Thursday, September 27, 2018

Fractured Fantasy

Today I'm back with another Art Journal Journey spread chosen by our host Yvonne from Meggy's Way.  Her theme is A World of Fantasy.

Probably not my finest hour (or journal page), but I give you a Fractured Fantasy.

Originally, I had planned to create several grids, but when I accidentally painted/swiped on a color using a chalk paint marker, the grid idea flew out the window and I had to come up with Plan B, or in my case Plan D for disaster. 

These chalk markers are quite juicy, and

caused what I call "pilling."  I'm not sure if it's the correct name, but it's the same thing that occurs when you get little fuzz balls on sweaters.  It's most obvious when I used the yellow and green paints.

I had also just purchased an entire ream of new 110 lb card stock.  I noticed it was not the same brand I've used in the past.  Sad, but true, this doesn't act the same as my good card stock I've had in the past.

For this page, I started with 110 lb card stock, then laid down various colors of chalk paint pens.  When dry, I added various doodles in contrasting colors to the patches of now dry paint.  When finished, I added a background stamp and wrote the sentiment, Fractured Fantasy in five colors of metallic gel pen.

Bleubeard and I are delighted you chose to stop by today and hope to also see you at Art Journal Journey.   I would also like to thank you for your continued support of my art, even when it's as puny as this.

While I was getting a few (hundred) photos off my card, I found these taken from my front yard the day before and the day after I mowed.

Three robins 

enjoying the tall grass.

They blend in nicely, don't you think?

One bud

becomes a full blown flower the next day.  Robins are now visiting my neighbors where they can hide in their tall grass!

Three days later my grass is already tall enough to mow again, so the robins are back.  Hope these fun photos makes up for the art today.

15 thoughtful remarks:

Helen said...

I like your doodling.

had to let you know, that not all the photos are manual focus, only some of the macro shots. most of the photos from Kew are on auto everything, lol!

Valerie-Jael said...

It's still a fun page, even with the pilling, and this sadly does happen with some papers. I usually paint the pages first with gesso to prevent it. Have a great day, Valerie

Meggymay said...

Well I think this is a great fantasy page. Each piece could tell its own story the same way our lives are pieced together through time. Art is how we see it and it would be a sorry tale if we didn't explore all its avenues. So you guessed it, I love your page and your take on the theme.
As for the piling, I have papers that react the same way, many of my efforts have to hit the waste bin as I cannot see a way to alter the look.
Have a good day Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx
p.s. There is a surprise for you in the latest TioT's Top 5.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

All marks are Art Elizabeth and if you so generously share them it's wonderful to see as we all see so many different things within it.
Love those bright colours, always amazes me how cards act so different.
Have to say sorry Elizabeth as it appears my answers to your questions have not been posted on my blog, it's a glitch in phone software I think but replies can be seen if I directly post from my laptop..
Looks like there's been a fare few weeks of unanswered questions/replies.. grr!! I must look so rude :( so sorry.
Must dash as my Mom's unwell... catch you later Tracey xx

froebelsternchen said...

Your fractured fantasy page is fabulous! I love all the loose marks you created! Superb!And the metallic letters. Your handwriting is wonderful!!! And that I mean on a serious note! Sorry to hear that the cardstock is not as good as the one you had in the past. That's disappointing for you - I feel with you.

But you will find a way to use it in a good way!
The Robins look so nice and happy in your grass.
My birdies here are extremely hungry as they want to get a bit fat on their festhers for the upcoming winter, at least I think this is the reason!

A happy posting my friend and a wonderful entry to the fantasty month at AJJ!

I hope you have a great day and thank you for all the hard work you do for our baby the AJJ Challenge blog!
You can't imagine how happy you make me!

Hugs, Susi

My name is Erika. said...

Nice page. I actually like it. You can go back and actually chop this up and use it in bits later if you don't like it. But I think it is clever and different from the usual. And nice robins. I haven't seen any here for a bit so I think they've flown south. So many changes since a month ago as fall is really arriving. Hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

The pilling happens when wet media is used on papers not meant for wet media. Cardstock is not meant for wet media. A watercolor or mixed media paper would take the paint/markers better. I love the page especially the title. I don't think a grid would have conveyed the idea of fractured as well as the swatches.

RO said...

I've never heard of chalk pens, but you can almost feel the textures you've displayed on the fantasy cards, and I really like it a lot. What a nice treat to see such treasures from nature with the bird visit in your yard. Happy Thursday and Hugs! RO

Divers and Sundry said...

I like your "fractured" look :)

Robins tend to come here most right after a rain or a mowing probably because it brings worms to the surface and stirs up insects, but don't get them often on the patio.

Birgit said...

Fractured fantasy looks great to me with the strokes of colour along with the geometric shapes. Love the robins who seem to be saying hello to you

Caty said...

Wowww I love your Fractured Fantasy page Elizabeth !! It´s amazing, special, different, and the contrasts are fabulous!! I understand very well that you can like this more or less (I love it ! )but, Art is exactly that..... experiments and evolution, always wonderful!
Those metallic gel pens are very beautiful, lovely your hand writing.
These three robins are gorgeous, love birds!
I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

da tabbies o trout towne said...

bleu N sqigglez....we iz gonna pree tend we dinna see de ewe noe whatz on de yard......... !!!


Cindy McMath said...

Interesting page and thanks for sharing about the pilling - I knew exacltly what you meant and I would call it that too. Not sure if there is another art word for it - haha. I like the spiral with the drips!

Jeanie said...

I love seeing robins and especially in the fall when we know their time with us is short. Your garden's looking good -- and yes, the grass is growing like weeds!

Jackie PN said...

When i saw your fractured fantasy, I immediately thought of the cartoon, Fractured Fairy Tales! lol do you remember those? Just popped into my head! heehee Nice collage work!
Jackie ")