Thursday, March 5, 2020

What do you see?

I'm blaming my friend Valerie for this post.  Actually, the truth is I have nothing new to share, since I've had a very hard time getting on the internet for the previous two days. This is the first time I've played in Rain's Thursday Art Date, although I almost did the week of Mardi Gras.  Today's theme is What do you see?  I'm pulling up some of my older art pieces I've created in the past for this.

My love of Christmas trees is called Eye Candy.

A few of the photos taken at a juried art fair three years ago.

I copied this photo because of the name of the photography studio.

The abstract in the back corner reminded me of eyes.

I'm afraid I got a bit carried away at this stall.

My beloved Bleubeard hiding in my craft room where he knows he's not allowed.

Eye on the trigger

I'll leave you with this quote, which nicely sums up what do you see?

All photos taken by me.  All art created by me.  Bleubeard slept through most of it.

I think I'm going to enjoy this weekly adventure with Rain's Thursday Art Date.  I hope to be back next Thursday.

26 thoughtful remarks:

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful post, I´ll join you tomorrow!
I hope it´s OK I saved one of your pics. The quote is just too good. Those are just 10% that happen, this helps me very big to think of!

And the Warhol one is wonderful, too!

I see... The sun is saying hello to the roof on the other side.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely art, and lots of it, glad EYE was able to inspEYEre you to join us at Rain's today! Sorry you are having probs with your internet again. Have a wonderful day, Valerie

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great artwork and photos. I especially liked that rhinoceros statue.

craftytrog said...

Fabulous eye candy and inspiration, and Bleubeard's looking very handsome there too! x

CJ Kennedy said...

The eyes certainly have it especially the photos of handsome Bleubeard

Jeanie said...

Photos of Bleubeard are rare, rare, rare! How wonderful to see this handsome love! And speaking of love, the art is wonderful, both yours and the photo exhibit (love the skiing on toilet paper!). That looks such fun. You have many pieces in this post I love (that heart is darling) but I had the biggest smile at the cat library!

froebelsternchen said...

Great artwork and photos!
Sorry about your bad internet connections!!
big hugs

da tabbies o trout towne said...

bleu N squiggles, several oh theez peecez get 984 pawz UP
frum uz...ta bee sure !!!

hope yur day a headz grate; get in trubull :) ♥♥

Mia said...

I am thankful to Valerie who inspired you to make this lovely post, Elizabeth. I lllllove your artwork!!!!!!!!!!
And... Bleubeard is a he? Oh he is awesome!!! I love his guilty look in your craftroom! Kisses!!!

Divers and Sundry said...

Those eyes! You had a creative storm!

Karen said...

Great art! I love the photos too ~ Bluebeard in the craft room is one of my fav's as my cats both try to sneak in mine too and I have to carry them out ~

Rita said...

Love to see people's artistic talents--wow!
Including yours. ;) And always a pleasure to see Bluebeard. :)

Christine said...

Lovely post for Rain's Art date! Internet problems are no fun.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Lovely Art!!! Beautiful from eyes page!!! I love this Posting!
thank you for participating in rain i was so happy!
Hugs Elke

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

While I was here I thought I'd have a look at what else you've been up to. These photographs of the Art Fair are amazing. Thanks for sharing them with us, Angela xXx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Great post Elizabeth and so nice to see Bleubeard making an appearance. You've managed to find some amazing pieces amongst your creative makes as well as share lots of adventures discovering others art along the way. A delight for all our eyes & so nice to see you over at Rain's i'm quite a newbie myself but do like to link if I can.
Hope those computer issues are now sorted, it's such a pain when things like this happen... Sending HUgs your way Tracey xx

Words and Pictures said...

Such an array of "eye-catching" artwork and photos - I remember the "Eye-Spy" one very clearly. It's lovely to see Bleubeard in there (even if he shouldn't be hogging the craft chair!). The art fair looks really inspiring - so many styles and such variety in the creativity.
Alison x

CAAC said...

Did you sketch the decorative eye and hair piece? That's so cool! An 'eye' theme has captured many this week. Thanks for sharing! ;)

Let's Art Journal said...

Wow, so many wonderful artworks! There's so much inspiration and I loved seeing them all 😁. How lovely to see Bluebeard too, he looks so handsome even though he's not meant to be in your craft room 😉. I hope you've had a wonderful week dear Elizabeth! Hugs, Jo x

Gillena Cox said...

OMG a sumptuous sharing of art.
Thanks for dropping by my blog today, Elizabeth


Meggymay said...

Sorry I missed this eye catching post, I have really enjoyed seeing your pages.
Bleubeard looks so comfortable in your craft room, does he still try to visit you there now he is much older and wiser.
Yvonne xx

Caty said...

Your Art is always incredible dear Elizabeth !! I´ve enjoyed very much your post, enjoyed your creativity and, oooh, your so lovely Bleubeard.
So much beauty to see, the photographs are fabulous, great art and sculpture.
Thanks so much for sharing.
I wish you a very nice weekend, and send biiig hugs,

Rain said...

Hi Elizabeth! So nice to see you join in! Your photos are great. I love your "Eye Spy" piece and your "Eye Candy"!! That's right up my alley :) Your journal pieces are so creative. Bleubeard is funny...our cats know they are not allowed up on counters, but they MUST try anyway lol! That art fair looks spectacular, I don't eve know where to start! I think the 3D pieces are my favourites!

My name is Erika. said...

Fun to see all these eyes. And to see your art again-of course. Once I get myself back into some kind of groove I need to join in with Rain's challenges too. They always look so fun. Hugs-Erika

NatureFootstep said...

Obviously there are a lot to see. :) Nice to see you too Bleubeard. :) You have a lot to share, many things I have seen in other places. I did see the Prismatic spring in one image. A place I love. :)

nwilliams6 said...

Wow - this is a totally eclectic post with a lot of very cool creations and stories. Thanks so much for sharing all this!