Yesterday evening a couple of my internet friends,
Sandee, who I suspect is waving from the hills of NC, and
Vickie, my Okie nurse neighbor in the state directly south of me, both suggested I dance in the nude to the Summer Solstice.

No nudity, but I
AM dancing around the trash can.

I'm trying to get rid of that vine that's on the fence between my neighbor and myself.

I'm making headway, and that calls for a celebration.

While I'm in the partying mood, I though I would show how well, or not so well, my garden has bounced back after the hail storm nearly leveled it two weeks ago.

What I was most proud of was the lavender. When I brought the lavender and rosemary home, they both looked so alike, I couldn't tell the difference without the label. Now, the lavender has taken off like crazy,

leaving the rosemary in the dust (so to speak).

The tomato plants are looking healthy, except

they still don't have any little yellow blossoms. By the way, did you wonder where I put all those leaves from the hail storm? My improvised mulch pile in plastic bags, of course.

One tomato is doing very poor. The same with my peppers, I showed in a previous photo. But my volunteer cantaloupe is doing better because I thought it was dead just two weeks ago.

Tonight I'll be dancing in my yard to the summer solstice. Although the longest day of the year in Wichita, KS (USA) is Friday, tonight is when the sun reaches its highest point in the northern sky. It's hard to imagine, since it's been cloudy all day,

but it still means the northern hemisphere is pointed directly toward the sun. It's time to remember that from this moment forth, we will be heading toward less and less daylight, although the sun will be relenting over the next three months.

So why am I dancing? Besides celebrating the solstice, I'm just thrilled
this is not my yard! It's too bad I have to look at it, though.
Whether you are in the northern or southern hemisphere, the days are getting shorter or longer, the sun is getting hotter or colder, and changes are coming!! Now go dance to the summer solstice and maybe even light a candle as darkness descends on us.
20 thoughtful remarks:
wow! Your garden has really bounced back! I thought most of it was gone for good and look at it!
We'd have to get more sunny days for me to notice they were shorter--LOL! Dance away, lady!! :):)
dancing through your yard 'au natural' picking lavendar and rosemary and tossing it in the air, smearing gesso and paints all over my body daintily twirling around in circles....ohhhhh dizzy....who has the booze?.....need a drink, hey where are my clothes, where am I?....oh uh....must be that summer solstice thing again...dancing from the hills of North Carolina and blowing Elizabeth a kiss!! hee hee....
:0) Dancing with you and I'm fully clothed too.
I like your house. If someone is living next door, why aren't they tidying up their yard? That doesn't make sense to me at all. So glad to see that your garden is bouncing back. Have a great day! Happy Summer! Tammy
well that would have been something to see...... maybe another time!!! Sorry your garden is looking a bit disheveled but I'm sure the garden angel will help it live. Is there a patron saint of gardening???? Its so wet here again... the grass is growing as is the weeds........ xxx
Happy Solstice. Your garden looks like it is about to take off. I like to look at ours when it begins to go from little starter plants to ground covering green.
Happy Solstice! I won't be dancing naked...too many mosquitoes just for starters...not to mention all the neighbors. :)
The garden really came back nicely. And wow! Your front yard compared to you neighbors...yikes! I'm surprised the city lets them get away with that. In our town if you let it go too long the city comes and cuts it then sends you the bill.
Maybe your neighbor's thought meadow was spelled weedow! Great recovery on the plants. Nature is amazing it it's glory. Thanks for the tour of the garden. xox
You should know that in my head you're dancing naked. But it's OK, you closely resemble Aphrodite. We lived next door to an "interesting" garden. It's where I used to toss any slugs and snails I found.
Good luck with the continued garden recovery.
Your vegetable garden looks delicious. Great work Elizabeth. Enjoy every minute.
The garden is doing very well after it's setback. No doubt due to the TLC you've lavished on it. Shame the neighbours can't take a hint.
Had to giggle at your bloggie friends trying to get you arrested for dancing in the naughty in public ;)
your house is pretty...Love all the green and growing goodness
guess you look mostly left when you step out onto your front porch
Happy Summertime dear E!
for future reference
you can tell the difference between lavender and rosemary by the scent of the foliage
Too bad you don't have a fence on both sides of your front yard! It is difficult to have to look at that but, hopefully they are nice people who don't like to garden! Maybe, just maybe, if you danced naked....a fence might appear! It would in my case. LOL
I'm so glad your garden is bouncing back...I think you will really love the lavender in years to come! so sad to think of the days getting shorter again already...the sunshine makes me much for nudity, we are all artists here, so no one would be offended in the least! lol!
nice work
great work
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