I'm back joining my dear friend Sheila, who many of you know as Orange Esmeralda, our host this month at Art Journal Journey. Her theme is A Single Flower.

I let Bleubeard choose the flower today.

Bleubeard planted these seeds

and got this flower.

He was thrilled that it was named for him

and only mildly irritated the flower didn't look more like him.

For this spread, which will be added to my Scraps altered book, I started with 90 lb. watercolor paper that I folded in half in order to more easily add it to the altered book. I computer generated the words and cut seeds and stem from a green colored Kit Kat. I only had five red Kit Kat wrappers, so that determined the size of the flower.
Thanks for joining Bleubeard and me today. I hope you enjoyed his contribution as much as I enjoyed eating all those candies at Christmas. Sacrifices had to be made for the good of art! Bleubeard and I also hope to see yo
u at Art Journal Journey, too.
18 thoughtful remarks:
I suspect that quite a lot of us would be very happy to have that flower blooming in our garden.
I would love kit kat flowers on my balcony! But I'm not yet allowed chocolate, so I'll have to wait with the planting. Lovely idea E! Hugs, Valerie
KitKat, ohhhh a looong time ago, "sweet" memories!
Only 2C, too cold for planting yet...
What a treat! Both having some art from Bleubeard, and you having the candies to eat in the name of art. I love the wrappers from the Kit Kats, not like the wrappers we have over here - yours are much better.
Hugs, to all - Neet xx
Clever Bleubeard, its a fantastic page. I think we all would like to plant seeds that would give us some chocolate flowers. It was a super idea to use the wrappers to create the flower.
I have been reading your posts that I have missed lately and enjoyed them all.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx
You've been eating a few Kit-kats Elizabeth, lol.
I've never seen a green Kit-Kat wrapper before.
Kit kats are the best, next to peanut M&M's. In Japan they had so many flavors of Kit Kats; grape, strawberry, green tea, melon. I had to bring home a lot to sample with my daughter. Anyhow, I digress. This is a really clever page and a fun way to make a flower and recycle these old candy wrappers. I like it! I also like the story of Bleubeard and the seeds to get this flower. Have a great Wednesday and Happy St. Patrick's Day to you. Hugs-Erika
The Japanese Kit Kat mania seems a bit mysterious to me, but I've never tasted the many flavors they have there. I prefer Snickers or Giardelli Dark Chocolate, myself, but I'll eat a Kit Kat if it's offered. I must admit that I always just discard the wrappers, no clever uses like yours.
be safe... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
I knew Bleubeard could do it.
What happened - did he ask what the challenge theme was and say "I can do that!" Thanks very much, Bleubeard.
My nephew loves KitKats and gardening so he will be very interested in this.
I was just about to ask where Bleubeard got the seeds then noticed that they came off the packet. Very clever, B. - thanks for the unusual art today and thanks very much for joining in with our theme at AJJ.
Love from Sheila
Cute and clever -- and such fun. Isn't it nice to have a feline assistant!
I like Bleubeard's choice.
yummm I want these seeds. Have a great day.
How cute and funny! Bleubeard did a fine job -- with a little help from you!
Clever lady planting the kit kat seeds :) I have a container full in our fridge... so sweet they are.
Sorry if I missed a post, got family here and they are out shopping....so am catching up as much as I can ♥
Pure fantasy with a lot of fun, great page
Have a nice day, hug Elke!
Now that flower must smell delicious, great use of those wrappers, the kitkat seeds are a clever addition Elizabeth. This flower would be a firm favourite if it grew in my garden.
Hugs Tracey xx
Bleubeard is a clever cat! I love his flower! xx
You excelled yourself Bleubeard! A KitKat flower would be great here right now! I think I have to go and search for chocolate!! Can you please send me some seeds! Hugs, Chrisx
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