Saturday, July 18, 2020


Today I'm once again joining Erika, who many of you know as Bio Art Gal.  She is also this month's host at Art Journal Journey.  Her theme is When It's Hot.

It's hard to miss the title of this page.

Yes, these boys are definitely

caught under the steaming pot.

This is a steam pot where water or broth is heated

then dispensed through the


I started by laying down bits of paint using a faux credit card on a used file folder.  After the colors had dried, I added more paint colors through a home made stencil.  Unfortunately most of the background was covered with the focal image.  I also added star shaped punchinella, or sequin waste.  Instead of wasting the extra paint, I turned the punchinella over and rubbed the backing using a faux credit card.

Next, I cut the old fashioned steamer from a cookbook and sewed around the pot using variegated thread.  I then added the word I sewed around twice using the same variegated thread.  Finally, I added the two TH paper doll boys under the spigot.  I attempted to ground them to the page by placing the older one on the shadow of the pot's base.

As always, thanks so very much for joining Bleubeard and me today, and we hope to also see you at Art Journal Journey

20 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Elizabeth. What are those kids doing there, they should be kept away from hot steam, scary! Perhaps the pot belonged to the witch in Hänsel and Gretel....Have a great day, Valerie

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Do you want to boil them up maybe the two guys who look so cute in their previous clothes.
somehow fabulously your steamer on your side with your seams and outside so colorful!
Let us come up with pure fantasy, wink!
Happy day, hugs Elke

Iris Flavia said...

When Ingo was little he grabbed up. The boiler of hot water fell on him.
His parents got scared - not a scar. It went all over his face. Not a scar :-)
Imagine how I JUMPed when the Nieces were small and in the kitchen.
Don´t boil kids - 19C "already"! Good for the coldest summer I remember.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great idea for the theme Elizabeth. And I forgot to wish Squiggles a Happy Birthday! when I commented on your post for that, so I'm doing it now.

CJ Kennedy said...

Fun image. Makes me think of steamed and pressed. Look how nicely the boys are dressed? How long before they are covered in dirt and rumpled? 😺

My name is Erika. said...

That is an awesome picture! I have never seen anything quite like it. I sure hope those boys aren't standing there when the water is released-or even more so the steam. I love the punchella bit too. I do the same thing as I hate to waste paint. I get pages of paint clean up and then they become art. I hate even worse when you open a jar of paint and it has all dried up. Grrr. Have a great Saturday and thanks for joining in at AJJ with this fun piece! Hugs-Erika

Meggymay said...

Fantastic and fun as long as those boys kept safely away from the hot steam. Its a fantastic take on Erika's theme. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Yvonne xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh My Goodness! I am shocked Elizabeth - those poor lads, what did they do? I do hope this steamer hasn't been filled! Love the bright background and I'm with you on not wasting paint!
On a much brighter note I have to say what a lovely surprise I got this morning in the post (actually had to wait a little longer than the post as for some reason two of our letters got put into a neighbours letterbox!) I shall be using some of these very soon!! Thank you so much for my treat - I loved your ATC on your blog and feel so happy to have this! How is your eye now? Getting better I hope! Hugs, Chrisx

Sandra Cox said...

Steamed. I love it:)
And the sunflowers on blue. Gorgeous. It's an amazing piece.
Have a wondrous weekend.

DVArtist said...

Ohhhh this is one of my favorites. You are so very talented.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Elizabeth, this is great. So many times I make a gorgeous background and then cover it up with an image and regret it but the Steam Pot is just brilliant. You were right of course about the bucket, it was dog fur and yes we do watch Midsomer Murders all the time and never get fed up with it. I guess there are lots of little villages in different parts of the UK that are similar to this. Although we live quite close to the City Lincoln is surrounded by agricultural land and is almost a forgotten part of the country but we quite like that. We actually have a Thatcher living on our street and he is busy all the time. He was actually thatching a new house a while ago so they are obviously still popular. Thanks for your good wishes for Maisie too. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

Divers and Sundry said...

I love your colorful background here, and what an entertaining take on "steamed" :) There's a story there.

Susan Kane said...

Poor kid! His brother pushed him over to the direct stream.

Rita said...

Such cute little boys. Not sure why they might be steamed--LOL!

Jeanie said...

THis one is just plain fun! Love the graphic, too!

Cindy McMath said...

This is a great page Elizabeth - I love the colours and images you’ve chosen. Beautiful.

Mia said...

Wow! Sooooooo funny! Great page, Elizabeth!

Eileen Bergen said...

This is a shocking image, Elizabeth. What could those little lads have done that warranted being steamed? lol.

Hugs, Eileen

Halle said...

Love how colorful the background is with the bold b&w over the top. Awesome! Fantastic page!!

Neet said...

Oh dear, those little boys look so angelic and yet they are standing somewhere they ought not to be. Maybe they do not realise just how dangerous a place they are in.
Love your page, love the steam pot!
Hugs to you all
Neet xx