meeting in my dining room. I want to begin by apologizing for the incredibly long post I am about to create.
Let's begin with a gift I gave myself.
The Kit Kats are mostly for me. The other candy will go in after-Christmas plates of goodies I'm going to make. That is, if I ever find the motivation. But now it's time to share the wonderful gifts I received.
First up is this adorable handmade envelope. I wish I'd known about how to make this before I spent all that money on 250 envelopes last year.
Ah! But inside was even more incredible. I'm sure by now many of you have guessed this handmade tip-in was created by Dianne B Carey. I am in LOVE, Dianne.
Thanks so much for this beauty, and I am sorry the lighting is so poor. I absolutely adore this, Dianne.
Can you believe it took from December 7 until the day after Christmas for this card to travel across town? Neither can I, but it's true.
and one of the gorgeous die cuts she referred to in the message. This is incredibly thoughtful, Sharon, and I am most grateful for it.
Possibly one of my biggest surprises came when I opened this card.
It came from my dear friend Julia at Stamping Ground. Those of you familiar with WOYWW know she's the brains, heart, and soul behind this weekly phenomenon. All I can say is thank you beyond belief, Julia. I wish I'd made a few cards, now. Look at the shine and sparkle of the paper she used, as well as the embossing.
Next up was another big surprise to me. This incredibly beautiful card came from Karen at Creative Seconds. Isn't it fabulous? I think it is.
Not only did she write a lovely note, she also included three Christmas related items, including the rocking horse gift card, which I definitely intend to keep forever. Thank you beyond belief, dear Karen. I appreciate the card and the gifts.
I have a friend Stephanie who doesn't have a blog. We were in many swaps together over the years, including the 7 Continent Swap. Each year she normally sends me a handmade card with a handmade calendar. I was surprised to see she sent a purchased card this year. However, it IS 2020, and things have certainly been upside down this year. It was too cute NOT to show it, though.
I got this incredible and simply stunning tip-in last week from my dear friend Linda Findley. Linda is famous for her vintage images and stamping, as well as making altered books. Needless to say,
I was blown away by this incredible tip-in, dear friend. It is truly stunning. Thank you again.
My friend RO! sent this cute, adorable Christmas card. She told me all she wanted from me for Christmas was one of my handmade cards.
Sadly, all she got from me was one of those large Yankee candles in a jar that burns for about a gazillion hours. I will restate that I made NO cards this year. However, RO! sent this really clever and adorable card to me.
I received this card from KPTS, my local PBS station. It's my one indulgence. I love PBS and support them every year. I used to support more organizations, but this is the only one I've supported for the past 3 of the 5 years I've been supporting them. I'll put a pitch in here. Everyone should support their local Public Broadcasting Station. There is no advertising. All donations pay for the programs, which can cost a bundle depending on the popularity of the show. I get a card every year, but this is the first year I've received a sticker. Maybe it's because they are changing their name.
I hate to admit this Chris, but I have not sent you a thing this year. In fact, I haven't sent any tip-ins to anyone overseas, although they are made and ready to be addressed and stamped.
Look at all the goodies she sent me,
including the Dina Wakely washi tape, an adorable tag,
wonderful book pages, a fussy cut flower, a phone tag,
and this incredible AALL and Create stamp set. I feel so ashamed, and so very grateful for not only these wonderful gifts, but also your friendship, dear friend. Thank you beyond words, dear.
And look at the darling card she made me. Don't you just love it?
On the inside, it is from both Chris and her husband, whose name I blurred to protect the innocent(?).
My foodie friend Sally is extremely hard to buy for. She can buy whatever she wants, but I have to think outside the box.
For Christmas, I got her an annual membership to the local zoo. Now she can go (and take me, if she so chooses) any time she wants to. We both got the above gifts of a bag and a calendar. And I got a photo of her after they took all her information.
I realize these are out of order, but I just got them in today's mail and am busy trying to finish this post before T time.
I suspect you read these wonderful gifts were from Linda K at heARTfully inspired by Linda. What shocked me was this just arrived in today's mail. She sent it on December 14. The ATC is both clever and textured. So much texture, I can't wait to take time to remove it from its container and feel it. The card, which Linda is famous for making at Christmas, is definitely frame worthy.
Thank you for these incredible gifts, dear Linda. I am SO grateful and wish I had done more this year.
Also arriving in today's mail, is this darling card from Canada. By now, if you are a repeat visitor to my blog, you know who this is from.
I would say Cindy has a far better excuse than I for being out of the loop. Thank you ever so much, dear friend. I did manage to send Cindy a tip-in, but I know she hasn't received it yet. In fact, only one person has let me know they've received mine since I sent them so late.
Now lets go back to the two boxes that were sitting on the table in the first photo. They are both from my dear friend RO!
The first box was the larger of the two and it had practically nothing but lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of kraft paper and this adorable tree hanger/hook.
It even comes with its own screw for hanging permanently. It's adorable, RO! I should have shown the front, but I was running out of time.
The smaller box, also from RO!, is a set of salt and pepper
Christmas trees. Aren't they adorable? Thank you SO much, dear friend. Yes, I am so grateful.
But wait. We can't stop there. After all, it's T Tuesday.
My friend Scott stopped by The Spice Merchant and bought me a half lb. of French Roast coffee and these three teas for me to try.
I've had Very Cherry before and I love the taste of it. I'm looking forward to having some Fancy Tropicana.
And I've already tried the Noel Evening Tea. It tastes like Christmas (or at least Christmas eve) to me.
And to make a long post even longer, note the poinsettia is doing OK, but the leaves on the greenery are really suffering.
I'm sure by now, most of you know the rules. Please share your own drink
related post. It can be
gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail
art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed
media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is
digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back
to a drink, any drink. Regardless,
please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T
gang will be by to visit. Please link only your T post and not your
blog in general. Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken
any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.
It's also time for you to dig up your Second on the 2nd. It can be any post that has been published in the past. It goes live this Saturday.
What a wonderful collection of hand-made Christmas cards and other gifts! You inspire so much creativity among your friends and blog acquaintances. I feel very inadequate as I don’t do any crafting at all, and my holiday communications this year were almost all virtual, not physical, or in one or two cases, the gifts were ordered online. You are way ahead of me in doing such imaginative exchanges over a period of years.
be well and enjoy the New Year’s week.... mae at
Beautiful handmade cards. I guessed Dianne and Sharon before you told us. All the cards are gorgeous! I haven't seen much of Karen's art yet, since she's a new member. So her card was a very pleasant surprise to me. I want to see more!
Wow, Chris' package was phenomenal! If she can get a package to you from across the pond before Christmas, I should be able to figure out how to do it from Mexico, which is in the same continent. I just have to plan better! Darling card.
Linda's art is awesome. I love whatever she makes and am very inspired by her.
The S&P shakers from Ro are really special.
Happy T-day and a Happy New Improved Year! Hugs, Eileen
I am so happy for you Elizabeth. receiving all of this wonderful mail. How fun to open up your mailbox with goodies-everything is so beautiful. these will make awesome display items for next Christmas. a membership to the zoo sounds perfect. Before retirement we lived about an hour from the Milwaukee Zoo and really enjoyed it with our friends. Happy T and Happy New Year Kathy
What wonderful Christmas cards and gifts. They are fabulous Elizabeth and should really send good cheer. Thank you so much for the tip in. I love it. It arrived on Boxing Day just as you thought. My New Years card got finished today, and I plan on mailing them tomorrow, so just maybe they will be there by the 31st. If not, know it is coming. I haven't forgotten. I hope you have a wonderful T day my friend. Hugs-Erika
All cards and letters are such fun to get but the handmade ones are really special. Such beautiful ones and wonderful gifts! Merry Christmas, Elizabeth! :)
You received such beautiful cards and gifts from the cards that are so nicely made to the painted wreath, during these tough times it’s nice to know how much you are cared for. As for the time it takes to get the cards...not surprised at all. I hope your Christmas was great and it seems it was. It’s so nice to know how much you are cared for.
Wow, so many amazing Christmas cards and gifts! How wonderful to receive those beautiful cards and wishes from all over the world 😀. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and wishing you a very happy T Day! All the best for 2021! Hugs, Jo x
Every year I truly look forward to this post because I get to see all the creative cards that you get from all the crafty people in your life. I'm always so amazed at the artwork they use, and the beauty of the cards. Any tea or coffee with cherry in it definitely has my vote, so you wouldn't be able to be rid of me if that was prepared during a visit.(lol) I'm so glad everything arrived on time, but it's true, the mail delivery this year sure did change. I sure hope you're feeling much better and I'm sending lots and lots and lots of hugs, RO
So much delicious eye candy! The cards and artwork are just gorgeous. So many beautiful and thoughtful gifts, too. I think my favorite gift is the gift you gave to yourself. Kit Kats. Take care and Happy T Day
How wonderful to receive so many beautiful handmade cards. Don't feel guilty about not sending any yourself. People don't send cards to get one back. They send you one because you are loved. (Having said that, I didn't send any cards either) I'm glad you treated yourself with some candies and Scott got you some nice things too. Your friend R is always very generous. And her presents are always very pretty. Sally looks well on the photo. It's great to see her smile. The present of a annual membership is a really super idea. (and yes, you might be able to accompany her sometimes). Thank you for taking pictures of the stamps. I always love to see pretty stamps. The Canadian stamp with the oxen was new to me. I have read out your comment to my mother. She thanks you for your good wishes and sends her regards. Happy T-Day and a happy and healthy New Year, Hugs, Lisca
Jackpot! You have so many inspiring cards and gifts. I'm sure you'll enjoy going through them for days. I remember the Navajo Jewelry and Tiffany Lamp stamps- they are just beautiful. I look forward to seeing how you use many of the supplies and goodies you received. Happy and healthy 2021 to you!
So many beautiful gifts! Wow! You are lucky to have such great friends, Elizabeth!!! Enjoy your lovely gifts, sweetie!!! And I love that I see your poinsettia is still OK. Kisses!!!
What a lot of lovely well deserved cards and gifts you received. Dianne's drawing is fabulous! What a great gift you got for Sally too! I hope she does take you too! We will soon be through all this! Soon you will have a new president installed in the White House and there are vaccines available too. I don't know whether it will be possible to go to Paris this Spring but I have crossed my fingers! As for blocking out hubby's name - he is far from innocent - as you will see from my blog! BTW, the washi tape sadly isn't Dina Wakely but Jayne Davenport's, but lovely all the same!
Enjoy Scott's treats and try to see through the gloom. I spotted those yummy Kit Kats(one of my favourites too) but don't think I've ever seen green ones!.
Wow this is a lovely collection! Glad your postal worker didn’t spoil that Maude Lewis stamp - I’m sure you can use it in your art. Take care my friend.
What wonderful gifts and cards, Elizabeth. It's pretty obvious you have quite a collection of both very thoughtful and creative friends! The Maude Lewis stamp got to me -- I loved her work. DId you see the movie about her? Sally Hawkins and maybe Ethan Hawke (not sure on the guy). SHe was remarkable!
Such beautiful cards and gifts. Thank you for your annual tip-in! I did not send Christmas cards this year however I did order some New Years cards...the guilt got to me. :)
So glad you liked your tip-in, and received it in a timely manner. I know the P.O. has been struggling, so I sent it pretty early. I did receive your annual card, thank you! It arrived a couple of days after Christmas. You have a marvelous group of gifts from your crafting friends! Hope your holidays have been pleasant and 2021 will be an improvement over 2020! Hugs from Ohio!
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Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
32 thoughtful remarks:
What a wonderful collection of hand-made Christmas cards and other gifts! You inspire so much creativity among your friends and blog acquaintances. I feel very inadequate as I don’t do any crafting at all, and my holiday communications this year were almost all virtual, not physical, or in one or two cases, the gifts were ordered online. You are way ahead of me in doing such imaginative exchanges over a period of years.
be well and enjoy the New Year’s week.... mae at
Beautiful handmade cards. I guessed Dianne and Sharon before you told us. All the cards are gorgeous! I haven't seen much of Karen's art yet, since she's a new member. So her card was a very pleasant surprise to me. I want to see more!
Wow, Chris' package was phenomenal! If she can get a package to you from across the pond before Christmas, I should be able to figure out how to do it from Mexico, which is in the same continent. I just have to plan better! Darling card.
Linda's art is awesome. I love whatever she makes and am very inspired by her.
The S&P shakers from Ro are really special.
Happy T-day and a Happy New Improved Year! Hugs, Eileen
I am so happy for you Elizabeth. receiving all of this wonderful mail. How fun to open up your mailbox with goodies-everything is so beautiful. these will make awesome display items for next Christmas.
a membership to the zoo sounds perfect. Before retirement we lived about an hour from the Milwaukee Zoo and really enjoyed it with our friends.
Happy T and Happy New Year Kathy
What wonderful Christmas cards and gifts. They are fabulous Elizabeth and should really send good cheer. Thank you so much for the tip in. I love it. It arrived on Boxing Day just as you thought. My New Years card got finished today, and I plan on mailing them tomorrow, so just maybe they will be there by the 31st. If not, know it is coming. I haven't forgotten. I hope you have a wonderful T day my friend. Hugs-Erika
Lovely selection of wonderful gifts to a wonderful person. Enjoy. xx
All cards and letters are such fun to get but the handmade ones are really special. Such beautiful ones and wonderful gifts! Merry Christmas, Elizabeth! :)
You received such beautiful cards and gifts from the cards that are so nicely made to the painted wreath, during these tough times it’s nice to know how much you are cared for. As for the time it takes to get the cards...not surprised at all. I hope your Christmas was great and it seems it was. It’s so nice to know how much you are cared for.
Enjoy all of your lovely gifts, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
Ohhh, ,what a wonderful post this was, so much joy after this terrible year! I sure smiled very big!
How Christmasy!
Wow, so many amazing Christmas cards and gifts! How wonderful to receive those beautiful cards and wishes from all over the world 😀. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and wishing you a very happy T Day! All the best for 2021! Hugs, Jo x
Every year I truly look forward to this post because I get to see all the creative cards that you get from all the crafty people in your life. I'm always so amazed at the artwork they use, and the beauty of the cards. Any tea or coffee with cherry in it definitely has my vote, so you wouldn't be able to be rid of me if that was prepared during a visit.(lol) I'm so glad everything arrived on time, but it's true, the mail delivery this year sure did change. I sure hope you're feeling much better and I'm sending lots and lots and lots of hugs, RO
You received some gorgeous cards and gifts from your friends and I hope you enjoy you tea flavours. Happy almost New Year!
So much delicious eye candy! The cards and artwork are just gorgeous. So many beautiful and thoughtful gifts, too. I think my favorite gift is the gift you gave to yourself. Kit Kats. Take care and Happy T Day
How wonderful to receive so many beautiful handmade cards. Don't feel guilty about not sending any yourself. People don't send cards to get one back. They send you one because you are loved. (Having said that, I didn't send any cards either)
I'm glad you treated yourself with some candies and Scott got you some nice things too.
Your friend R is always very generous. And her presents are always very pretty.
Sally looks well on the photo. It's great to see her smile. The present of a annual membership is a really super idea. (and yes, you might be able to accompany her sometimes).
Thank you for taking pictures of the stamps. I always love to see pretty stamps. The Canadian stamp with the oxen was new to me.
I have read out your comment to my mother. She thanks you for your good wishes and sends her regards.
Happy T-Day and a happy and healthy New Year,
Jackpot! You have so many inspiring cards and gifts. I'm sure you'll enjoy going through them for days. I remember the Navajo Jewelry and Tiffany Lamp stamps- they are just beautiful. I look forward to seeing how you use many of the supplies and goodies you received. Happy and healthy 2021 to you!
What treats! Actual mail! The cards are wonderful, and how nice to get presents, too :)
Happy T Tuesday!
(I have been lax in visiting blogs this past week but will enjoy catching up)
Wonderful gifts and cards Elizabeth! I bet they really helped to lift your spirits.
Happy T-Day.
Alison xox
You did receive lovely thoughtful gifts! Well deserved.
"E" looks like you got some incredible goodies and lots of wishes for a happy healthy and safe New Year ... hugs
Hi Elizabeth. You asked about my birthday. It's Christmas Eve. Lucky me!
So many beautiful gifts! Wow! You are lucky to have such great friends, Elizabeth!!! Enjoy your lovely gifts, sweetie!!! And I love that I see your poinsettia is still OK. Kisses!!!
So many great cards and presses for you. You deserve that special TLC. Wishing you a kinder and brighter 2021, Xo
Such wonders from wonderful friends to a wonderful friend.
Love the subscription to the zoo.
What a lot of lovely well deserved cards and gifts you received. Dianne's drawing is fabulous! What a great gift you got for Sally too! I hope she does take you too! We will soon be through all this! Soon you will have a new president installed in the White House and there are vaccines available too. I don't know whether it will be possible to go to Paris this Spring but I have crossed my fingers!
As for blocking out hubby's name - he is far from innocent - as you will see from my blog!
BTW, the washi tape sadly isn't Dina Wakely but Jayne Davenport's, but lovely all the same!
Enjoy Scott's treats and try to see through the gloom. I spotted those yummy Kit Kats(one of my favourites too) but don't think I've ever seen green ones!.
Take care, Hugs, Chrisxx
You are so fortunate to have such kind, generous friends. I love all of those cards and gifts.
Wow this is a lovely collection! Glad your postal worker didn’t spoil that Maude Lewis stamp - I’m sure you can use it in your art. Take care my friend.
What wonderful gifts and cards, Elizabeth. It's pretty obvious you have quite a collection of both very thoughtful and creative friends! The Maude Lewis stamp got to me -- I loved her work. DId you see the movie about her? Sally Hawkins and maybe Ethan Hawke (not sure on the guy). SHe was remarkable!
Happy In-Between week!
Wow, what creative and beautiful Christmas cards, beautiful stamps and wonderful gifts. What a lucky lady Elizabeth :)
Enjoy them.
Wow! This shows me just how much you are loved from around the world. What wonderful gifts. Thank you for sharing them.
Such beautiful cards and gifts. Thank you for your annual tip-in! I did not send Christmas cards this year however I did order some New Years cards...the guilt got to me. :)
So glad you liked your tip-in, and received it in a timely manner. I know the P.O. has been struggling, so I sent it pretty early. I did receive your annual card, thank you! It arrived a couple of days after Christmas. You have a marvelous group of gifts from your crafting friends! Hope your holidays have been pleasant and 2021 will be an improvement over 2020! Hugs from Ohio!
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