It's been a difficult week here, and I'm trying to find something to smile about. After all, it is Friday, which means it's time to join Annie (at A Stitch in Time) along with the wonderful ladies at Friday Smiles.
For those who didn't know, I had surgery recently, which got infected. I was not supposed to do anything on the computer, I couldn't watch TV, read a book, or do anything that put undo stress on my eye. When I looked in the mirror, one entire side of my face was swollen and turning a putrid color. Out of boredom, the boys and I slept most of the time, which was good, because

like much of the country, my world was white and bitterly cold.

I was also one of the thousands of people who was caught in a power outage blackout.
The largest energy company in Kansas has been directed to implement
rolling blackouts and move into emergency operating plans amid a Midwest
cold snap that is stressing the nation’s energy supply.
“In the Kansas region of Evergy, we haven’t had to do something like this since the 1980s,” said Evergy spokesman Chuck Caisley.
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly said Monday afternoon that the next two or three days will be “critical” to weathering the arctic freeze and energy crisis that has sent natural gas prices soaring.
Although the crisis isn't as bad as in Texas, where much of that state has been without power for four days, it's still been almost unbearably cold here.

For 14 days, the state of Kansas has been below freezing for daytime highs. On Monday, the surface temperature night time low was -15F (-26C). The feels like temp was -28F (-33,3C). It was even worse on Tuesday, with a surface temperature of -17F (-27,2C). We are starting to warm a bit, though because tonight it is only 0F (-17,8C).

I admit I'm not just frugal, I'm downright cheap when it comes to utilities. My rule is it must be below freezing two days in a row before I turn my heat on. When I turn it on, I place it at 55F (12,8C), the lowest temperature my thermometer will go. I drip my water into buckets, which I use to water my plants or help flush my toilet. Nothing goes to waste when it comes to my utilities.
When I lost electricity (and gas because it is controlled by an electric starter), I feared my pipes would burst. Luckily they didn't. It was hours before I had electricity again, and it took almost a day for the house to warm to the point I could walk around without a blanket. That was yesterday. I'm hoping the weather will begin to improve soon, and I can once again turn my heat off.

However, there is one thing that made me smile this week. On Sunday, which was Valentine's Day, I found this gift tied to my front door knob.

I think it came from my next door neighbors, but I have no real idea who left it. It was certainly something to smile about.
I will leave you with a few of my favorite Bernie Sanders and his mittens memes.

Honoring the Mars Rover's successful landing yesterday.
Now let's head over to Annie's because she knows how to put a smile on everyone's faces. And whatever you do, please
don't forget to start your weekend off right with a few Friday Smiles
of your own. If you would like to play along, Annie would love to have you join us. After all, your smiles are more than likely much better than mine today.
I just saw that Shaz has died. I "met" her through WOYWW. She battled cancer for years and that ugly disease finally took her from all of us. She was giving, caring, and warm. My heart goes out to Doug, her loving husband who has been by her side through this entire ordeal. You will be missed, dear.
After I link today, I am going to eat something and go to bed. All this shivering has made me hungry and sleepy. Now where are those two gray purring heaters I feed so they'll keep me warm?
25 thoughtful remarks:
WHAT a hellish week. I do hope your poor face is improving, and that your temperatures increase (and that the power stays on).
I am so glad that you were given that Valentines gift - and thanks you for the Bernie meme.
I didn't know Shaz, but she sounds like someone who will be badly missed.
Sorry to hear that your house is so cold. About dripping the water into buckets to prevent frozen pipes -- maybe not so good! We have twice had drains freeze, once with huge consequences (like a whole new ceiling in the kitchen and other repairs). Maybe dripping the water into the drain would be wasteful, but maybe it would prevent trouble.
I hope you feel better and have reliable utilities soon!
best... mae at
It would seem that the week has not been a good one world over so I’m sending you a massive face splitting warm smile and hoping it radiates some heat into your day.
How lovely are your neighbours sharing Valentine’s Day with you. I didn’t even get so much as a sniff of a chocolate or flower. I don’t mind though, it’s a good way to torment the other half, saying I’m neglected heehee
I’m, praying that you feel better this week and that things continue to improve all round.
Take care love Lynn xxx
Oh what a time you’re having. I really hope your eye heals well and you’re warm and cosy again very soon. Sending you lots of healing hugs today.
You poor thing, it sounds like you've been having a hard time recently. I do hope things get better for you soon with everything. Take care and I'm sending warm hugs, Angela xXx
I understand how difficult was your week, Elizabeth. I really wish you a better new week. We had snow in Athens too during this week. And I love your secret Valentine gift. Hugs, my friend,and please take care of yourself.
They were talking about Bernie and the Mars rover on the news this morning. They were saying they expected to see Bernie and his mittens in a photo. Well here it is. I haven't seen one yet. Stay warm as best you can. Those temperatures are brutal. We've had them here (not recently) in other times. And hope your eye is doing better!
A terrible winter for so many! About turning your heat down so low, consider that just a few degrees warmer serves to not only heat you, but also your furnishings, walls, ceilings, etc. in all rooms. Those things can hold warmer temps for quite a while after the heat goes off. Get well and don’t be thrifty with heat to the point of hurting your recovery. So sad to hear of your friend’s passing.
So much on your plate at one time! Do hope your recovery goes well. I'm sure the sleeping was somewhat restorative and healing- your body has been through a lot. And, oh, the cold.... that is a challenge for sure. You could use a pair of Bernie's mittens!
Sorry it's so cold there, it sounds awful. Keep well wrapped up. Love the Bernie memes. Stay safe! Hugs,Valerie
Oh dear Elizabeth. That level of chill would make me hibernate! It mat look pretty outside - through the window that is - but I do like to be warm enough indoors. I admire your frugality, but I couldn't be quite so disciplined myself. I hope those cats were good for a cuddle at least.
I also hope your face is healing up now. I hope the spring will soon come and you will feel better again- Kate x
Oh Eizabeth I could cry readng what you're going through... I hope you are over your operation very soon and feeling much better and that the weather improves to make life easier and warmer.. take care.... Gill xxx
when it rains it pours, doesn't it? I'm so sorry you've had to deal with all the issues following surgery on top of a power failure and lack of heat. I'm relieved your pipes are OK. Still, that's grim. I think I would have broken the house rules and ramped that heat up to 75 till it got warm!
Hello Elizabeth,
I hope things are getting better. I am impressed by your heating rule. I thought we kept the temperature low but you take the biscuit, 12C is pretty cool for a constant temperature. I'm glad the boys are there to help you and they must be hardy cats too.
How nice that someone local left you a present.
I love all the Bernie memes and these are new ones to me. My favourite is the one of him sitting alone in a stadium and he seems to be quite happy there.
Elizabeth; I hope the power has returned and the temperature improved greatly... I've been there. hope you and bleu and squiggles stay safe and warm; I think 85 % of the country wishes they had Bernie's coat and mittens right now ♥♥
Glad to read from you! But brrr...
At least you got a wonderful pressie!!
Oh my gosh! I thought I had a bad week!. I do feel for you and your poor bruised and puffy face. I hope it heals soon.
Twelve degrees C! Am I reading that right? That is very cold. The temp in my living room is 22 degrees. That is a comfortable temperature.
I really enjoyed your funnies. The Yalta one is the best in my opinion, although the Mars landing is the most timely.You will have noticed a Bernie amongst my lot as well.
Have a lovely weekend,
Yes it has been a rough week for several of us I'm reading. I'm so sorry about your eye and your freezing temps! I will keep you in my thoughts and pray for healing and warmer weather. It's good that your able to snuggle in and rest! Bernie did make me smile :)
So sorry that you got hit with the power outage! That sounds awful! So many people have been dealing with freezing temps and no electricity. Sooo glad your pipes didn't freeze!!
I LOVE the Bernie memes!! They made my day. :)
I think we got the same storm but we are used to it since we have had them so many times. I feel bad for the people in Texas and other states who do not usually get any snow and must deal with no power and the very slippery road conditions. How is your eye now? I hope you are feeling better because that must be so painful.
Hope you are starting to recover Elizabeth! Stay warm. Xo
My Goodness - that's Bleak Midwinter stuff! The lowest we had here was -5C and we thought that was cold! We have our heating set to come on at 7.45am for us to get up at 8 and it's set for 20C and is on for around 45 minutes unless we are having a morning shower in which case it's on for a little bit longer. It is then off all day until twilight when its set to come on a few times during the evening and for two 15minute sessions in the night (for when I have to go to our very cold bathroom) In our old house we used to have it set lower but it was on all day and cut out when it got to temperature - we were told that was cheaper but here sandwiched between two other apartments and with sun shining (when the sun does shine) it gets very warm in the daytime! Our bills have never been lower!
I love seeing your snow pics even though it must be very unpleasant of you without power!
What a lovely Valentines gift..a secret admirer??
Love these Bernie memes that keep popping up!
Do Take care, Hugs, Chrisx
I'm sorry you're still having problems with your eye. I hope the infection is clearing up. I'll say a special prayer for you. I know this is super frustrating.
The weather has been awful for Texas and most of the mid-west. The chilliness has reached east but not to the same degree. This week was rough but I believe we're on the upward swing to better temperatures. I'm really ready for spring.
What a lovely surprise to find hanging on your door. Someone is very sweet and thoughtful to send you a mystery Valentine's Day greeting and chocolates.
Stay warm, keep safe, and be well dear friend! XX
This weather has been no fun, except we got snow! so that was fun. On the other hand, we're still on a boil water order and are being asked to conserve water as much as possible. I am profligate with heat, although I can usually do without air conditioning even in our summers. Watching the birds has dsaved me this week.
Those memes made me smile Elizabeth.
You must be very hardy to be able to keep your heating low in those temperatures!
Take care of yourself,
Alison xx
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