It's time once again to join Sami at Sami's Colourful World and her Monday Murals. Even though it's still Sunday in my world, please note
that Sami's mural link goes live at 11:01 a.m. my time today.

I stumbled on this mural several months ago by accident. It was on the back of a building on a narrow side street close to the interstate.

I actually took these photos from the car, and didn't even note the exact location. When I saw it was an Avenue Art Days mural, I went to my map at home and saw the artist goes by Mika Holtzinger Art. The name of the mural is called
Building a Strong Nest for the Future and it is located at 3700 East Douglas in Wichita, Kansas (USA).
I'm also bringing back a mural I showed in March last year.

I'm sharing this in tribute to the Asian-American community as my show of solidarity with them. For those who live in the states, I'm sure you are well aware of the hate attacks that have recently occurred here. The latest, a killing of six Asian-American workers, which may or may not have been racially hate related, or at least motivated, is one more example of how words of hate can kill.
If you enjoy murals from around the world, please don't forget to visit
Monday Murals at
Sami's Colourful World. You will be pleasantly surprised and amazed at what you will find if you open your eyes.
25 thoughtful remarks:
I adore both murals - and applaud your rejection of hate.
The first mural is... interesting? Glad bees got the respect they need!
Yes. It was in the German news, those mean, dumb, unnecessary attacks. What´s with some people. Whom would he´ve killed if the crime was done by a... let´s not dive into this, right.
Was it Depeche Mode... "People are People"... (BOY ARE THEY YOUNG!!!!)
Both murals are fabulous. I never understand why people get judged by the colour of their skin, so sad! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs, Valerie
I love this flower mural with the bees. It is very beautiful. I am amazed with all the murals in your area Elizabeth. You have so many to pick from. And the I remember your second mural. The recent hate crimes (and all those that have happened in the last year) are awful. It is senseless too. Hugs-Erika
I've never seen as many murals as you have in your city. Gorgeous art and reminders to create beauty in our world and not hate.
Fantastic looking murals.
Beautiful murals. Race hate crimes of any sort are such horrible things - we all share the same world! Hugs, Chrisx stumble across a great mural, I love when I find things by accident. The hatred and violence in this country makes me sick. My DIL is Korean and is a nurse at a local hospital, I'm concerned for her safety.
both are amazing, and these works are highly artistics. I wish you a good week
it amazes me how many murals you have near you-that's really special for sure.
I love both of these
A beautiful mural and the title is so well chosen
Beautiful mural Elizabeth, love the variety of flowers and the bees that are so important.
Glad you reposted the other mural in solidarity to the Asian American community. I also heard about it in Australia and I feel sad that they are being targeted. Sadly, even though they aren't being killed here, there has been a bit of an anti Asian vibe here too.
A real flowergirl. Nice.
Love them both. I just don't understand this violence against other humans.
Beautiful murals!
Great murals!
AS for the violence, we seem to seeing more and more of it around the world. So many people who cannot get away from hating and harming those who are different to themselves. And a lot of our street arts work hard to raise awareness of these problems. Let's hope things improve if we all play our part.
Two very beautiful murals, Elizabeth. They are both sensitively executed even though they are so different.
The first is so dynamic and unusual and colorful. The second has so much depth and interesting gaze.
How delightful to find such a bright spot in such an unexpected location :)
That people are still stoking the hate after what we've all been through this past year is tragic :(
These are both great!
Great to see a post commemorating all the hate crimes and other acts against Asian people that have become more and more ugly and violent. Those are both good murals.
be safe... mae at
Great murals! I worry about my Asian American friends.
A stunning couple of murals! xx
These murals are amazing.
What a charming mural. This is so very beautiful, Elizabeth. Thanks for finding and sharing it.
Love these murals with strong colours and beautiful faces. I love the tribute.
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