Some of you have been following my day tripping adventures, so when Maggie (Magpie) suggested a virtual vacation OR a stay-cation for the Inspiration Avenue challenge this week, I knew I had to join in this Friday. After all, that's what this entire summer is all about for me!! I find mini-vacations wherever I go, and visiting a friend in the hospital was no exception.
I have a few rules that I abide by with each trip. In case you aren't familiar with them,
The self imposed rules:1. Round trip must be less than or equal to 80 miles.2. Must be achievable in a single day.
3. No more than $15.00 can be spent (does NOT include fuel).
So the other day, when I was visiting my friend in the hospital, I was taken by the incredible

beauty of the landscape, as well as the history of the hospital itself. I've already shown a few photos, in case you want to see others
here and

Today we begin at the beginning. Back in 1912, when first built, the hospital looked more like a mansion than a hospital.

Nurses in their caps and white starched dresses. And as one person pointed out, stockings, too (which were more than likely perfectly straight due to the seam in the back).

I am assuming the house soon gave way to the building that they called the "House of Healing on the Hill."

By the early 1920s, nurses had their own place of residence. Apparently women needed good, watchful shelter back then!
Skipping forward, you can see how the hospital has started to grow in just a few years, although it is a far cry from the four main buildings and many satellite buildings it has today.

I only wish I'd gotten a better photo of the iron lung from the 1940s. It was the best of several photos I took, and it was still lousy. I had never seen a photo of an iron lung, but my grandmother sometimes spoke about a friend who had polio and had to stay in one.

Even the bake (kitchen) staff got photographed when they presented the hospital with a decorated 50th Anniversary cake in 1962.
And here's what the hospital looked like from an aerial view three years later in 1965.

I really enjoyed this trip down memory lane in photographs, even though I've never had any dealings with the medical community, other than visiting a few of my friends in the hospital.
So how did I do on this, my second Stay-cation? Let's review.
1. Round trip must be less than or equal to 80 miles. Round trip was less than SIX miles.
2. Must be achievable in a single day. Even with taking photos, it took less than an hour to walk the halls and enjoy the history.
3. No more than $15.00 can be spent (does NOT include fuel). I spent ZERO dollars, because I went home to eat and didn't stop at the gift shop!
I hope this shows what can be found in your town and you can have a real Stay-cation instead of a virtual one if you just look around and keep your eyes open._____________
12 thoughtful remarks:
...amazing photo's Elizabeth, isn't it incredibled the stories they tell...time has changed & evolved so much, to think the old mansion house was the start of that hospital almost seems incredulas...I loVe this type of history, a start to finish in pictures, not sure sure i'd of been happy in the iron lung though!...hope you have a super day...Mel :)
always looking for a beauty break, that is what we artists are famous for! xo
Enjoyed going on your stay-cation with you. When I first started working in the Medical field nurses still wore white uniforms with white shoes and stockings and some wore caps. I remember when wearing a uniform with pants was a big breakthrough. Tells you I have been around awhile.
It is amazing how the medical field has changed and hospitals with wasn't that long ago that there were strict visiting hours and you had to comply or be asked to leave! I like your mini-vacation idea, there are so many places close to home that are interesting, if we take the time to notice.
This was so enJOYable to read and ponder. History and SEEing its unfoldment deLIGHT me so much. I am a great fan of the stay-cation idea. I suppose it has something to DO with living where people come to on vacation, or mayBE it is just that I love my Life and no longer feel compelled to go or DO or see or get anything MORE.
I like the parameters you put on yourself and as always the bounty in your posts. I was in Wichita on my move from AZ to FL in 2009, and my friends there took me to see some amazing things by the river. I cannot recall exactly what, but I DO recall how fun it was to BE toured about. Yet what I most enJOYed was seeing them in person, we'd been online and telephone friends for 3 years, and watching them all together, and especially seeing the babies, 3 of them ranging from 6 months to 18 months I think at that time.
Thanks again for all the times I have NOT thanked you for your sharing here. Each day is a new delight!!
I just love your idea of the cheap local vacations! Wow! That was some cake they baked of the building! Nurses all looked pretty much the same back then--all in white uniforms, stockings, and shoes. I didn't know the nurses has their own housing, though! That's interesting. Well, they were all expected to be single and needing protection back then. ;)
I bet some of those nurses had girdles on too! lol It was interesting that the nurses had dormitories, I bet they felt liberated to be away from home! But what amazed me the most if that you stayed away from the gift, that's the best place to visit! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
That was a wonderful mini-vacation. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I totally agree about there being so much to take in and enjoy often in our own backyards
I enjoyed the look back at the House of Healing's humble is wonderful that someone preserved those vintage photos
these vintage photos are so charming, and remembering our history is certainly important~as well as interesting! My frugal friend, this was a very cool 'mini trip!'
I love your staycation! The hospital has such an interesting history! Thanks for sharing!
Great staycation, all we have to do is open our eyes. Thanks for the remonder! xox
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