Saturday, March 7, 2020


If you live in the United States and Canada

it's time to spring forward on Sunday morning.  Daylight Saving Time (yes, just one saving) begins on March 8 this year.

Although farmers seemed to hate the idea, in 1918, congress passed the Daylight Saving Bill.

There was, and still is, much controversy over DST.  DST may conserve electricity in some countries, such as Canada and the United Kingdom, but it appears to be wasteful in places closer to the equator, such as Mexico, the southern United States, and northern Africa.  In 2005, the U.S. Energy Policy Act changed DST from the first Sunday in April to the second Sunday in March.

However, if you live in a country in the northern hemisphere that participates in DST, be sure to set your clocks forward an hour before you go to bed tonight.  I believe Europe is not affected by the Energy Policy Act and sets theirs forward either later this month or the first week of April. 

If you live in the southern hemisphere and your country or area participates in DST, your clocks will fall back, either this weekend or in the next few weeks. Welcome to autumn.

15 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said...

We still have time before it's time to change the clocks....The powers that be will probably be altering it sooner or later anyway. Have a nice weekend, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

I want "summer-time" forever.
There today is no reason - in my opinion - for this "time-changing". I have no kids, but I have Nieces and I am not dumb... they do not understand, the little kids, nor do our "old" bodies!

But, weeee... am I glad it´ll be SUMMER soon!

froebelsternchen said...

We get summertime at the end of March as well.
Happy weekend dear Elizabeth!
Hugs, Susi

aussie aNNie said...

We change our clocks for the winter soon so enjoy your extra time.xx

Mia said...

Hi Elizabeth. It is spring in Greece too. We set our clocks forward an hour on Saturday 21st of March. Kisses, my friend.

Karen said...

I'm ready! Thanks & Enjoy ~

Caty said...

Interesting post Elizabeth !! I think I prefer summer time really, we´ll chang the clocks at the end of this month.
I wish you a very nice weekend, enjoy it and biig hugs,

Barbara said...

Thanks for the reminder!

Divers and Sundry said...

I agree with Iris above when she says, "There today is no reason - in my opinion - for this "time-changing"." It's time to stop this time-changing nonsense.

CJ Kennedy said...

A timely reminder 😺

Cath Wilson said...

LOL, Elisabeth - another informative post!
I always have to note when your time springs forward or back, because I stream things that are time sensitive... our clocks don't go forward until the end of the month, so it's often thrown me!
But it means you'll have more daylight hours than we do... if your personal body clocks can also adjust. It always takes mine a while... Happy Spring!

DVArtist said...

I agree with Iris as well. I have been saying since I was a kid that there is no reason for it. I loved it when I lived in AZ because they don't change.

Meggymay said...

I know we cannot all be on the same time of the day, but I think we should now be setting on a time that isn't altered twice a year, where ever we live. If its dark its dark and that could also be caused by the weather and not the daylight.
Its a fantastic page, lets hope everyone is happy and alters the clocks on time.
Yvonne xx

My name is Erika. said...

I don't know if I've ever fully understood this clock changing. I will say the mornings get tough for a few days but it's hard not to love the longer evenings. Hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

I am SO glad! DST is my friend!