It's time to once again visit
Try it on Tuesday where their theme this fortnight is "
Create a scene."

These are more sights from across the USA.

Although there are battleships along all coasts in the states, this one is in the Gulf of Mexico.

I wish I'd noted where this Fort was located, but I didn't. Perhaps someone will recognize it and let me know in the comments.

This is the driveway leading to the southern antebellum sugarcane mansion known as Oak Alley Plantation. It gets it's name from the over 300 year old oak trees that line the driveway.

Right now I'd love to be whale watching in Alaska. I've been on several whale watching expeditions, but they were all in southern California, mostly around San Diego. Each one is completely different, so if you ever get the chance to experience a whale watch, I hope you indulge. This is a photo of a very happy humpback whale. You'll see Orcas, too.

Sadly, I've never seen a lighthouse, except in photos.

This is Hell's Canyon near Clarkston, Washington (WA), which is the deepest canyon in North America.

Near Rockland, Maine (ME), you will get a chance to sail on a schooner. You can help raise the sails and take a turn at the wheel, too.

I love everything about New Orleans, Louisiana (LA) except the humidity and the heat, which are present even in winter.

If you're ever in Louisville, Kentucky (KY), before you don your fanciest hat and place a bet at Churchill Downs, be sure you know how to pronounce LOO-uh-vuhl.

Be sure to visit Portland, Maine (ME) and visit the lighthouse there.

Sadly, the photo was too large and I cut off the lighthouse.

For this spread I created in my new Scraps altered book, I began by computer generating, then coloring the words using dye ink.
All images came from various travel magazines. All mats were paint chip samples I've had for years.
Thanks for your visit today. I appreciate it, as does Bleubeard. Don't forget to visit Try it on Tuesday and check out how other mixed media artists Create a Scene.
13 thoughtful remarks:
A lovely tour of sites to enjoy. You must visit, perhaps even climb, a lighthouse someday. The view from the top is amazing!
Another fabulous journal spread with super pictures of interesting places to visit. Thank you for linking up with the current theme at Try it on Tuesdays and sharing some scenes of your home country, places that sadly I will never get to see for real.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx
That’s a fun tour of the USA, good for this time of year! I love lighthouses, too bad you lost one to trimming.
be well... mae at
A fun tour!
Virtual travel! Perfect for these days :) Thanks!
Oh, Elizabeth, it's wonderful -- all the places we'd like to go. Do we want to go all the more now because we can't? Because I don't really WANT to go anywhere now -- and yet I so want to see things, get away, be THERE, wherever there is. This caps it well.
what a great post today Elizabeth !!! thanx for the tour; there are many spots I'd like to visit; maybe in my "next" life !!! { have always wanted to live in a lighthouse....even had the scheme of different rooms set up in my minds eye } I'll bet seeing the whales was amazing !!! ☺☺♥♥
Wonderful tour around the States. We've been to New Orleans and seen several lighthouses. We haven't been to any other of the mainland places. But we went on a whale watch off the coast of Hawaii. What an experience!
We only saw whales son the horizon for most of the trip. Finally, we saw three dolphins jumping and swimming toward the bow of oue boat. Sure enough, there was a whale followig them. The dolphins dove under the bow of our boat and the whale leapt over the bow!! WE all got soaked, but nobody minded. Hasta luego for T, Eileen
Lovely scenes!!
What a fun stay cation and some happy memories. Red and I took our girlies on a whale watch from Boston Harbor. So much fun. And being from New England I’ve visited quite a few light hoses. Nubble Light in York Beach, Maine is my favorite.Enjoy your day
Ah yes travel! I have that on the brain as well. I'm missing it so much!
A fun, colourful tour … I enjoyed it.
All the best Jan
A great spread with those wonderful postcard images Elizabeth! xx
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