Tuesday, August 6, 2013

WOYWW 218: the one where WOYWWendy's seeing double

Once again, I'm joining Julia at Stamping Ground for a fun Wednesday romp around desks all over the world. So what's on my desk this week?

A long shot, at best (pun intended)

because WOYWWendy is looking a bit dismayed.  Not sure if she thinks she's seeing double, or if she's disgusted that I've accumulated so many faux credit cards and they are now falling out of their holder.

Well Wendy.  You are NOT seeing double.  I have two very similar rocking horses that I keep in different rooms of my house.  Note the one in back has his tale upside down.  All the more to attract the female, perhaps (grin).

On a more serious note, although I don't have much room to share on my desk, I'm auditioning two flash cards with a transparency I plan to use on top of the one that wins.  Right now, I can't decide, and it looks more like a mess than art.  But at least you got two rockers for the money today!!

I just want to say, I've joined a lot of blog hops lately, and deskers are the BEST.  Julia has everyone trained really well.  Out of all the desks I visited last week, only one requested word verification.  Some say it doesn't slow you down.  They must not visit many people then (grin).

Usual caveat: if visiting from Julia's please leave your number.

55 thoughtful remarks:

okienurse said...

WOW WOYWW Wendy is visiting your house?? Do you think she would like to come visit mine before she heads back across the pond? Love the rocking horses. Don't have a number yet was just coming around to make sure I did comment on your T-Tuesday post. I did! Vickie

voodoo vixen said...

Two rockers for the price of one! Yay! Poor Wendy, she probably thinks they are taking over all the spare space she could be sitting in!
Oh and I like the red... for the transparency... red shows up so much better than blue when you photograph it!

Nikki said...

Awe one girl and boy you could almost say they are twins :) have a fun week. no # yet hugs Nikki

Unknown said...

Two rocking horses, and I love them both. Happy crafting #1

Unknown said...

I always look forward to see what kinda rocker you'll be sporting. Today we got double the pleasure. I totally concur on the whole captcha thing. It's very frustrating to me to have to try and read those miniscule little numbers with made up words with unrecognizable letters. The newest thing is proving you're a human by playing some ridiculous game. UUUGGHHH….. anyhoo… I hope this finds you well, btw.. you have a little something coming your way. :D Happy Hump Day!!! (((HUGS)))

Unknown said...

Very cute rockers! And look at you at number 2 on the list! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

Darnell said...

Adorable rockers, Elizabeth! Interesting theory about the tail. I think you might be onto something!! Happy WOYWW! Darnell #12

trisha too said...

VERY cute rockers, and two for the price of one visit, not bad!


Happy woyww to you!
#16ish this time
with an atc and mail art

Krisha said...

I'm baaaack! Cute rockers for sure. I didn't even notice the tail up until I read it. LOL
Krisha #19

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Double the fun...Happy WOYWW

Nan G said...

Two for #2 this week! Where is WOYWWendy hiding! I see a small in the back...is that all she's showing this week? :) I too like the red under the transparency. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #8

My name is Cindy said...

Cute rockers! Haven't visited you for ages, don't think I've even seen Wendy before! Happy WOYWW Cindy #37

Helen said...

Love the double rockers, hope they behave.... have a good week, Elizabeth (and Bleubeard) Helen, 6

Julie Lee said...

Lovely rocking horses! I keep meaning to show you the one I found who needs some TLC. I really must put him on show next week just for you two! It's been a bit mad where I am lately! Have a great WOYWW! Julie Ann #41

Belinda Basson said...

Yip, I hate wordvarification! My son was seeing double...there are eye exercisers to correct this you know? We are busy with them! Though I can actually see two horses here...he would have seen 4! LOL! #43

Jackie said...

Your right Julia has us all very well trained
She would have made a great school teacher !!!! He he
Cute rockers this week
Jackie 29

sandra de said...

Sweet double trouble. I had to look hard for the credit cards and then I spotted them at least they are not in your wallet. Have a lovely week.
Sandra @46

Uuna said...

Very interesting to see Your workdesk and Your horses, too.
Have a nice WOYWW, Uuna #42

Judys Lace Creations said...

Cute rocking horses.They say "childhood" more than anything I know.
Judy #32

mamapez5 said...

love the horses. They look as though they likem being together! I am with you on word verification. I came across it on another hop the other day, so I hopped over it. Have a great week. Kate x #56

Robyn Oliver said...

Love your little rocking horses, Elizabeth - didn't notice the tails so lucky you pointed it out. Have a super week Cheers RobynO #51

Silvia said...

Ah You 'Rocking' WOYWW!! Sorry pun totally intended!!!
Silvia #66

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Elizabeth, I enjoyed your post - I'm still smiling. your rocking horses are so lovely, and you're right WOYWWendy does look a bit disgruntled this morning! Have a great week MMx #65

JoZart Designs said...

Two cool rockers and two half hidden ATCs and no mess to be seen. You're a winner.
Jo x

Spyder said...

I can't see mess....I think I'm blind to it! love the rockers they are just too darn cute!! and WOYWW lady is keeping an eye on them... Happy WOYWW!!

ddazzled71 said...

Two gorgeous rockers and I can't wait to see what you do with your transparency and flash cards. Enjoy your week! Danie #14

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Love the perky horse tail...maybe he's just very happy for no reason, just feels like kicking up his heels....I can relate to that!
Hugs, LLJ 58 xx

Unknown said...

Great Rockers on your desk this week. I agree Deskers are the best, but I dont know of any other blog hops that I could join, sure they wouldnt be full of such great people as this one though.

Lynda #82

Shoshi said...

I love your little rocking horses, Elizabeth. I've never seen any like them, anywhere else. Do you have a good source of such things?

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #75

The House of Bears said...

Cute horses, although not as cute as bears of course! Waving hi from the bears at no. 84

BJ said...

credit cards? auditioning flash card with transparency - I think I have lost the plot and I would never have noticed the tail if you hadn't said. BJ#85

Anonymous said...

Ooh we get two rocking horses today, we're all seeing double. Love the mandala's you've been making recently, seems such a shame they'll only be fleeting. We're stuck in a cooler, wetter weather pattern too, we have more thunderstorms rolling in this morning, luckily not too much flooding though, but all my toms are staying green and not ripening this year! I agree, modern cars are so much trouble, you can't fix a thing yourself.

Brenda 3

roffeycreations said...

Happy WOYWW - always love the rockers... Mxx #96

The Taming of the Glue said...

I love your rocking horses, they are so cute. Happy WOYWW. Pam#40

Anonymous said...

as so many already said: Love those horses!
Happy woyww :)
Jana #71

Mrs.D said...

Lovely rocking horses, I really like the green one, he's special.
Not sure about your flash cards, I think these things are hard to decide without actually seeing them in the 'flesh', I'm sure Wendy will help you decide.
Chris # 66

Unknown said...

Hello, Im Roberta 106, Im on my 2nd week of this and looking at every ones goodies has really got me doing things..now I cant wait till mine looks nice and tidy like yours. And yes wasn't there only one last week? Thanks for letting me peek around. Bright Blessing to you and yours.

shazsilverwolf said...

I save all the fake credit cards too- they have so many uses for a crafter, lol, Very sweet rocking horses this week- very frisky looking. Ear scritches to Bleubeard, Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #48xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Elizabeth, although I can't join in this week I just had to check in with you in the hope of seeing a rocking horse ... and bless me if there isn't two to enjoy :) Have a great week, Elizabeth x

Dawn said...

Ha ha ha ha ha you are sooooooooo naughty!! Love the tail thing, brilliant.
Huge hugs x

Jan said...

Fabulous tfs xx Jan (80)

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Elisabeth
A longshot they look pretty even to me ... grin
have a great week
janet #27

sandysewin said...

Adorable rocking horses!

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for your kind comments.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #9

Kim Ferguson (Paper Crafting) said...

#56, newbie who posted last week's first. Am I the word verification you speak of? I may have done such a thing not realizing I have it on my blog.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Those are some great looking rocking horses. Blessings!

Monica said...

There are a few untrained catchable people left. Irate those word things.

dawn said...

I love your rocking horses!

Just wanted to let you know I posted some of my index cards and will post more I think with next Tuesday's T post.

Hope the weather has been nicer for you. Enjoy your week.

glitterandglue said...

Great rocking horses. Have fun with them.
Have a great week.
Margaret #68

~*~Patty S said...

Will be curious to see who/which wins the 'audition' ... for some reason that makes me smile as do your rocking horses E!

Hope your weather is settling down and that all is well

JoZart Designs said...

Hello Elizabeth, re your lavender cultivation, I thought this might help...
." It thrives in poor or moderately fertile, free-draining alkaline soils in full sun.
On heavier soils, like clay and clay loam, lavender tends to be fairly short-lived, becoming woody at the base. To prolong the life of your lavender on heavier soil, add organic matter and gravel to improve the drainage and plant on a mound. If growing as a hedge, plant on a ridge to keep the base of the plants out of wet soil"
The organic lavender farm was established by Liverpool University and they scoured the country to find the most suitable spot to establish this farm.
Have a good weekend and thanks for your comment.
Jo x

roffeycreations said...

Thanks for your kind words Elizabeth - everyone has been very supportive... my situation feels very similar to your experience - my boss's role has also been made redundant and they didn't get any positions they applied for either... I am moving into the look on the bright side stage and searching for greener pastures LOL - Hugs Mxx

A Magical Whimsy said...

Those are really cool rocking horses. And I adore your kitty!
Teresa in California

Kyla said...

Ooh, glad I am not the only one with lots of faux credit cards....they are really useful though!

Kyla #87

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your lovely comments, Elizabeth. Sorry to hear that you've had weather-related Internet problems - we had our fair share of this a few years ago and it was a real nuisance. Hope all is OK now. So glad you've enjoyed my recent posts. I've had so many favourable responses to the ATC post that it makes me realise I should definitely have posted it months ago lol!!

As for a "belated" WOYWW comment, in my book, no comment is too late if it appears on WOYWW up to 11.59 p.m.! Anything after that is for the next one, I think!

I am sure that everyone loves giving you the little horses. Once you are known for something, they keep coming, don't they! They are so charming and delightful.

Hope you are having a great week.

Shoshi #75

ria gall said...

Hi Elizabeth
I am loving your two rocking horses they are stunning and I bet your house looks amazing with them dotted around
Have and extra special WOYWW and week
Hugs Ria #138