Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Smiles 368

Believe it or not, this post has NOT been recycled.  And there is no recycling in it at all.  Since it's Friday, let's join Annie (at A Stitch in Time) and the wonderful ladies at Friday Smiles.

I had intended to return to the Eisenhower Museum, but something hilarious I caught on camera happened instead.

Stan and Maisie, Angela's fur pups, have a thing for mole hills.

I wonder what they will think

when it looks like, instead of a mole, a large serpent has tunneled under the yard between my property and my neighbor's property.  Too bad it's been so wet, I can't get out to mow my overgrown yard (which is a story for another day).  Note how the mole hills have been replaced with a new driveway and now new sod.  It only took eight months for this to happen.

Wednesday was my birthday, and I don't normally eat breakfast.  However, nothing was normal about this breakfast, including my first birthday phone call a little before 5 a.m. my time, after which Mother Nature put on a fabulous light show that scared Bleubeard who hid under the couch and caused Squiggles to sit on my lap.  I used the last of my tomatoes, red, and green bell peppers, and an onion I included in my scrambled eggs.

Since next Friday is the first of the month, at that time, I will be welcoming a new host to Art Journal Journey.  I'll definitely be back on the 8th of May, though.

Now let's head over to Annie's to see what others are smiling about this Friday.  Please don't forget to start your weekend off right by visiting Annie for a few Friday Smiles. She will welcome you, too.

25 thoughtful remarks:

Helen said...

glad you enjoyed your birthday breakfast Elizabeth! Your neighbour's new lawn looks impressive, wonder how long it will stay like that. Take care

Valerie-Jael said...

Good morning! Well, that's some mole hill. Hope the dogs enjoy it. Your breakfast looks good. Just got back from my early morning walk, 10 kilometers, and now it's coffee time here. Have a fun day, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Oh! Here it hasn´t rained in ages. I even lost some of my strawberry plants.
Only 8 months, you must have the same workers we have!

Yummy breakfast. These days I skip that, also... weird times!

Btw to Merkel and the 26%... Germany is a lot smaller than the United States.
I know what percent means, but... you have to "qualify" to get tested, and few do. We have no masks, no disinfectant...
A lot she did wrong over the what... 16 years, she never admits a failure, she never takes responsibilities, all she does is form a hut with her hands and talk to us as if we were little kids.
Frightening how people outside of Germany see her. I have a friend in Perth who admires her even.
Crazy, in these times of social media.

Sami said...

Nice birthday breakfast Elizabeth. Sorry I missed your special day, I've just put a message on the post of the day.
That's a huge mole hill :):)
Have a lovely day.

Lisca said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your breakfast. It looks very yummy if I may say so. We like scrambled eggs too and have them every Sunday.
That is a mole hill and a half! Is it really a mole hill? Or are your neighbours playing Mr Mole? At least their drive looks neat and tidy after all that work. Lets hope it stays that way...
A phone call at 5 am in the morning must have been from the other side of the world. Nobody would phone you that early! And the light show, was that lightning? Poor boys. They must have been scared.
Have a lovely weekend,

Karen said...

Yummy Breakfast ~ Glad the driveway is complete and the serpent has emerged from the ground! Happy Friday ~

RO said...

Those eggs sure do look yummy and give me a reason to pull out a cheeseburger!(lol) Hugs and Happy Friyay! RO

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Oh wow! of course Maisie would have given the mound a good sniff and walked away there's no fooling her, Stan well he would have probably watered the whole thing just to be on the safe side. I must say your front garden looks lovely now with the new turf. Happy belated birthday not sure about the early call but I'm sure it was well meant. Maisie and Stan send sloppy doggie kisses. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

RO said...

Your neighborhood looks quite peaceful which I love! I sent you a note too. Hugs, RO

mamapez5 said...

I smiled at the lonely tulip in the lawn!
That looks like a very tasty birthday breakfast. I hope you had a nice day even if it was on your own. That goodness we have phones etc to keep in touch. Kate x

Divers and Sundry said...

What a delicious-looking birthday breakfast! The tulip is a bright spot :)

Linda Manning Findley said...

Happy Belated ... glad you treated yourself ... we need to do that kind of thing more often ....

stay healthy and have a super weekend!!!

Caty said...

This is a super Birthday breakfast Elizabeth, looks so delicious! I love your placemat, it´s very pretty. That´s a big mole hill. Your garden is always beautiful. Lovely place where you live.
I wish you a very nice weekend, biiig hugss, and stay home and well.

Annie said...

I've very late in the day catching up with my Friday friends...its been a day of manic ordering of face masks and trying hard to replenish my stock and failing hopelessly to keep up with demand.
Firstly a very happy belated birthday to you...your breakfast looks yummy. I love the single tulip.
Annie x

pearshapedcrafting said...

I'm about three days late visiting - I shall work my way back to your birthday post! You look to be having some brighter weather now! Did the neighbour make that soil ridge? Your breakfast looks a very healthy start to the day! Hugs, Chrisx

Meggymay said...

Was that really a mole or something that escaped captivity, it sure made its mark in the garden.
Your breakfast looked delicious and I'm sure you must have enjoyed it.
Take care, stay safe and well.
Yvonne xx

Let's Art Journal said...

Happy birthday wishes! Thanks for the smiles and I loved seeing your garden, so pretty 😀. Your birthday breakfast looks so delicious, you cooked a real treat - yummy! Have a wonderful weekend! Keep well! Hugs, Jo x

Jeanie said...

It has been wet here, too. But oh, that breakfast looks to die for. Just delicious. Eggs are one of my favorite meals and that looks so good!

DVArtist said...

We had talked about how close our birthdays were to each other. It looks like you had a great day. Here is to April babies and all of the mischief, glory, and love we send out. Happy Birthday dear friend.

My name is Erika. said...

Nice birthday breakfast. At least that was a pleasant way to start the day. The lightening and storm was dramatic but probably not exactly what you would have prefered. Hope the rest of the week was better.

CJ Kennedy said...

I like the lone tulip. Poor Bleubeard and Squiggles. Ink never seemed to be bothered by thunderstorms. Your birthday breakfast looks awesome. I like the way it is smiling in the picture. The biscuit eyes, the omelet nose and the bottom curve of the plate the big smile. Take care.

Rita said...

Happy birthday, Elizabeth!! :)

Lots going on next door! Have a great weekend. :)

Sharon Madson said...

Happy Birthday, Elizabeth! Your breakfast looks yummy! I hope that some day we can get together!

Sandra Cox said...

That looks like a purrfect birthday breakfast.
Hope your day was good in spite of the unusual world situation and that you had cake.

Words and Pictures said...

Looks like a delicious birthday breakfast - and how nice of the neighbours to get their yard looking so pristine for your birthday week too. Belated greetings for a fellow-April celebrator!
Alison x