Although I never found the pianos
Sharon found on a walk and shared with us during a
Tuesday T, I found some incredible sculptures and art at
The Art Park. If you missed Part 1, you can see it
here, or if you missed Part 2, you can see it

This is where we left off the last time we visited.

This is the labyrinth that is painted on the concrete. It was before the lockdown, so there's evidence of children playing there because of their sidewalk chalk.

I snagged this photo from The Art Park website's virtual tour, so you can see the overall view of the labyrinth, something I failed to capture. Obviously, it was much warmer when the above photo was taken, because I was freezing and my hands were shaking, even though I had worn gloves and warm outer wear.

This was near the labyrinth, albeit out of the overall view above.

At the edge of the labyrinth is a Little Library. Underneath it is where the sidewalk chalk is kept for the children to use.

I was really fascinated by this sculpture.

It was beautiful and impressive.

Don't you just love the way they wrote the word "Discover?"

There were more studios down this path,

but I felt it was nearly time to leave.

This sculpture was incredible from both sides.
Even though I never found the pianos, I really enjoyed seeing a small part of this really unique place where old and young alike can come. Thanks for joining me today. I really appreciate it.
13 thoughtful remarks:
It's a fun place with lots to see, and good that kids can have fun there, playing with chalk etc. The statues are beautiful. Happy Monday! Valerie
Wow you discovered a wonderful place-I love interactive pieces and the statues were wonderful thanks for sharing with us
Beautifully captured in pictures and words.
Fabulous post! The sculptures all look so beautiful 😁. Take care and wishing you a happy new week! Hugs, Jo x
You live in such a wonderful place. You show us so many beautiful art exhibits. Even though I live in a so called artist town. It is dry, no exhibits like this. I miss this kind of ventures. Have a great Monday.
Looks like a really fun place to visit. I especially loved the discover sign. I hope the chalk wasn’t just for children to use. The sculptures there are really beautiful
Elizabeth; what an amazing place !! the sculptures are great; I like the mother and child. truly amazing talent
thanx for sharing :) ♥♥
I love a labyrinth! Peaceful. Meditative.
The sculptures are wonderful!
Wonderful sculptures, the photos look fabulous, I love the mother and child as well as the one holding the baby.
Yvonne xx
I wanted to answer your question. I decided not to take India's class. I really wanted to but decided it's too expensive. It is 50 plus days plus she said she would be adding classes til the end of this year, but couldn't justify over $350.00
Looks like a great place to visit Elizabeth, I must say i'm very impressed with those fabulous statues especially the first Mother and babe in arms. The way discover is written is very inventive. Maybe you will find the piano's on your next visit..? xx
This is a really interesting place. Those statues are all amazing. And I like the labyrinth too. This was a good find by Sharon and an equally good find by you. Hope it was a good Monday. Hugs-Erika
What an interesting place, those statues are impressive.
All the best Jan
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