I hope everyone who is visiting from the states is having a great holiday weekend. Right now, it's time to join
Sami at
Sami's Colourful World and her
Monday Murals. Please be aware
that Sami's mural link goes live at 11:01 a.m. my time.

If you visited last week, you saw the
Immigration is beautiful mural. This mural I'm sharing today was created during the repair of the mural I showed last week. It sits on the back side of the building where the other mural was painted.

I was having trouble getting close enough because I didn't want to walk past the men who were busy working.

Although I explained I wouldn't get their faces in the photo, they even posed for me and asked that I take their photos.

Somehow, I didn't feel right walking past them. I have no idea why, but something made me feel uncomfortable, perhaps the fact that neither of them was wearing a mask. Perhaps I will return one of these days to photograph this one again when no one is around.
As noted last week, this mural was created by a group of Wichita, Kansas (USA) high school students known as the Latin Leaders (LL) under the guidance of Armando Minjarez. This mural sits at the back of a building at 21st Street and Park Place in Wichita, Kansas (USA).
If you enjoy murals from around the world, please don't forget to visit
Monday Murals at
Sami's Colourful World.
19 thoughtful remarks:
Elizabeth's internet is down. She wanted me to let everyone know that she will be back with you as soon as her internet service provider issues are resolved.
That's a great mural. You're wise to keep your distance from un - masked people. Take care Elizabeth! Hope your eye is better. I have my eye OP on Wednesday this week. Valerie
Mask requirements differ so much from place to place, don't they! I understand you not wanting to get too close. I see from the comment that your internet is down. I hope that doesn't last long.
Interesting mural -- so much going on there that it's hard to see what it's doing. You do well when you distance from other people even when they ARE masked.
Good luck with the internet connection!
be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
I wouldn't have passed them either. None of the outside workers wear masks, oh hell what I am saying hardly ANYONE here wears a mask. It became law July 1 to have a face covering in any building. Well it has been a fight and none of the tourist wear masks. No one enforce it. So this mural is amazing. So glad to see that high school kids created it.
Another cool mural. I hope you get back soon when people aren't there and you can walk by the whole mural more comfortably. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika
I'm leery of anyone without a mask, too.
Interesting mural, though. :)
I hope you get that darned internet fixed again! :(
That's a terrific mural for this time of year, Elizabeth. Nice find! And yes, with the masks.
I understand. I´m too shy always to ask for people´s faces, to show them.
And especially here in Germany, uh-oh... they could fine you. And even if they would not, it´s a sign of respect, is it.
Elizabeth you are absolutely right to keep distance!!! I'm not sure about the meaning of this painting
A kind of gritty nitty one.
Always good to see the artist in working.
More super photos of the mural and good that you saw the men painting the wall. I would have kept the distance as well, masks are not worn as much in public here as they are in other parts of the world.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx
Nice to catch the artists at work. You'll have to go past it again when there's no one there. I couldn't figure out what the words in the book were.
Thanks for contributing Elizabeth, glad your friend was able to post for you and hope your internet is back on again soon.
Don't blame you, I avoid people without masks although I wear one.
It becomes law tomorrow to wear masks in indoor spaces.
Thanks for sharing this mural …
All the best Jan
Another amazing mural! xx
...some guys like to have their picture taken, I'm not one of them! Taking pictures of mural can be hard, that's why they call it work.
There's a lot to look at in the mural. And I like your pictures of the mural and the people.
And yeah -- keep that distance. Stay safe.
We'd love to see the mural again. :)
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