Saturday, June 13, 2020

Day to Night, Night to Day

Today Bleubeard and I are once again joining Halle at Halle's Hobbies, our host this month at Art Journal Journey.  Her theme is A Stitch in Time

I completed the page, but forgot any step-out photos.  That's when I decided to  show the materials I used to make this page.  I love my water soluble crayons, a gift one Christmas from my friend Cindy that just keeps on giving.  I've also used this wood mounted red rubber stamp before, too.  It was also a gift, but the giver no longer has a blog.

When I think of the passage of time, one of the ideas that came to mind was how time changes from day to night, then from night to day.

I colored the yellow side first after masking the other side using a sheet of card stock and washi tape.  I wondered if I shouldn't have colored the yellow side on the right where the numbers were more conducive to daytime.

Then I decided the way my life is, I'm up when others in my country are asleep, and I sleep when others are out and about. 

For the dark side, the mask slipped a bit and some of the blue bled into the yellow, which turned to a lovely shade of green.

For this page, I started by printing another clock from The Graphic Fairy (see my right sidebar for link) like the one I used on the first day of this challenge.  Before I cut it out, I colored a background in light blue and orange.  I wasn't sure how much of this background would show, so I colored the entire cardstock using my water soluble crayons.  The hard part for me was cutting out the clock, then hoping against hope I didn't mess up when I stamped the sun and moon stamp.  

I learned my lesson the last time I printed something and used these crayons, that 110 lb cardstock, used for the background, might pill.  Instead, I printed the clock on regular printer/copier paper and colored it in.  No pilling at all this time. I cut the cardstock to 8 inches squared (20,32 centimeter squared).  Finally, I printed the sentiment and colored it using the same crayons.

I thought I might share a few of my yard photos today, also. 

I took this photo right after I dug up and replanted my three Rose of Sharon bushes.  Note the wreath was still on the wall when I took this photo.

This the area on the south side of my porch.  Last year I planted bulbs there, but they never came up this year.

Even my lilies of the valley didn't bloom this year.

I need to mow again, but I wanted to show what used to be my herb and veggie garden.  I had to give up because the Bermuda grass took over and refused to let go, no matter how many layers of cardboard boxes and newspapers I put down.

Some asked about the wheat.  It was a by-product of hay bales I purchased last year.  Who knew there was real wheat in those bales that would actually grow. 

Last year I planted tomatoes in this bale, but the tomatoes died before they ever took hold.  So much for growing tomatoes in wheat bales.  I'm having the same problem on my back patio this year, too.

Soon I'll have enough wheat I can weave it.

The only plant still thriving in this bed is my blackberry bush.

Most of the lovely white flowers are now gone and soon I hope to have a few berries to eat.  The birds will get so many, I'll never have enough to make any kind of dessert or jam.

I appreciate you sticking around to see a part of my yard today.  Bleubeard and I are absolutely delighted you joined us in my yard, and we also hope to see you at Art Journal Journey.

20 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

That's a fun page Elizabeth, pretty colours and the stamp in the middle is just right. Your garden is looking good, but wheat is strange in a garden! I cleaned my balcony yesterday, it was necessary! Have a great da, Valerie

Iris Flavia said... 2

I love that page. Great composition, also color-wise.
And your porch, ohhhh, so beautiful and all the lush green! And you can make your own bread soon, too ;-)

aussie aNNie said... 3

Great post with stunning and interesting goodies, colours and gorgeous creations.. Your quaint home is so gorgeous and looks very inviting, loving all of this. x

Words and Pictures said... 4

Your post title made me smile (you'll have to wait until Monday to see why!), and I love your half and half page with the contrasting shades of night and day. What a gorgeous clock face. As far as I'm concerned, some of the best light of the day is from 6am round to noon, and if you were to ask me to name a time in the night, I'd say 2am, 3am or 4am - so the colours are the right way round for me too!

Lovely to see how your garden is growing (I'm coveting that rusty lantern!). I've not been visiting much lately - too much going on, but once Monday's over, I should be back on form! Have a wonderful weekend.
Alison x

Mia said... 5

What a beautiful clock! Lovely page, Elizabeth!
And THANK YOU SO MUCH for explaining what the ICADs are. Kisses, sweetie!

My name is Erika. said... 6

This is a very clever take on time. I like the big clock and the stamped image in the middle. Perfect for Halle's challenge. And the front of your house is looking good. Too bad about your garden bed though. Sounds like soil is in need of something, even the pH level might be off. I remember you had used your pots for tomatoes and herbs this year. I like gardening in pots. You have more control over the plants and usually fewer weeds. I can't give much advice unfortunately for you because our growing climates and environments are so different. Not that you want advice anyhow as I am sure you know what you are doing. HAve a great Saturday. Hugs-Erika

Nancy said... 7

You've made good use of your watercolor crayons- I like them, too. And how refreshing to be out of doors. The weather looks lovely.

CJ Kennedy said... 8

Nice page. I like that rubber stamps and the way you colored things. Your porch looks so cozy. Perfect spot for a cuppa or iced tea. Too bad about the grass taking over your veggie garden. The wheat is pretty cool and I'll be interested to see how you weave it. The only way you will get berries if you cover the bushes with cheese cloth to keep the birds away. It doesn't work to keep the chipmunks away! Enjoy your day!

junemac2 said... 9

Clever idea with the night to dark theme. Love the beautiful gardens and pictures of your place. thanks for sharing xxx

Cindy McMath said... 10

Love the page Elizabeth and so glad you are still enjoying your WC crayons! They last so long and you make so many lovely things with them! I’m just emerging from my busy month of May and into June. Hope you’re keeping well. I can relate about the garden - we have wild grasses here that get into everything. Take care. Xo

Jeanie said... 11

I really love this piece, Elizabeth. The colors are really striking together and they work so well with the clock image. It's wonderfully cohesive. Such nice work.

And I also love seeing your garden. Isn't that Bermuda grass a terror? I have areas of it too and I'd love to find a good way to kill it without killing everything else in sight. It's looking good, your space?

Thanks so much for all your visits and especially your wonderful comments at my place. It means a great deal when you come by.

DVArtist said... 12

You know how much I love your art. However, I am really enjoying the views of where you live.

craftytrog said... 13

A wonderful page Elizabeth, I love the colours!
Your yard is looking lovely, I hope you enjoy the blackberries. We have strawberries, gooseberries, loganberries, raspberries and blueberries. We've eaten a few strawberries so far, they taste so much better than the shop bought ones!
Happy weekend,
Alison xx

Eileen Bergen said... 14

Stunning page, Elizabeth. I love your sun and moon stamp.

Your yard looks quite large. I wonder how you manage to maintain it? I et it keeps you in good shape.

Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Eileen

Divers and Sundry said... 15

I miss having a front porch. Yours is a lovely place :) Delightful! The blackberries would be a real treat. It's hard to get up early enough to beat the birds to them lol

Halle said... 16

I love the page for A Stitch in Time! Too bad about your herb garden...that is such a bummer. Maybe you'll have to stick to container gardening.
I do hope you will do something with those wheat stalks. They are so pretty...annoying in your garden but pretty none the less.
I have some alfalfa growing in my garden from the mulch I put down. UGH!

Meggymay said... 17

A wonderful contrast between night and day, Its a fabulous clock face and page.Its a shame about your herbs, ans I am smiling at the blackberry, they do have a way of growing where we don't want them to, but the berries make a delicious pie.
Yvonne xx

Elkes Lebensglück said... 18

A great journal page, I like the colors and the clock!
Your garden is great what you have in it, delicious blackberries. The wheat, let's see what you want to make out of it!!
Greetings Elke

nwilliams6 said... 19

Very cool concept behind your creation and I love the night to day blending/switching. Very pretty stamp in the middle too. Thanks for sharing your lovely personal picture as well. So cool to see into your outside world. Hugz

Where To Buy Stamps said... 20

For extreme buy stamps tips do check our profile Where to buy stamps tips for women