Monday, November 16, 2020

T Stands For From The Archives

Here is another entry from the archives.

My friend Sally and I used to go to Riverside Cafe a lot.  I've taken several of my friends there because it's in the neighborhood.  At one time the food was excellent, the staff was friendly, and it felt like a nice hometown "greasy spoon."

For those of you who don't know what a greasy spoon is, we'll let Wikipedia explain:
A greasy spoon is a small, cheap eatery – either an American diner or coffee shop, or a British or Irish cafe – typically specializing in fried foods and/or home-cooked meals.
Sadly, the restaurant not only expanded, but the owners opened three Riverside Cafes in different parts of Wichita (Kansas, USA).  Quality decreased, while prices increased.  I'm not sure how well they are doing now.  I'll probably not go back anytime soon.

You can see that both Sally and I ordered water with lemon with our meal.  Sally ordered breakfast and her meal was at least 1/4 gone before I ever got a photo of what I had.  It took me awhile to realize I ordered fish, which was supposed to be baked.  I also got a salad with my fish.  I had to laugh at how Sally eats her toast.

It's now time for you to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard likes to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.

This is also Day 17 of AEDM, where I hosted a drink link-up party.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Shame nice places sometimes get altered and 'Improved' much to their detriment. Love how Sally bites her toast into a pattern! Happy T Day, stay safe and well! Hugs, Valerie

Eileen Bergen said... 2

It's nice to see Sally again. I hope she's doing well. It is cute the way she eats her toast.

That's such a common tale - good restaurant goes bad. It's a tough business - very hard to hang onto good staff and keep prices competitive. It's a shame for all involved.

Happy T-Day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

Mae Travels said... 3

We have seen so many restaurants open up with wonderful food and then degrade, probably when they realize that they can't deliver the quality they meant to serve while still making a profit at all. It's a brutal business, but I don't have much sympathy for those who establish a good thing and then act greedy, which is what I think your story depicts.

be well...mae at

kathyinozarks said... 4

Yes you saw right I linked up (smiles) since my blog site is moving around-now back to my Hummingbird blog-which I like much better-I thought I would link up so anyone that wants to visit me will know where I am now.
I am still not super comfortable with the link ups-over what happened a couple times, but chatting with a friend she thinks it is a blogger issue and not a security issue--so wanted to give it a go this week.
Your plate has lots of food on it so that's a good thing, but no fun spending money on a meal that is not as good as it should be-sigh
happy T Elizabeth-thanks for "putting up me" with all my blogging changes

Lisca said... 5

Sadly that is the way of many nice little restaurants. They hope that they will build up a more upmarket clientele, but often the place just deteriorates.
It is nice to see Sally again. She is looking very well in that photo, but I realize this is an archive post so it was probably a while ago.
The way she was eating her toast made me smile.
Happy T-Day,

Karen said... 6

When I was young I had my eggs over easy and would eat my toast like sally :) Enjoy your week ~ Love, Karen

Linda Kunsman said... 7

Sad when a place known for such good and inexpensive food takes a turn to expand. That almost never works out. And sometimes if one's lucky, they take things back to the way they were. That happened at a Mexican restaurant over an hour away from us that was family run, very small, but so authentic and the best....until another family member(much younger) took it over and almost ran it to the ground. Thankfully the original family came in and brought it back-with the original recipes and prices:)
Here's to the day we can ALL safely go out and enjoy good meals! Happy T day!

Rita said... 8

I like the way Sally eats her toast. :)
One day you two will be able to go out restaurant hopping again.

Susan Kane said... 9

Some day, I am looking forward to dining-in once again. Richie's--they expanded to 2 other restaurants and they are equally good. Formed by a husband/wife team, both southern appetites. Bread pudding. Peach cobbler. Good stuff.

Christine said... 10

I love greasy spoon eateries! Your lemon water is healthy and the food looks good!

Kate Yetter said... 11

Your meal looks good. It seems to be a trend of restaurants that become a chain or expand. Single local restaurants always have better food, service and prices. Hopefully, you can find a nice "greasy spoon" to replace it.
Happy Tea Day,

CJ Kennedy said... 12

Diner food is usually pretty good. Sounds like this place overextended themselves. I had to laugh at you saying your friend had started eating her meal. I usually shout. Don’t eat! 😺 Happy T Day

aussie aNNie said... 13

Food looks ok, guess times can change all...xx

Iris Flavia said... 14

Sad story with the little restaurant.
Makes me want to go "home" and check if I still can get a "Ten without Ham" at my old Pizza-place... if they´re still open, that is.
But who wants to jump on a train these days anyways.
So, I´m with you, let´s enjoy the archives!

Anne (cornucopia) said... 15

I like "greasy spoons." The food looked good. I'm sorry to hear the quality has gone down and the prices have gone up. Happy T-Day!

Let's Art Journal said... 16

Always nice to find a good "greasy spoon" local to you 😁. It's a shame that the quality went down hill after they expanded though and Sally's toast made me smile too ... ha ha! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x
p.s. just had to select palm trees to verify I'm not a robot, how funny is that as I know you love these trees so much 😉. x

RO said... 17

It's the pits when a restaurant is really good, and then goes down hill when they expand. What a fun pic of Sally's toast!(lol) Hugs and Happy Tuesday to you! RO

WendyK said... 18

Why do they always ruin a good thing. I don't like massed produced food.
Hugs Wendy

craftytrog said... 19

Happy times! What a shame they ruined the cafe, the food looks delicious!
Alison xx

Jackie McGuinness said... 20

Never thought about the meaning of greasy spoon until today!!
Sadly this happens all the time. We had found a cute little Italian spot in NYC years ago then took friends a few years later and it had expanded and wasn't as good.
Now I have to think of some other examples and maybe post them.

My name is Erika. said... 21

I couldn't link to you last night at all for some strange reason. Luckily this morning it worked. Nice to go back into the archives and see that super meal. Even if it wasn't as good as before they expanded, it still looks yummy. I really miss going to my local hole in the wall breakfast place. I must say I would love Sally's breakfast right now. (As it is breakfast time). But not with Covid, although I must say they still have huge crowds. Guess it is all those non-believers. Thanks for sharing and happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Jeanie said... 22

I love the term "greasy spoon." It's so accurate! and it looks like a fun day!

Divers and Sundry said... 23

Those restaurant owners bit off more than they could chew ;) These days they may've pulled back their ambitions a bit. I hope they survive this plague so they can improve their quality and get you back :)

Happy T Tuesday!

DVArtist said... 24

I thought I left you a comment here. I didn't. OMG old age again. LOL I have worked in some of the best greasy spoons and made lots of good tips. It seems that when a cafe or restaurant decides to expand it just doesn't work for the customer. The food looks pretty darn good.

pearshapedcrafting said... 25

I do love an all day breakfast on a cold day! Sorry to hear that as they expanded the business the quality of food went down! Sally's Toast...:-D ! Take care, Hugs, Chrisxx

Eileen Bergen said... 26

Thank you for your concern, Elizabeth. The emergency room visit had nothing to do with the water bill shock. I have a lesion on my ankle that just won't heal. My G.P. thought it had abscessed and would need to be surgically drained. So I was very relieved to walk out of the hospital with just a prescription for antibiotics. My leg is much better. It was just one of those days. You're so thoughtful and I'm grateful for your friendship.

Sandra Cox said... 27

That top picture of Sally is really good.
Don't ya hate it when they mess with a good eatery?
YOU have a day as special as you are.

Lowcarb team member said... 28

I like the way Sally eats her toast :)
Thanks for sharing these photographs.

All the best Jan

NatureFootstep said... 29

too much food for me I´m afraid. I don´t eat much anymore :(

Serena Lewis said... 30

It's such a shame when great little cafes expand and they lose the quality food/service in the process. I've never heard the term 'greasy spoon' here in Australia. We just call them cafes or restaurants. :)

Re. the Blogger thing - It's weird because I added your blog to my sidebar Blog List this morning with no issues. And the blogs in my list have their icons too. I wonder if the worldwide glitch is only effecting certain blog templates. Let's hope they fix it soon as I can totally understand your frustration.