy that you are going for your Vax. I was hesitant as well but it is worth it. The side effect actually tells you that you have a good immune system. Nothing to worry about at all. The side effects, if you have them, go away.
I'm so glad you are getting your vaccine. Everyone is different but for what it's worth, apart from the sore arm (just keep it moving) I had nothing after the first. After the second a day where I felt like of tired and lazy and had a low fever. It didn't last longer than 24 hours. Most of my friends had little or no reaction (including Rick) apart from the arm. So I hope you fall into that camp!
Glad that you're able to get the shot today, and hope all went well. Sending lots of hugs, RO
I just love the idea of die-cutting packaging. I have also die-cut flattened soda pop cans! But it's very sharp. I think the packaging is better!
Good luck with your vaccine. Most people don't have bad reactions like I did, but I have chronic underlying health conditions. I hope yours goes smoothly. :)
I'm amazed at how many people have the attitude of "everyone should get the vaccine" with seemingly no knowledge that the vaccines only have emergency FDA approval rather than full authorization for use. Which is also why, without Biden dictating it, US military personnel can NOT be forced to get it.
Maybe the people saying "everyone should get the vaccine" don't know about the side effects, or dismiss them as "it's only a small percentage who get them" etc. In the UK, their Government said if anyone had an allergic reaction to ANY medicine, they should NOT get the vaccine, yet here in the US, our Government did not do that.
I think everyone should be allowed to make their own decision about whether or not to get vaccinated, instead of having the US Government dictate it, either directly or indirectly with the Biden National Vaccine Passports. And to those who would say, in this case, due to deaths from covid-19, that the good of the many outweighs the good of the few: then let's also dictate EVERYONE has to donate all of their organs when they die, even if that violates their religious beliefs, because, after all, people are dying waiting for an organ transplant, and once one is dead, one doesn't need one's organs anymore, so the good of the many outweighs the freedom of choice of the few. Sorry to write so much, but I see the slippery slope opportunity that covid-19 has created for many world Governments, that most Americans don't seem to see.
The Husband and I have each had both vaccine doses and -except for slight soreness at the site of the injection- had no side effects at all. I don't know anybody whose side effects were any different from when they get their annual flu shot.
The paranoia and the numbers of scare-mongerers over this vaccine surprise me. *sigh* and don't get me started on the slippery slope "religious exemption" has become. "I don't understand science" and "I don't wanna" aren't religious ;)
Anyway, I'm behind and haven't read more recent posts except for T Tuesday but trust your reaction was minor if any. I'm looking forward to getting back to something resembling normal where I can safely and comfortable eat lunch out. Onward! Ever onward! :)
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