Saturday, November 30, 2019

November complete and December ready to write in, plus my AEDM wrap-up

For those of you who like minutia, here is my life on paper.  My poor scanner is getting worse by the day, I fear.

December's calendar page is ready to be written in.  I hope you are ready for the last month of 2019!

Several of my internet friends wanted to know about my Thanksgiving meal.

To be honest, I hadn't even considered taking photos of my meal.   First, I don't really take good photos of food I make.  It always looks like a child made it.  Second, no one wants to see a plate of food that isn't staged.  And I wasn't about to stage my meal.  Yes, I ended up using my left hand and it started feeling better with use.

I will, however, share the meal with you. Granted, it looks like a lot, but if you look closely, you will see a lot of overlap.  For example, I used the cheddar cheese in the appetizer and the Mac and Cheese bake. I used the French bread in the stuffing and appetizer.  I used pears throughout the meal, first in the appetizer, then in the salad, and finally in the dessert.

The lentils were soaked overnight, then I added the carrots in the morning.  The rest of the carrots were roasted in the oven with rosemary and olive oil.  The green bean casserole, made with celery soup in place of mushroom soup, was made with onions I sliced and rolled in egg batter, then pancake mix, then were deep fried before I added them to the green beans and other ingredients.  I have lots of leftovers, too.  Some will freeze, some will need to be eaten immediately.

Finally, as I do every year, this is my wrap-up of my daily activities for Art Every Day Month or AEDM.

I'm simply thrilled you joined me for this month of AEDM.  It meant the world to me, especially since this was probably the worst (and hardest) month of 2019 I've experienced.

This is Day 30 of Art Every Day Month (AEDM), hosted by Leah Piken Kolidas, and I shared my never ending calendar, along with my Thanksgiving meal and my final AEDM wrap-up for this year.

20 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said...

Good morning E!: Just got up here....Good that you have your calendar for November done and the new one ready. Your meal sounds good. I didn't have time to cook this week so it was mostly yogurt and fruit or crackers and cheese for meals! But today I am going to do a proper dinner! And well done on finishing AEDM. Have a nice day, Valerie

Cath Wilson said...

A very different Thanksgiving meal, Elisabeth but I bet you enjoyed it. Great calendar pages and lovely display of all your contributions to AEDM. It's been an illuminating month and yes, it's one of the hardest Novembers I've ever had, too, but that's for health reasons. I really shouldn't have committed to it at this point in time.
I have, however, noticed a big change in the way I create and what I create, so it's been another learning curve and I'm thankful for that.
Have a great weekend! See you soon!
Cath x

Iris Flavia said...

I especially like the "I voted"-sticker - here so many gave up on doing this (no wonder, we have darn Chancellor Merkel since forever!).
I will go and vote, btw.

You made me laugh with "like a child made it" :-)
Great to hear your hand is improving, healing!

I fail to understand "stuffing"! I always thought it´s called that way because it is stuffed inside the turkey? (You had no turkey?!)

Oh, I wish I could make myself doing art every day...

CJ Kennedy said...

How quickly this month slipped by and a new month ready to be filled. I like the menu page you created for your Thanksgiving dinner. The carrot and lentil soup sounds so good and the kitchen must have smelt heavenly with the aroma of rosemary carrots. I hope you weren't in the way of the snowstorm. I'm glad to hear your arm is feeling better, too.

Words and Pictures said...

Delicious! And so clever to have those ingredients moving through the courses - easier for preparation and it gives the meal a lovely cohesion as you eat it too with the recurring flavours. Hope you had a wonderful time - and so happy to hear your hand is starting to be useful again!

Fantastic to see all your creations for the month in one place. I haven't managed to keep up with all of them, but perhaps I can fill in the gaps once I'm properly well again.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Alison x

My name is Erika. said...

Nice to see your calendar finished and also ready to go. With this chest cold I haven't been doing much art lately, but I do love your look back on the last 30 days. Good for you to make it all 30 days for the challenge. I feel like I let it drop the last couple of days. And your Thanksgiving meal looks delicious and healthier than mine. Mine was yummy but had lots of cream and butter and all that holiday fat and sugar! And smoked turkey which I am not a big smoked meat fan. But it is all good however you look at it. Happy Saturday. Hugs-Erika

craftytrog said...

Great to see you're ready for December with your calendar page Elizabeth. I haven't had time for mine yet!
Your Thanksgiving meal sounds delicious and filling, I hope you enjoyed it.
Alison xx

DVArtist said...

I am coming to your house next for dinner. LOL I loved that menu. Nothing better than lentils and carrots. I thing a lot of people are going away form the turkey ham thing. I know we have. So your calendar is fabulous. I should make one for my self just for art things. I have enjoyed reconnecting with you and seeing all the beautiful art. You are going on the side bar of my blog. Hugs and let's bring Dec in with a bang.

Divers and Sundry said...

I don't stage my food photos. What you see is what you get, although I do tend to try to frame them so table clutter is out of the way ;) What a tasty menu! I'd be interested in your recipes for rosemary roasted carrots and poached pear. Sounds delicious! Lentil soup is one of my favorite things, though I haven't had it since I tried to start eating fewer carbs. We didn't have courses here, just a buffet on the kitchen counter and a serve-yourself plan :)

I picked up some Muenster cheese at the store the other day, but was helpless in the face of so much choice of cheeses. Do you have favorites you could recommend to someone whose idea of cheese has always been block cheddar and mozzarella?

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and are getting less painful use from that hand. Ouch!

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

I always say I love your round ups it gives me a chance to see things i've missed and no matter how I try there is always something. Your thanksgiving meal looked very versatile, nice to give yourself exactly what you wanted and have leftovers for another day. Thank you for introducing me last year to AEDM, i'd have loved to taken part every day but life just doesn't allow me that right now but it's nice to drop in and share when I can. The bonus for me is always seeing the Art of others.
Lets hope December is more easy on you, sending Hugs from across the pond Tracey xx

Meggymay said...

Your calendar pages look great, the tea cups were super, I like how you have them in different colours.
Your Thanksgiving meal sounds delicious, I liked the way you used pear throughout your dishes, I will try that sometime with apples which is our family favourite fruit. I never think to take a photo of what we eat at home either, just to hungry and want to get started.
Your AEDM collage looks great, I had to give up this month, I had good intentions, but I fell by the wayside,
Yvonne xx

Rita said...

Ready for December! We're in the middle of a snowstorm up here. My bullet journal is set up for the month, too. I'm hoping for a good month ahead...for everyone! :)

Sharon Madson said...

Your TG dinner sounds good. I happen to love pears. In fact quite often I prepare pears sprinkled with cheddar cheese. I just finished our green bean casserole today. I know, now, you are vegan, but we just had the best turkey sandwiches for supper tonight. Good for you having you December calendar started. Have a great Sunday!

kathyinozarks said...

You are ready for December, and your meal sounds delicious I always loved lentil soups Enjoy the rest of your weekend Sunday

peppylady (Dora) said...

I love your calendar.
Coffee is on

Sami said...

I like the stamps you use on your calendar. The final wrap-up photo looks so pretty with all your daily art.
You had a lot of variety in your Thanksgiving menu.
Glad to hear your hand is healing well Elizabeth. Have a lovely Sunday

RO said...

Clearly I should b=have flown in to experience your fabulous meal, dear Elizabeth!(lol) I use Instagram, and am a foodie, so every once in awhile my pictures do end up on display. I'm always watching food shows too. Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one! Hugs, RO

NatureFootstep said...

wow, you are working hard my friend. It has been nice to see you this past month.
In Sweden we dont celebrate Thanksgiving so I have nothing to say about that. I wait for Lucia. :)

Jeanie said...

Your dinner sounds just fabulous! Oh, that poached pear, especially! And I'm grateful that your arm/hand is recovering well. I know how frustrating that is, especially at this time of year. On to December!

pearshapedcrafting said...

You know I'm always going to love the way you make your calendar pages - adding things as you go along is a great idea! I love the menu, especially all the use of pear and cheese and Macaroni and cheese is a favourite of mine!
I love the view of all of your entries for AEDM! I showed mine using both Instagram and my blog - not such a clever thing to do! BTW I have put all my ATstamps in collage form in a blog post! Hugs,Chrisx