It's Friday and time to join Annie (at A Stitch in Time) and the wonderful ladies at Friday Smiles. I'll start with my funnies which are politically incorrect, but too funny to pass up.
It is not my intention to offend anyone, except maybe the above subject of these cartoons.
Speaking of offensive, how many know about Juneteenth? It's a portmanteau for June 19th. It's also sometimes called Freedom Day. Even though it is considered a holiday in all but four states (Hawaii, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana), it seems few people know much about this day which is the oldest known national celebration of the ending of slavery in the United States. It commemorates June 19, 1865. That's the day when Union Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas, and told slaves of their emancipation from slavery.
It certainly took a long time to get word to these enslaved blacks in Texas who finally received word of the Emancipation Proclamation nearly three years after President Lincoln signed the proclamation on September 22, 1862. The Proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states" are, and "henceforward shall be free." Unfortunately it did nothing to free the slaves in border states.
Perhaps with the newfound voices of individuals after so many recent acts of police and looter violence against people of color, the time is right to bring this celebration to the fore. Perhaps, too, it's time for white Americans to better understand how our nation’s racist past echoes today, whether in overt acts of hostility, institutional racism, or implicit bias. I hope, even if you don't participate in this celebration, you'll at least appreciate and think about the celebration next Friday from the safety of your own home.
Now for this week's ICADs:
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Let's play |
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Three ways |
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The bird knows |
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How the virus spread |
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The lighthouse |
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Boxed in |
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Old school |
Let's also head over to Annie's because she knows how to put a smile on faces. And whatever you do, please don't forget to start your weekend off right with a few Friday Smiles of your own. And remember, if you would like to play along, Annie will welcome you just as she did me many years ago.
25 thoughtful remarks:
I would say your cartoons are politically very correct! Shame about freedom day not being celebrated. Fun ICADS, I like the first one best. Have a great Friday, Valerie
It really is unbelievable, that man in question... ummm, that nasty, big, orange child, he MUST see how "his people", the world makes fun of him, no?
Indeed I did not know of June 19th. Juneteenth, I´ll keep that in mind.
It is unbelievable, too, what did I learn at school?! Or rather what not... thank you for taking that job.
Yes, I hope you may celebrate this, and that it becomes fully true, too.
That we can play nicely together, all of us!
Oh, come on, Elizabeth, you cannot do this! Now what happened to that child?! Why was there no search and where is the "kinde"? Is Frau Wagner the maid? You leave me with a lot of questions here!
Yes, I am that old I can read the old lettering ;-)
Elizabeth, you got me totally wrong, I´m a pluviophile, I loooove rain! :-)
I giggled at the politically CORRECT jokes about the orange man. It must be so difficult nowadays for parents to teach their children not to lie, as lies are told blatantly from the very top!
Your index cards are great. Very varied too. I love the one with the story, but am wondering what is going to happen with Mrs Wagner and the gipsy, and if they find the child. (I am old enough to remember the old lettering. It is quite beautiful actually. Although some of the capitals elude me sometimes)
Have a lovely weekend,
Sorry, clicked on the button too early. I hadn't finished:
I didn't know about the 19th of June. I do now and will commemorate privately. Really schools should change their curriculum of history. Yes, colonialism happened, but history books make it sound like a thing to be proud of. I think they should change that. It would help the next generation knowing that an injustice has been done, and respect people of all colour.
I'm going to have to make these quick today as we are trying to sort out a problem with the care team for my mum as they didn't turn up this morning until, 11.15am and she had been in bed since 7.00pm last night. However I have to say I don't understand why people are racist after all these are people just like the rest of us. On one occasion when I was teaching the RE teacher asked all the children whose parents were not from the uk to come onto the stage and there must have been a quarter of the school which few of the other children were aware of because most of them were white. This leaves me to believe that it is only colour that causes racism and some people seem unable to cope with anyone who looks different which is so sad. Loving your art work but better go. Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Angela xXx
Your cartoons are so true. I really enjoy your posts but REALLY enjoy them when you share a history lesson. I didn't know about June 19 either. And there lies in the problem. What I was taught in school never hit on black anything. My youngest grandson just graduated high school. He went to a private academy. He was not taught about anything unhappy in history. He had never heard of the holocaust, about how Natives were treated or about slavery. He is very intelligent and when you bring up a subject he researches it to learn about. My point being, we are so illiterate when it comes to our own history. Thanks for sharing.
Such fabulous ICADs! I live the kitty cat one, so adorable 😁. Thanks for the smiles! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x
Oh I need to share those cartoons with my husband. He would get a big kick out of them. I still wonder how someone's ego can be so large that they think they are so smart that they can fool people with lies. Constantly. And the ICADS are fantastic. The kitty one is so cute and I like the spreading one also. I need to try making some this summer, but think I'll pass on the challenge this year. Hope you have a great Friday and start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika
You wrote:
"Perhaps, too, it's time for white Americans to better understand how our nation’s racist past echoes today, whether in overt acts of hostility, institutional racism, or implicit bias."
YES! You are so right. History is complicated, and although I have read many books, I'm reading more and learning a lot. I had heard of Juneteenth, quite a long time ago, but I've never been aware of any communal celebrations.
Unfortunately -- as your right-on-the-mark cartoons highlight -- our top leadership is trying to reverse recent advances in relationships between the races and worsen the way our society treats disadvantaged minority groups.
be well... mae at
Sorry Elizabeth, but what is an ICAD? They look a bit like the Artist Trading cards I used to make for swaps, when the post could be relied upon, but a bit bigger.
The world is in a sorry state right now isn't it. I have never heard of the Juneteenth celebration, but anything that celebrates the end of slavery is a good thing.
I can't say your funnies really made me smile but I understood where they were coming from. Lies in government almost seem to be a norm now. It is no wonder the youth of today take no notice of what is said.
Here's hoping for a more peaceful weekend. Kate x
The political cartoons are funny. A great crop of ICADS and hard to pick a favorite. Of course, I love the kitties and the teddy bears, too. Have a great day!
What fun that humor that you offer us today Elizabeth !! It has made me smile. I also hope that one day we will become fully human.
Your Icads are all beautiful, I love them, and, of course, my favorite this time, is the first one with the kittens.
Thank you so much for sharing it.
I hope everything goes well, and I wish you a very happy weekend.
Big hugs, Caty
I've not heard of ICADs before so that's something new for me. I loved your politically correct humour this week. Sad to say he's an idiot but he was voted in.
Look after yourself.
Annie x
Happy Friday=I enjoy seeing your newest ICAD's
The 100th anniversary of women's right to vote is coming up this year as well
Practically perfect in every way. Loved the cartoons and also your beautiful ICADs. Well done. And thanks for the reminder of Juneteenth. It's a very important day and one all should know about.
Haha- no offense taken over these cartoon strips:):)
Your ICADs are super Elizabeth!! Although I have never had a cat I do love them and your vibrantly painted kitties are adorable!
Love the Trump cartoon. So true. Everything is always Obama's fault. Not.
Good on you for pointing out Freedom Day!
Have a wondrous weekend, dear Elizabeth.
I do not know what are ICADs, but I love everything you do, Elizabeth. I especially love your stitching on green! Your cartoons are sooo true, my friend. I do not agree with racism. All people, no matter if the skin color is white, black, yellow or red, are equal. Hope that the situation calms soon in US. Hugs, my friend.
These Trump cartoons are hilarious and I am surprised by how accurate he is drawn. I like the stitching on some of them and the colours you used. You have a great way to showcase your creativity
Fantastic Icad cards I loved the one s with the teddies in the computer and the one with the cats..
Good cartoons as well.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx
I got a kick out of the political cartoons. I love the ICADs, as usual :) I don't celebrate Juneteenth. At some point I was told it was an inappropriate appropriation for white folks to celebrate it, but I respect those who do. It's a holiday with real meaning, and especially these days deserves attention.
Great ICADS Elizabeth! I especially like the ones with stitching! and the stamped dates know I honestly think I like the simple one with the catalytic converter stamp the best. ;)
and I can't wait for the election to be's gonna be a loooong several months until election day. Since Ohio is a 'battle ground' state, it gets awfully ugly in the advertising campaigns. I don't normally talk politics, but I'm ready for a change. just sayin'...
virtual hugs to you! stay safe!
I had not known about Juneteenth until very recently and felt embarrassed about my ignorance of this day. It saddens me that still today, racism exists, and what's worse is that it's something taught. I mean, no one comes out of the womb hating anyone, so why waste all this valuable time in life teaching children to dislike a certain race so they grow up with a warped impression of the world. I'll never understand it, and it saddens me so much. Thanks so much for this post dear Elizabeth. Hugs, RO
Fun ICADS - I like the first and the last. You do them so well.
Cool cartoons - discrimination, greed and lies are all very bad things that destroy a soul. So sweet to see your positive soul in the post.
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