Thursday, November 19, 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date: Antique

It's Thursday and that means we're meeting at Rain's for her Thursday Art Date.  This week, the theme is Antique

All I have to do is visit my own home for antiques.

I think I like this view much better, because it shows some of the goodies I  have to put away when I get my Christmas items out.

Bleubeard never cares what the house looks like as long as he can stay away from Squiggles.

Here I've caught him on one of my dining room chairs.  He knows he's in trouble from the look on his face.

Speaking of dining room table and chairs, when my antique dealer found this table, he called me.   He said he had never seen a claw foot table like this before.  Usually the feet are around one large central column.  This one has four columns, each with a claw, as well as a small central column.   Note the beading around the table edge, too.

It took me over a year to find these four matching chairs.  They were almost as expensive as the table, because I had to pay for new caning in each of the chairs, in addition to the cost of each chair.  Many friends tried to convince me to buy mismatched chairs for an eclectic look, but I refused.  I'm glad I did.

This sideboard was a compromise.  I have always collected quarter sawn oak, but this is straight cut oak.

This was the first piece I ever purchased.  I was just out of high school and was living in an apartment.  After I bought it, I got buyer's remorse, even though it was the quarter sawn oak I knew I wanted to collect.  I paid $9.00 for it at an auction.  However, a man told me he would buy the pulls from me if I wanted to get rid of them.  Note there are 10 pulls, so my purchase didn't feel so bad after that.

This is the second piece I ever purchased.

I got it at a garage sale and had to borrow a truck and a very strong helper to get it home.  It weighs a ton and is designed in the traditional Arts and Crafts style popularized by Frank Lloyd Wright.

I have two of these Hoosier style kitchen cabinets that sit in my dining room.  They are, from what I can tell, from the 1920s.  Each is slightly different.   The one on the left holds the traditional flour bin, while the one on the right holds a pie safe.

This is looking from my kitchen to my dining and living room.  Interior design experts will tell you not to line your furniture up against a wall like I have, but I have no other way to place these pieces otherwise.  Note my phone is gone from this location now.  It now sits on my desk in the office because I no longer have the DSL connection.

I'm not sure you can call my kitchen table and chairs antiques, but I inherited them from my grandparents (who raised me).  I think they came from the 1930s or 1940s, from what information I could find on the internet.

This is my serpentine map chest.  I traded it to a friend who wanted my piano stool/bench.

This is my antique lawyer's (sometimes called Barrister) bookcase.  It holds books I plan to alter, or ones I use to find just the right phrases.  To its right is a sampling of my altered books.  Both cats love to play in them, so I'm surprised they've lasted this long.  Other items I collect include antique letter openers, scales, weights, and musical instruments.

I also have two very old view finders.  At one time I had over 100 of the special cards that you place in each to create a 3-D image, but they were lost in a move, so now I only have a few.  The egg scale is the first I've ever seen and I was lucky to find it.  And of course, anywhere you look, you will find a rocking horse or six.

A rather poor shot of my grandmother's sewing machine she sewed on till the day she died.

You might be able to read that it is a New Home and not a Singer.  I also have several very old musical instruments on this wall, too.

I really need a better photo of my grandmother's sewing machine.  She refused to allow me to buy her an electric sewing machine after she saw how frustrated I was with the one I bought myself.  I never got the tension right on it, and sold it after I owned it a few weeks.  BTW, as I noted when I first showed this photo, that is NOT dirt on the baseboard, but where I have scrubbed the paint off the wood. Now the cat tower hides it.

I decided to take a few photos of my grandmother's sewing machine.

When you open the lid, the sewing machine raises and the part showing "New Home" flips up under the machine.

I'm fairly certain this is an antique typewriter.  All I need is a new ribbon.

The legs on the table are true ball and claw. 

This is a photo of the table taken two years ago in the winter.  The ball is glass and each ball has at least one bubble in it.  The claws are brass.  They attach to the legs of my library end table, also quarter saw oak.

This is a very rare signed Bradley Hubbard slag glass, leading, brass, and cast iron electric lamp.

The reason it is so rare is because the base matches the lamp shade.  This is circa 1900 and one of my most valuable antiques.  I checked ebay and one is selling for $1200.00 and $95.00 shipping fee.  I paid $800.00 for mine in the early 1990s.  For awhile it depreciated, but I see they are now increasing in value again.  It's often been called the "poor person's Tiffany lamp."

Here are some very old photos of my guest bedroom.
I needed a new camera when I took these photos.

Here is a partial photo of my highboy.

Next to it is an antique baby carriage or pram as they are called across the pond.

There are side isinglass windows on the pram.  I found this at the curb ready for the annual neighborhood clean-up one year.  That's why I like to peruse the neighborhood the night before.  Note the night stand with its half serpentine front.

Yes, I always overdo the pillows, but that's the only place I have to show off the rocking horse pillows.

Apparently the only photo I have of my dresser shows it is a full serpentine design.  Also in the photo is an old Arts and Crafts style plant stand,

but I prefer the Victorian one I keep in my dining room. 

It serves its purpose, though, because it holds some of my altered books.  The rug is definitely an antique, because it belonged to my grandmother's great-aunt.

You can see the full serpentine front of the highboy in the reflection of the dresser mirror.

Technically not antiques, these are quite old, except the cinnamon sticks and the bell I made from a fan and silk flowers.

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the antiques I have in my home.  All photos taken by me.  All vignettes created by me, although they often change, since it's easier than moving furniture.  Bleubeard was thrilled I included him in person this week.

I probably don't say it often enough, but thank you ever so much for stopping by.  I am truly grateful to you, my friends, followers, readers, and lurkers for visiting.  Please also join me at Rain's Thursday Art Date

Today is Day 19 of AEDM and I joined a link-up party showcasing my antiques.

35 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful tour through your antique pieces, you have some lovely furniture, but my fave is that beautiful lamp, I love the glass and metal. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

Serena Lewis said...

WOW!!! What a wonderful collection of antiques you have! Amazing! Thanks for taking us on the tour, Elizabeth...thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

I remember my Mum sewing on an old Singer treadle sewing machine when I was a child. I can't remember how but the sewing machine somehow lowered, or folded over, down inside and then was covered over with a flap, I think...which became like a small table surface.

OH, by the way, great news that your Blogger is back to normal. What a relief for you.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

That are wonderful your antique pieces!it's like wonderland with you, great.Thanks for the tour and especially the old rocking pigs are so cute and the floor lamp!
Have a good day, hug Elke

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you for the tour! Oh, my do we live differently!
Maybe the board I bought myself in 1993 might count as mini-antique. But it comes in bright green...
The sewing machine sure is awesome.

kathyinozarks said...

I Loved the tour of your home Elizabeth-thanks so much for sharing all the photos-I would have your sewing machine-sewing for sure I always wanted one of those but never had room for one-special that this one is from your family

Sami said...

Thanks for the tour of your house Elizabeth, you have wonderful antique pieces of furniture. Love the sewing machine, the exquisite table lamp and the Barrister bookcase, plus the antique scales and musical instruments.
I have lots of little collections but nothing as precious as yours.
I was intrigued with the green rug with the flower border, as the pattern reminds me of the hand-embroidered Portuguese rugs from Arraiolos.

Mae Travels said...

Your mention of your beautiful lamp having dropped in price and then regained its value is very interesting -- I had read that antiques were less popular for a while and it would be nice to know they are coming back. I have one or two golden oak items, but mostly newer furniture now -- I love the claw-leg pieces that you showed.

It's really a pleasure to see your house!

be well... mae at

Sharon Fritchman said...

What a beautiful collection of antique furniture you have, Elizabeth!!! I love all of you pieces, but especially like your grandmother’s wonderful sewing machine!! What a treasure!! Thank you for sharing your lovely home with all of us! And thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! Have a great November!! Sharon

RO said...

My goodness dear Elizabeth, it took about 14 minutes, but I literally went through every single picture and truly loved the tour of your home. Those antique claw feet look like actual feet(lol) Your furniture is beautiful, and it's wonderful to see so many examples of your collections including the rocking horses and trees. I never noticed how much you're into candles. I love my scented candles, but your candle holders are fantastic! I'll be back later today to peek in again at all your treasures. Hugs, RO

Christine said...

It was a treat to see all your lovely antiques thanks for sharing Elizabeth!

Cathy Kennedy said...


I loved walking through your home viewing the many gorgeous antiques. You've done quite well over the years furnishing your place with old works of art. :) Thanks for inviting me into your place today. Have a doodletastic day, furriend! ;)

DVArtist said...

Wow. You live in a beautiful museum of antiquity.

CJ Kennedy said...

I really enjoyed seeing your home and beautiful antique furniture. I also love the copper molds on your kitchen walls.

craftytrog said...

What a fabulous home you have Elizabeth! That lamp is a beauty, and I love the sewing machine table.
This was a perfect theme for you!
Alison xx

Jeanie said...

Wow, Elizabeth. Thank you, thank you for this tour through your beautiful home. I know we've seen bits and pieces before but never so much and I am wild about your furniture. I love the Hoosiers and the sideboard especially, but really I love it all. And that lamp! You have some wonderful pieces. I love that you kept the wood as is. I like painted furniture but when you have really beautiful wood like you do, I hate to see it covered up. Your home is so personal and I loved every photo.

Divers and Sundry said...

Interior design experts change their advice almost annually it seems, so I'd pay no attention to them. You've done a wonderful job of arranging your pieces. I like your "poor man's Tiffany" better than actual Tiffany lamps, and what a find it was!

Greetings to Bleubeard :)

Barbara said...

Wow, an impressive tour! You live in a very classy museum. ☺️

Helen said...

you have some very stylish pieces in your home! thanks for showing them

da tabbies o trout towne said...

wavez two ewe bleu !!!! !!! ~~~~~ hope ewe N squiggles haza grate week end; cauz trubull ;) ♥♥

you have some AMAZING pieces Elizabeth. an antigue dealer would feel
like a kid in a candy store if they were there !!! ☺☺☺

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Thank you for sharing photos of your great looking antique furniture. It looks like you have some rare pieces: I don't think I've ever seen a table with individual claw feet like that. I like the other glass ball claw foot table too. You collect rocking horses the way I collect rhinoceros (although I've been cutting back on them lately). I didn't know Bleubeard didn't like Squiggles. :-( And I chuckled when you said by the look on Bleubeard's face when he was on the chair, he knew he was in trouble. (My little urchin got up to some mischief the other day, and knew he was in trouble for it.)

Dawn said...

OH MY GOSH what a lovely home. I could look around each room for hours and hear about each piece. I love antique furniture and that table! What an incredibly rare find. Love it.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Nancy said...

What a lovely tour- thank you. You do have some beautiful pieces in your collection. I am partial to the Barrister cases and I love how your altered books are displayed all around. Funny that the cats enjoy playing in them! Our cats are not fans of each other either. I'm going to try some Rescue Remedy in their daily wet food to see if that has any effect.

My name is Erika. said...

What a fabulous tour of your home. You have a nice collection of antiques. And you've decorated beautifully too. I had to smile when you wrote about your first bought piece. I bought mine at that age too. It was an old steamer trunk that I used for college. Now I have 2 of them as I got one for free at the dump swap shop. It's fun to look for things, isn't it? Thanks for the tour. I really enjoyed this post and getting a big look into your home. Hugs-Erika

My name is Erika. said...

I forgot to say those table claw feet are really cool!

Rita said...

You have more antiques than anyone I have ever met. They're beautiful and full of character. Love the claw foot table. :)

Christine said...

So sorry you are not feeling well I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

Kokopelli said...

OMG.......OMG........oh, I can't stop looking at all the beautiful furniture you have in your home! Thanks for sharing! And I love that fabric Christmas tree! Any chance there is a pattern? So sad to hear you were sick and don't worry about visiting my blog too late. Hope you feel better by now and can enjoy life and your beautiful home again! Have a nice day!

Rain said...

Hi Elizabeth!!! I really hope you are feeling better! I hate hearing that you've been sick...I have to say, you have LOVELY furniture! The cabinet with a pie safe!!! I love that! Pie is NOT safe in this house lol! I love all of your copper kitchen moulds and tools too, very nice. The old scale on your Barrister's bookcase is awesome! The lamp is beautiful! And I love those claw feet on your table. Wow...this theme was made for you! My grandfather had an old Singer sewing machine that he used. Unfortunately my parents sold all of his beautiful furniture when he passed away....ugh, I'm still trying to deal with that.

Lowcarb team member said...

So lovely to see all of these photographs you have a very nice collection of antique pieces. I have to say the lamp is my favourite, I showed it to Eddie and he agreed :)

All the best Jan

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Hmmm ... a lot of nooks and crannies for Bleubeard to hide in. You have quite an amazing collection of Antiques. Many I have never seen and some I have not. I had a Singer Sewing machine, but I never used it ... it was my MIL and she had used it for years before I had it. Your collection is so vast, it is hard to comment on all of it. I love the rocking horses that show up everywhere and the Lamp, of course, the Lamp. What a gorgeous piece. I like your Hoosier Cabinets. They are very different than mine, but I have seen similar ones (like you I used to go to Flea Markets). Mine has the flower bin also. Your table and chairs are gorgeous and I agree that it is great that you got the four matching chairs. Eclectic has it's place but not around that very awesome table. What else, the bedroom furniture the pram, the plant stands the ball and claw Library table ... everything is amazing. So glad you decided to share them with us. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you are an antique person, as we have had much in common all along. Thank you for the tour, Elizabeth it was delightful :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Let's Art Journal said...

Wow, your home is so beautiful! You have such a lovely collection of antiques, thanks so much for the tour 😀. Loving your collection of Christmas trees too! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh My Elizabeth! What a treat this was...and I don't just mean seeing Bleubeard! Your furniture and the way you have such lovely pieces arranged on them is a real delight to see! I love that old balance scale and the glass lamp is really beautiful. I regret letting some our furniture go to auction but there just wouldn't have been the space for them in our apartment! Thank you for the guided tour! Hugs, Chrisx

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Just an fyi, since you asked. My Hoosier cabinet is all original. It was passed down through my husband's family and lucky for me, my Bil and Sil were not interested in it. It is one of my favorite pieces, but my son hates that it is green. Unlike me, as green is probably my favorite color, he has "manly" taste and apparently green doesn't do it for him, Ha! So that raises the question of where it will end up after we are gone ... only he knows, I guess :) Hope you are feeling better. My daughter has been sick this past week and with the Covid 19 going around, it is a serious concern when someone gets sick. Fortunately she didn't have it :) Tale care. Elizabeth ...


orvokki said...

Really a lots of antique. Lovely photos.

Empire of the Cat said...

I am amazed at your furniture, it's beautiful. I came over here at the weekend to comment on something else, saw this post and was totally distracted lol. Then I felt a little sad seeing so much IKEA flat-pack in my own house. I did recently acquire a few pieces and a couple of years ago I picked up one of those singer sewing tables at the tip (dump) nearly fell in trying to haul it out and into my car haha. New Home changed name to Janome here as part of some rebranding thing. Oh I do have an old singer machine from 1935! All is not lost!