Yes, I rushed this calendar, but it's the only time I can show it. I know I'll be sharing a Friday Smile tomorrow, so that was a no-brainer. If you want to see the minutia of my life and how incredibly boring it is, feel free to enlarge and laugh.

December is ready to be written in, and as always, I will decorate it once I get a feel for the month.

Because my life is so boring, I thought you might want to see the loom I have created and hope to make a few gifts this month. No promises, though, since I'm really far behind in everything I have done this month.
One thing I did accomplish on time was to decorate my house for Christmas.

I just didn't expect the dining room to be so dark, even Photoshop couldn't do much to help.

The close-up didn't help, either. One thing you
COULD see was the snow we got overnight.

My very first tree

was a gift I received nearly 20 years ago from a dear, dear friend. It has held up well, even after I added the tiny rocking horses to the original decorations.

These little trees I purchased a few years ago. The large one was decorated, the other two I decorated myself.

I usually put out an extra stocking in case someone comes by, but I broke my other rocking horse holder, so there are now only enough for the three of us. Every year Bleubeard insists the one with the white balls is NOT his stocking!

I put small trees out everywhere, because I have no room for a full sized tree.

I created this vignette one year so I can give Santa cocoa and a sandwich when he comes to visit.

My favorite rocking horse (please don't tell the others) is the one
Susi gave me for my birthday this year.

Even the glittery ball filled tree can't compare to this rocking horse's beauty.

I decided to try to see if these trees would show up better from this angle.

Nope. I'll show the rest another day.
This is also Day 29 of
Art Every Day Month (AEDM). One more day and this project can be called complete.
20 thoughtful remarks:
I haven't even thought about any Christmas decorations yet although there isn't much space for a lot. It's way too early! Your trees look good though.
oh, you are well prepared! in the end i think it might be more delightful to have many little things rather than one big tree. here we had no tree for two years now... it always means putting the furnitures on different places, as the tree actually had no good place otherwise. now the kids have left the nest and though they come home for christmas, they say it is not important for them to have a tree. and we know, it´s other things that count:)
I can't believe you've decorated your house so soon, Elisabeth - wow! I usually wait until the week before Christmas, lol. My closest friends are actually celebrating Christmas THIS weekend because it's the only time they can get all their children, spouses and grandchildren together over the coming month - you wouldn't dream how difficult it's been to find a turkey. They finally found someone who promised to kill one for them tomorrow... poor turkey :-(
Not sure how you've managed to complete your November calendar page yet, when it's only 29th, but good for you - glad you're ready for December. I'm NOT. But I never am... the loom looks great. I look forward to seeing what you create. You are so multi talented.
Love Susi's rocking horse, by the way... beautiful :-)
Cath x
Beautiful post and so full of the lovely Christmas cheer.x
I'm way behind with even thinking about Christmas as I'm still trying to move house! But that's not going at all well, so perhaps I should take a leaf out of your book and get those decs out!
Your house looks gorgeous Elizabeth. I love the holiday decorations. I have started with mine but this week has gotten busy so I guess I need to wait until next week to finish. And I love the loom. It looks like fun. I hope we get to see what you make. I have some gifts started and waiting to pack up...now I need to finish up my cards. Have a great day. Hugs-Erika
I've also put up my tree last weekend as it was the only time I had free to do it, as busy all other weekends.
Your decorations are looking lovely Elizabeth.
Oh Elizabeth I could spend a lot of time looking at your photos today, the Christmas trees,rocking horses and all the other wonderful things you have displayed look lovely.
I am no where near the house decorating stage and still have loads to think about. Having a terrible cough these past few weeks hasn't helped.
I am wondering what you will be making on the loom, you have so many crafting talents.
Yvonne xx
I love, love, love your decorations so much, and can imagine myself sitting there with a cheeseburger and coffee for hours. Your home just seems to have a peacefulness to it. The Santa treats area is so creative and cool, and your tree collection is so fabulous. I love to look at other trees, but won't be doing any of my own this year. I'll just keep coming over to look at yours.(lol) HUGE Hugs and Happy Thursday! RO
I can't believe how quickly this month went by. Your house looks so pretty and cozy with all the decorations up. I'm cleaning as the plan is to put the tree up this weekend. I love the sandwich you left out for Santa. It will be a nice change of pace from all the cookies he gets on his travels. Have a great day!
Your calendar reminds me I need to get one for 2019- I made appointments already and have no place to record them. I love all your Christmasy touches around your home. The Granny Square stocking is wonderful, as is the fabric tree made and gifted by your friend. All looks so festive. I'll be doing smaller decorations this year- no tree. That's thanks to Iggy- still young and kitten acting and into everything. He's a silver tuxedo similar in coloring to your pals.
My gosh - you know how much I adore your living room views always and this decorations ... amazing! You decorate all with so much LOVE! I can't believe that the cats let all this things sit in place?! Hats off! to your boys in case they are so well-trained. My cats always played with the easter eggs and the christmas balls in the past as I remember and broke them all!
I feel so honored to see my present for you on display dear Elizabeth!
Thank you for your lovely words for me recently!
Friends can help a lot with their thoughtful words in difficult times! Thank you!♥♥♥
We have also snow - but for the next week it should get much warmer and I think it will melt and we will have warm Christmas days as so often in the past.
Hugs, Susi
We got out our decorations the day after Thanksgiving as has become our tradition. I went with a small table-top tree this year instead of the 7-foot floor model from years past. I'm a kindred multiple-tiny-trees spirit :) I have gotten a new one every year for the past several years and now have enough for a vignette at the front door. I love your stockings and stocking hangers. You have a festive home for the season :) Isn't decorating for Christmas fun!
Oh, and your loom! I'm hoping you make something and show us :)
You are so much further ahead on decorating for Christmas than I am. I can't seem to get it together! I especially love your rocking nutcracker fellow!
You're right about the snowflakes on the sled. I agree completely (I did even then.) When I finally post Christmas, you'll see they came off! I'm still deciding if any replacements that are nicer will go on but so far, not sure!
It's all looking so festive Elizabeth, what a beautiful home you have with all your personal pieces each with a held memory. Your first Christmas Tree sure looks good for all those years. I really did LOL about the stocking, I'm sure Bleubeard loves it really hee hee!!
Looking forward to seeing what December brings your way, i'm hoping there will be a little bit of creative space for me during the month.
Creative Hugs Tracey xx
I won't be decorating till just before my birthday - my little treat,T would leave it till Christmas Eve!!! Your home looks lovely! I've said this before and I'll say it again - I love how you decorate your calendar pages as you go through the month! Bed time now - I'll catch up tomorrow! Hugs,Chrisx
It looks so festive and cozy at your place. Tell Bleubeard, my critters would love that stocking so that they could play with the white balls:)
Dream of sugarplums, dear Elizabeth:)
Fun to see all your decorations! I just got my December bullet filled out a few days ago. Was ahead for once--LOL! Looks like you are ready for the holidays. :)
Thank you Elizabeth for the link to this post-I love your loom-looks perfect I would not want anything really large. I don't know how I missed this-hugs
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