I'd like to start by showing how little I've decorated for this holiday this year.
I've decided this area will be a rotating display of art and gifts I have received over the years, along with any holiday that might be celebrated at the time. This theme is about home. The gifts shown (except for the red slipper) are from my dear friend Cindy. The beautiful canvas was featured in Collage Cats zine, and I am SO fortunate that Cindy thought enough of me to gift me with it years ago. Thank you again Cindy.
Next, I'm sharing my drink from my dining room table. This is definitely wearing of the green. Once I add the tea bag and hot water, I'm calling it Pot of Gold tea. To make the shamrock, I used new (to me) gifted watercolor pencils. They take much longer than watercolors or water soluble crayons, but they still produce lovely colors when water is applied.
Speaking of Pot of Gold, I have actually found mine. Or maybe I have won the lottery. I had intended to share these two cards two weeks ago, but one thing led to another and I didn't feel right sharing them last week when I created the tribute to Eileen. My apologies that they took so long to be shown on my blog.
This absolutely beautiful and thoughtful gift came from (who do we know who lives on a lake?) dear, sweet, thoughtful Kathy. The sentiment inside had me in tears. My photo doesn't do this awesome card justice. Thank you for thinking of me, Kathy.
And because Lisca likes to see the postage stamps up close, I took a photo of these horses that are on the card.
My friend RO! is always so thoughtful. She sent this beautiful card and another adorable tag I can use in my art.
I was over the MOON with happiness when I saw this stamp. Earth Day Forever!!! And as most of you know, I call it bEARTHday.
What is in the box, you ask. All I know is, it is from my dear friend RO! She got it from Gifts by Leslie in Raleigh, NC.
This absolutely stunning gift is for Tea Lovers. Perfect for T this week. The packaging alone was a work of art.
Now it was time to unwrap this beauty.
It's a basket full of tea inspired goodies
including 20 tea bags of chamomile tea.
Unfortunately, when I started to unwrap the mug, I saw it was broken.
I had to move the other goodies away from the broken mug before I could inspect
the waffle cookies and Zen garden kit. I've already talked to RO! and she is going to advise Leslie. Thankfully, I took lots of photos, so she can see the broken mug. I even sent another photo of shards that I didn't include here. Thank you so very much RO!. You are a gem and I don't know what I'd do without you. I was planning to send RO! a tea inspired gift, but it pales in comparison to what she sent me.
Now that I've shown you my incredible pot of gold, please share your own drink related post this week. It can be
gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail
art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed
media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is
digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back
to a drink, any drink. Regardless,
please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T
gang will be by to visit. Please link only your T post and not your
blog in general. Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken
any time, not just on Tuesday and certainly not just this year.
Those are delightful gifts and decorations, and I wish you a very happy St. Patrick’s Day. We keep joking about green beer, which is the specialty of the student bars near us — but we never go to the mob scene anyway, and definitely not this year!
I don't do allot for stPatrick's Day but we do love corn beef and cabbage so will be making that again this year. Lovely tea gifts with a nice box of chamomile tea too, hoping your cup can be replaced. So glad you liked the card-hugs Kathy
I like your St. Patrick's Day decor and also you're home decorated area.That shoe is great. I like how the 2 art pieces work with it also. They make a great artsy area. It's ncie to have a connection to the Wizard of Oz. And that tea gift from your friend Ro is super. Did the green St. Patricks tea come in that set? Too bad the mug was broken, but perhaps with some glue it would make a good pencil holder? This is a happy T day post. Hope your Tuesday is a good T day. Hugs-Erika
What a lovely tea inspired gift, Elizabeth. And that is a lovely display, too. well, I made it ! despite, Covid, earthquakes and everything else, I finally posted to my blog. FYI, we have had 5 earthquakes over here since Sunday morning! Don't know how you do it, Elizabeth! Happy T Day
Nice to see your decorations. I will try to remember to wear something green on St. Patrick's Day. Your cards and gifts are lovely, It is so nice to get real mail isn't it? I hope your mug can be replaced
Wow I’m honoured to be in your art rotation! I enjoyed seeing the Kansas piece from soooo many years ago! I was in a Claudine Helmuth-inspired peeled paint phase I think. :) Also the Judy Garland puzzle piece came from my dear friend Andrea who passed away 13 years ago. She and I would find cool things like that at thrift stores and happily share them with each other. I certainly miss her but I enjoyed the fond memories of seeing this piece. Thank you my friend. Your gifts are all lovely - too bad about the mug though. Take care. Xo
Oh! You had me in smiles so big my face nearly hurt until... I saw the broken mug! I once, on request, brought beer-glasses (me!!! Glasses!) to Perth. All went well, until... customs opened so brutal and broke one. But... a zen garden is just karma in this case, huh? My big smile came back instantly! :-) Hope you won´t cry seeing my entry for today. It was an accident!!!...
What a shame that your mug was broken, such a lovely gift too, not that I drink those teas but even the packaging was beautiful I like your decorations especially the red shoe, reminds me of the film the red shoes, always reminds me of my late SIL, we had a funny incident connected to that film. Happy T Day jan S
Good for you keeping the holiday spirit alive during these tough times! I haven’t thought of St. Patrick’s Day in spite of Irish heritage abound in this house. Thanks for the reminder, it does make me smile.
I love that scarlet slipper. "Home" is the perfect place for it. I don't decorate for St. Patrick's Day any more, so I'll be enjoying your decorations all the more :) Happy T Tuesday!
Wow! such nice gifts. You have a real talent for decorating. Too bad about the mug. We don't do much for this holiday. Nice that you do. Have a great day.
What a great way to use your space! Love the gifts you received - such shame about the mug! St Patricks Day isn't so much of a thing here, except for the Irish Community of course! Happy T day, Chrisx
Such a fabulous idea to decorate for the holidays and remember dear friends by displaying gifts they have sent you 😁. The card from Kathy is so beautiful, I seem to remember her sending you a wonderful Valentine's Day card last year too! That was very kind of RO too, so kind! I hope that you are ok, wishing you a happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
Love how you are rotating the art on your table-Cindy's collage art is always so wonderful! I rotate small art in my craft room on shelves I have. Always a joy to look back on sweet art and exchanges or gifts. I do love that green glass tea cup - perfect for celebrating St. Patrick's day, and your pot of gold certainly has arrived with the beautiful mail you received! Too bad about the mug but hopefully it will be replaced. I do love chamomile tea. Enjoy, enjoy, and happy T day wishes! PS- thank you for the really beautiful comment you left on my post. XO
Oh it's St Patrick's Day. As it is not celebrated in Europe (outside Ireland) I was unaware of it, but now I have been reminded, I am totally in the mood. Your decorations are perfect.I'm actually wearing green today. You certainly have been spoilt by Ro with that amazing gift. A shame that the mug broke. The 'stroopwafels' are a typical Dutch treat, that I always have to bring over from Holland whenever I go. I find them so delicious. Thank you for showing the close-ups of the stamps. Stamps are fascinating. Of course the Earth Day stamp (forever) is just up your street. I'm sorry to be commenting late, but hope you had a lovely T-Day, Lisca
It's always such a treat to see your decorations for various holidays, and this one was wonderful. It's neat to see all the creative cards from friends. I hate that the mug broke, but thankfully, another one should be there today or Monday. Leslie did do such an awesome job with the wrapping. Continue to be well, my friend! Hugs, RO
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Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
25 thoughtful remarks:
Those are delightful gifts and decorations, and I wish you a very happy St. Patrick’s Day. We keep joking about green beer, which is the specialty of the student bars near us — but we never go to the mob scene anyway, and definitely not this year!
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
I don't do allot for stPatrick's Day but we do love corn beef and cabbage so will be making that again this year. Lovely tea gifts with a nice box of chamomile tea too, hoping your cup can be replaced. So glad you liked the card-hugs Kathy
Sorry that mug got broken, but what a lot of pretty cards and nice gifts. I love you used the ruby slipper for the home theme! :)
What thoughtful friends you have. And I bet you find a way to reuse that pretty glittered tissue in your future projects!
Love your little art display. Looks like you got some wonderful tea goodies in the mail.
happy Tea Day,
I like your St. Patrick's Day decor and also you're home decorated area.That shoe is great. I like how the 2 art pieces work with it also. They make a great artsy area. It's ncie to have a connection to the Wizard of Oz. And that tea gift from your friend Ro is super. Did the green St. Patricks tea come in that set? Too bad the mug was broken, but perhaps with some glue it would make a good pencil holder? This is a happy T day post. Hope your Tuesday is a good T day. Hugs-Erika
What a lovely tea inspired gift, Elizabeth. And that is a lovely display, too. well, I made it ! despite, Covid, earthquakes and everything else, I finally posted to my blog. FYI, we have had 5 earthquakes over here since Sunday morning! Don't know how you do it, Elizabeth! Happy T Day
Nice to see your decorations. I will try to remember to wear something green on St. Patrick's Day. Your cards and gifts are lovely, It is so nice to get real mail isn't it? I hope your mug can be replaced
Wow I’m honoured to be in your art rotation! I enjoyed seeing the Kansas piece from soooo many years ago! I was in a Claudine Helmuth-inspired peeled paint phase I think. :) Also the Judy Garland puzzle piece came from my dear friend Andrea who passed away 13 years ago. She and I would find cool things like that at thrift stores and happily share them with each other. I certainly miss her but I enjoyed the fond memories of seeing this piece. Thank you my friend. Your gifts are all lovely - too bad about the mug though. Take care. Xo
Simply gorgeous. I don't decorate for holidays and you (and lots of other bloggers) put me to shame.
Beautiful decorations! I forgot all about St Patrick's day! You got some beautiful gifts, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
Oh! You had me in smiles so big my face nearly hurt until... I saw the broken mug!
I once, on request, brought beer-glasses (me!!! Glasses!) to Perth. All went well, until... customs opened so brutal and broke one.
But... a zen garden is just karma in this case, huh? My big smile came back instantly! :-)
Hope you won´t cry seeing my entry for today. It was an accident!!!...
What a shame that your mug was broken, such a lovely gift too, not that I drink those teas but even the packaging was beautiful
I like your decorations especially the red shoe, reminds me of the film the red shoes, always reminds me of my late SIL, we had a funny incident connected to that film.
Happy T Day
jan S
What a sweet friend to send you so many wonderful teas :) Happy St. Patty's day!
The artwork and holiday decorations are so pretty together. I love the ruby red slipper. Beautiful cards and gifts. You are lucky, indeed. Happy T Day
Good for you keeping the holiday spirit alive during these tough times! I haven’t thought of St. Patrick’s Day in spite of Irish heritage abound in this house. Thanks for the reminder, it does make me smile.
I love that scarlet slipper. "Home" is the perfect place for it. I don't decorate for St. Patrick's Day any more, so I'll be enjoying your decorations all the more :) Happy T Tuesday!
Wow! such nice gifts. You have a real talent for decorating. Too bad about the mug. We don't do much for this holiday. Nice that you do. Have a great day.
What a great way to use your space! Love the gifts you received - such shame about the mug! St Patricks Day isn't so much of a thing here, except for the Irish Community of course! Happy T day, Chrisx
Such a fabulous idea to decorate for the holidays and remember dear friends by displaying gifts they have sent you 😁. The card from Kathy is so beautiful, I seem to remember her sending you a wonderful Valentine's Day card last year too! That was very kind of RO too, so kind! I hope that you are ok, wishing you a happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
Love how you are rotating the art on your table-Cindy's collage art is always so wonderful! I rotate small art in my craft room on shelves I have. Always a joy to look back on sweet art and exchanges or gifts.
I do love that green glass tea cup - perfect for celebrating St. Patrick's day, and your pot of gold certainly has arrived with the beautiful mail you received! Too bad about the mug but hopefully it will be replaced. I do love chamomile tea. Enjoy, enjoy, and happy T day wishes!
PS- thank you for the really beautiful comment you left on my post. XO
Elizabeth, you asked about local channels on Roku. Here's information that may help you: How to watch local channels, news, weather on Roku
So thoughtful.
Happy St Patricks Day.
All the best Jan
Oh it's St Patrick's Day. As it is not celebrated in Europe (outside Ireland) I was unaware of it, but now I have been reminded, I am totally in the mood. Your decorations are perfect.I'm actually wearing green today.
You certainly have been spoilt by Ro with that amazing gift. A shame that the mug broke. The 'stroopwafels' are a typical Dutch treat, that I always have to bring over from Holland whenever I go. I find them so delicious.
Thank you for showing the close-ups of the stamps. Stamps are fascinating. Of course the Earth Day stamp (forever) is just up your street.
I'm sorry to be commenting late, but hope you had a lovely T-Day,
It's always such a treat to see your decorations for various holidays, and this one was wonderful. It's neat to see all the creative cards from friends. I hate that the mug broke, but thankfully, another one should be there today or Monday. Leslie did do such an awesome job with the wrapping. Continue to be well, my friend! Hugs, RO
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