Monday, December 7, 2020

T Stands For Eggnog (and a hard lesson learned)


Today we are meeting at my dining room table for T.  I'm enjoying a glass of delicious eggnog. 

I don't know anyone who doesn't have strong feelings about eggnog.  They either love it or they hate it.  There doesn't seem to be any middle ground when it comes to eggnog.

I am one of those people who loves eggnog and can hardly wait until it appears in the stores this time of year.

Now to let you in on a hard lesson I learned last week.

I make no secret that my friend Scott shops at Aldi for me.

He calls as soon as he gets there and we virtually "walk the aisles" together.

However, Aldi has limited supplies, some of which I need elsewhere.

Last week my friend Sally was going to Sam's (the members only store associated with WalMart).

She was also going to Aldi, so I asked her to pick up some cans of Cream of Celery soup, the only kind I use in my green bean casseroles.

Apparently the only creamed soup Aldi got in this year was Cream of Mushroom and Sally knows I hate Cream of Mushroom.

I also asked for a SMALL poinsettia I could put on my library table.  NO, this is NOT my library table and this is NOT a small poinsettia.

Imagine my surprise when I got the bill which came to over $100.00 (USD).  At least I had given her $60.00 (USD) in advance to pay for the things I needed (like coffee beans, sour cream, cheese, raspberries, whipping cream, etc)

When Sally couldn't get Cream of Celery soup at Aldi, she bought a case of Cream of Chicken soup at Sam's.  CHICKEN SOUP?  Really?  And a case, no less!

Then there's this poinsettia, which set me back nearly $20.00 (USD).  To add insult to injury (or add salt to the wound), when Scott went shopping for me at Aldi on Saturday, he said their small poinsettias were $3.99 (USD before tax).  That was about what I expected to pay.

Scott thought I should photograph this really heavy thing from all angles, so I did.  Unfortunately, when I took it to the kitchen sink to water it, I didn't get it in the center of the copper charger when I put it back.

Today, however has to be about the eggnog.

I even have more.  I'd be willing to share, too.

For some reason, it doesn't look as good appetizing after I've had a few sips of it.

Now you've seen my drink of choice today, show me yours, please.  By now you more than likely know the rules.  Please share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.



30 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Oh dear, that was a tale of word with your shopping! But the planter looks really good anyway. Enjoy your eggnog, rather you than me! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said... 2

Thanks for hosting another drinking party!

I think we are all facing challenges with shopping, especially those of us who are not entering stores for our own good. As they say in yoga and zen practice -- you have to keep a whachamacallit mind. Too bad about the chicken soup, I hope you can use it.

I find it easy enough to make cream sauce to go with a variety of vegetables using seasoned flour, butter, and milk or stock, so I never use soup for that purpose, but every cook is different. A few days ago I made it with artichoke hearts and onions, served over pasta.

Eggnog is a favorite with me. Before the stern warnings about eating raw eggs, I loved the kind that's made from scratch: very rich!

be safe... mae at

Lowcarb team member said... 3

The planter and plants do look very nice.
Enjoy your eggnog, I'm just about to make a cup of tea :)

All the best Jan

Eileen Bergen said... 4

I'm one of those people who can't stand cilantro or fruit cake. I've never tried eggnog because the mix ingredients doesn't appeal to me.

I wonder if there's genetic reason for people's love/hate relationship with eggnog and fruit cake as there is for cilantro.

According to a survey of 30,000 people, Cornell University, "there’s a very specific gene that makes some people strongly dislike the taste of cilantro. The scientists singled it down to the OR6A2 gene. This gene 'codes for the receptor that picks up the scent of aldehyde chemicals' — these chemicals are found in cilantro and soap, which is why many people anecdotally say cilantro tastes like soap." [source:]

Your holly glass is lovely.

Who knows as well as you, what foods you like and dislike, as your foodie friend Sally. Gosh, you must miss your outings together. Also you must miss shopping for yourself (and watching your budget)! Your friend, Scott, is a keeper.

Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

kathyinozarks said... 5

I Love eggnog too, and would drink a large glass of it. Now that I am watching carbs and sugars-I look and oh my I can't do that anymore.I should try making my own since I love it so much too.
The planter is beautiful for the 20.00 but it's not what you wanted. It is really sad when people are in Not in tune with your needs-and being vegetarian why would she buy chicken--sorry about all that hugs

DVArtist said... 6

Wow $100.00 bucks. I know you have to have someone shop for you. For me, I don't even let Mr. M. shop for me. He always comes home with the wrong thing or more things than I need. The plant is pretty though. Eggnog all year round is my opinion. LOL You are right people either love it or hate it. I have been to Sam's when I visit my kids back east. We have Costco on the west cost NOT affiliated with Walmart. I like Sam's better. Well my dear enjoy another glass of eggnog.

aussie aNNie said... 7

Goodness me what a huge amount to pay and the poinsettia, though beautiful and full of other gorgeous flowers/plants is expensive. I have those growing wild in my garden, the greens in the pot....could have sent you some....errrr maybe wouldn't survive.
I used to make eggnog for patients when nursing and it gave them a boost up in vitality....not for me though....xx
BTW Your table looks gorgeous. x

Mia said... 8

The poinsettia is big, heavy and expensive, but it is beautiful!
As for the eggnog, there is no such a drink in Greece. I do not know what it is. But I will search the recipe in Google. Enjoy your drink, my friend.

Linda Kunsman said... 9

Your poinsettia looks so beautiful as does your festive table setting with that delicious eggnog!! It's such a shame though about all the $$ you had to put out for that along with the soup you didn't want. I am so thankful to be able to do my own shopping yet-and especially because I am quite picky, especially regarding produce.
Wishing you no more costly lessons. Happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 10

Your poinsettia is lovely despite the money. It makes the perfect Christmas centerpiece. Yes, Aldi here is also selling them for 3.99 but they are small. A lot of the plants tend to fly off the shelf at Aldi because their prices are so good. Seeing your plant is making me want to pick one up this week when I go shopping.
Cream of Chicken soup has so many possibilities. There are a lot of great casserole recipes you can find on the Campbell website.
That is great that you have people that are willing to go shopping for you. I would not find that an easy task. Shopping for my family alone wears me out so you are really blessed to have kind friends.
Your eggnog looks delicious! Enjoy.
Happy Tea Day,

My name is Erika. said... 11

My daughter goes to Sam's and I have gone with her a few times. It's like Costco, it gets expensive but good for stocking up. I think that's a gorgeous poinsettia plant with other plants with it. But the price difference is a lot. You should have sent someone to Lowe's. They had poinsettias for 88 cents. From what I can see you house is looking quite festive nd pretty for the holidays. And I like that festive glass for your eggnog. I like eggnog too. A couple of glasses a season works for me. Hope you have a wonderful T day my friend. Hugs-Erika

Rita said... 12

You really need people you trust to shop for you during the pandemic, that's for sure. Too bad she didn't send you a picture of the poinsettia so you could have said yes or no. But it does look really pretty. Enjoy your eggnog. :)

Iris Flavia said... 13

Sorry, but this sounds so sweet, walk the aisles like that together - I know it´s not really sweet at all, though. But I bet a wee bit a highlight!
Hmmm. Mushroom soup, I can make that (I love it).
Oh, expensive bugger you got, sorry (but at least it´s beautiful).

I had this once, on the Christmas Market. I was wearing my Mum´s coat, beige, from Helgoland, she wore in the 60´s.
Another woman nearly spilled her red Glüh (mulled?) wine on it - I was quick enough after only one sip, or two... and she yelled I should NOT wear this coat here then (she was right).
My friend of many years I knew as a silent person had a few more sips. She went at that woman and said I should wear what I want and she should take care and my friend was that loud, the drunk woman went away.
The eggnog was too "sweet" for my liking. As that scene ;-)

Ohhh, but your glass looks beautiful!

Sami said... 14

I like eggnog, haven't had it for ages, but it just doesn't go well with a hot Christmas (in Summer) :)
The difference in cost of the poinsettia was quite a lot. It looks like you will be eating chicken soup for the rest of the year Elizabeth :)

RO said... 15

Hearing about the nightmare you went through was something else, and costly, but I sure love that display so much!(lol) I'm okay with eggnog, but I usually only take 2-3 sips of it because it's so sweet. Still it screams holiday so I'm all in. I love that Christmas glass too! Hugs and stay warm. RO

Let's Art Journal said... 16

Oh my, that is one expensive flower arrangement but it is so beautiful though - I love it 😀. I guess that we all have different expectations when it comes to shopping, $3.99 for a poinsettia is more my price range too! Why Chicken soup, I thought you were vegetarian? I don't think that I have tried eggnog, it's not something we have here - I'll have to keep an eye out for it though, it looks so yummy, is it alcoholic? By the way I shop at Aldi too, nearly all the beers for our advent calender are from there 😁. Happy Tuesday Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

Anne (cornucopia) said... 17

I'm sorry to hear about the shopping fiasco. I think the plant looks festive and beautiful, despite the hefty price. I'm in the "love" eggnog group. Happy T-Day!

Lisca said... 18

Oh dear, Sally got is completely wrong! Your plant arrangement is beautiful and well worth the 20$ but it was not what you wanted, and not what you wanted to spend. And the cream of chicken case is worse again. Can she take it back next time?
We don't have ready made soups here (people make their own, so do I). But I have seen 'cream of' soups as ingredients in American recipes, and have often wondered about that.
Eggnog, yumm! I love eggnog. I make mine with rum and lots of spices. I will definitely join you with this one. Cheers!
Happy T-Day,

Darla said... 19

Eggnog is such a part of what I think of as a holiday celebration. One cup or glass is enough to satisfy me for the season. I have ordered groceries online and had them delivered with success. I try to be very specific and add no substitutions. Yout floral centerpiece is very prettty. Dont know what to say about all that soupp. Maybe donate it to a food bank.

Jackie McGuinness said... 20

I always end up buying egg nog, we have one and then I throw the rest out in February.
I love that plant, I was hearting on it from the first photo.
Since my husband is now gluten free I make my own cream soups.

Divers and Sundry said... 21

Sally! I appoint her Queen of Poor Judgement 'til a better candidate comes along. Sheesh, what was she thinking? _Was_ she thinking?

I'm on the "no, thank you" side of the eggnog question, but my husband loves it and just like you looks forward to its appearance in the grocery store.

Happy T Tuesday!

CJ Kennedy said... 22

Ouch! Seems the cost of everything is going up due to Covid. That bill would hurt when you weren't expecting it to be so high, but that plant is really beautiful.

I was running low on Cream of Whatever soup, I found a really easy recipe to make your own Cream of Whatever soup. This one is for Cream of Chicken. Leave out the chicken and substitute celery.

I love eggnog with a sprinkling of nutmeg on top. Btw, we couldn't get eggnog last shopping trip (Thanksgiving) as the store was all out. Hopefully next trip. I do have an eggnog recipe that calls for pasteurized eggs, but the only place I found pasteurized eggs was in PA where the Eldest lives.

Happy T Day

craftytrog said... 23

I'm not sure I've ever tasted eggnog. It looks good in your Christmas glass though.
Oh dear, I'd stick with Scott next time! The planter is a beauty though!
Alison xx

gigi-hawaii said... 24

I like the looks of your planter. It is lovely in your home. I saw your name on Iris's blog. I'll visit you again. Aloha from Hawaii.

Nancy said... 25

The poinsettia looks so pretty on your table. But it's hard not to see $ signs every time you look at it! Oh, such a shopping story- a whole case of soup is something it might take a lifetime to use. Well, enjoy your egg nog and relax a bit!

LA Paylor said... 26

your glasses are so pretty! I'm waiting for our poinsettias to be delivered. Your arrangement is classy

pearshapedcrafting said... 27

No Thank you to the egg nog, although Tony would probably say yes please! I love the poinsettia planter. I hope it lasts as long as my friends did last year it was still going strong in July! Poor Sally, she obviously wanted to take you something back and knowing mushrooms weren't an option went for a similar colour to cream of celery! I hope you can find someone to eat it! Hugs, Chrisx

Jeanie said... 28

That's a gorgeous poinsettia and it looks great and the price isn't even bad for what it is. What it isn't is the size you wanted (and probably the cost!) A whole case of soup? Way weird. It's one thing to have a $100 grocery bill -- but when a LOT of it is for something you really didn't want, it's really not fun. And hard to complain too much when someone is shopping for you. I feel your pain.

Eileen Bergen said... 29

Just commenting on your comment to me ... Ah, the windows - our house has too many for us to clean ourselves. There are 5 skylights that require one person on the roof (not at our age!) and one inside on a ladder. There is also a row of small windows that run along the wall under the cathedral ceiling in the living room, which mean more roof walking. So we bite the bullet and pay the price.

one irrational bean said... 30

I love eggnog and your poinsettia and company plant is beautiful!