So what has happened, you ask? Where is an inspiring art project on my main floor craft table? Aren't those the same rocking horses from previous weeks?

Haven't I been lamenting over that wooden heart for awhile in my basement studio? And haven't I had the Shiva Paintstiks decorated fabric ready to iron and heat set the paint for weeks on end? And what about the washers I've been rusting in a small container of vinegar since forever?

At least I repaired my rocking carousel horse. All it needed was a nut, then tightened.
So why all the questions?
Julia at
Stamping Ground asks us to show our desks, but I have nothing to show.
Nothing upstairs, nothing downstairs, nothing outside, nothing in my office. So I'm hoping for some motivation as I visit my friends' work spaces this week. And please, if you visit, leave your number so I can find you quickly.
Incidentally, when Wednesday evening (6 p.m. ish) finally gets here in my time zone, I will be celebrating the SUMMER SOLSTICE.
64 thoughtful remarks:
I have no number yet... you know I am doone and where to find me...www.adonnathing.com
love your state of nothingness and neatitude
my desk is the opposite
I'm doing everything at once and it is all on my desk
later I too shall celebrate solstice...
I'd love to dig through that "nuts and bolts" organizer in your basement studio. Looks like loads of fun.
Hope you had a great day.
ah Now I think you are in that percentage of Americans that has a passport, so careful lady or I shall take you up on your offer - you would fly - I would hostess you and we would draw and paint and alter books... you would quickly learn to draw because you can see, I suspect you just think too much when your pencil touches paper......and whilst you were here that are plenty of woywwers that would want some of your time...ah maybe you should consider a trip?
WE all have those days - weeks even, lol - but still, loved the peek and esp the rocking horses!
#1 but I think you know the way! :-)
I was stalled for a few weeks and am just coming out of it. Happens. The urge will hit you and drive you back to creative play soon, I bet. ;)
I would take this time to enjoy the tidiness while it lasts cuz I am sure when every inch of every desk is covered with fabulous creations. You'll step back again and wonder when you'll be able to see surface again..lol. Your muse is not far off. Enjoy the summer solstice and maybe that's when inspiration will hit..lol. Keep creating ..heArtLilian
Sometime you just have to walk away from the desk and do something else. I have so much in my head that I want to do sometimes that I don't seem to be able to make it happen. So I read a book of 2. #14
Well, I'm sure you'll be very busy any time soon! Love your rocking horses, I haven't sent you on your ATC, (with a rocking horse) as, although I was sure I had your addy, I never found it. SO maybe I didn't have it after all! This week, I've at last finished something AND planted my runner beans...very late!
Thank you for my snoop, have a great week. HaPpY WoYwW!
(((Lyn))) #20
We all have those days. Enjoy because I am sure your mojo will be back soon. Happy WOYWW~dani22
Oh, you poor thing, I hope the inspiration hits you really soon,nothing worse than losing your mojo. Even with nothing being done, your desk is so full of goodies that I would love to play with. Lucky you, celebrating summer, it is horrible old winter here (sigh), bring on summer!!
Have a great week, and find that mojo.
Von #28
Nothing is still something and I thing you display nothing beautifully. Hope that makes sense.
Sandra @32
no workspace to share, and no number, but I sincerely hope you will find your inspiration again, for our pleasure !
I would be honored if you stop by my blog to find it ;-)
take care !
I feel for you...I lost my mojo for 12 years so feel your pain, but I'm sure hopping around the desks will inspire you. :D
Maybe he's just resting ready for summer to start!
Good luck finding him again ~ enjoy WOYWW in the meantime.
Neesie #26
at least you desk is nice and neat as always and it is easy to start once your mojo gets back! love the colors of those fabrics!
happy WOYWW!
blessings and hugs from #15
peggy aplSEEDS
Elizabeth!!!! What's wrong??? Girl we need to get your art back in gear! So what are you doing for summer solstice? Dancing nude around a ring of mushrooms? Howling at the moon? Painting your porch with gesso? :0 waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
I hope your motivation kicks back into gear very soon. Some days are just like that. Our weather is very blah at the moment with dust high in the sky so everything is in a haze. Temperatures cool down to a whopping 95 degrees at night. HA! Only way out in the desert might it get a little cooler. The walk back through time with the hospital photos is very interesting. My aunt in Mississippi was a nurse and I can remember in the 70's that she was still wearing that little hat. Sadly, she died during heart surgery around 1984. It was a shock to use all. Hope you have a great rest of the week. Tammy
...Morning Elizabeth...I'm laughing at Sandee's post above!...your desk will reveal it's eye candy to us as soon as the Solstice gets under way...loVe your colourful trinket storage box, it's all so neat & tidy too with your stunning heart canvas taking pride of place...have a wonderful day along with Bleubeard, wonder if he'll notice the change!...Mel :) #49
GREAT looking desk even if Sandee thinks you will be dancing naked around it! OMG! They are different in NC aren't they? Almost as bad as us Okie gals. I think dancing nude and howling works for me. Have a great week. Vickie #23
Hope you find inspiration somewhere - I fear it won't be at mine... Helen, 33
Isn't it lovely to think how much inspiration we can get from looking at all the other desks? Good luck.
A x #76
Well, if dancing naked and howling restores your motivation, then go for it say I!!! I shall be celebrating Solstice too *grin*
Hugs, LLJ ~72 xx
Hope your mojo returns soon x
Sophie no.93
A clear space waiting for your creativity - hope it strikes soon. Well done for mending the rocking horse (something achieved!) thanks for the opportunity of having a peep at your workspace - trying to make a few visits early this week! Hazel, WOYWW #87 x
Enjoy the solstice and your mojo will be back when it's ready! Happy WOYWW. Annie :)
Sometimes it is just like this isn't it? Best thing it to have a tidy up and then you discover something you haven't used for a while and the mojo comes flooding back. Our diaries say the Summer Solstice is on 24th this year but I always say it is 21st as my son was born on the Winter Solstice (also 21st) and this marks his "half" birthday. BJ #47
Can't believe your desk is so clean but don't think of it as a loss of mojo, it's just an opportunity so get creative soon.
Ann B
I just read Doone's comment - seriously if you're considering it....I want you to stay here too. As for motivation, girl, you and me both. I don't know what it'll take, but it will happen. Meanwhile, at least your work areas are clean tidy and ready!
having slept on it, if you are serious we could plan something next year after April so I can take a longer absence from work (but I would have to book it well ahead so they can cover my work) - I am more than happy to feed water, house and occasionally , clothe, you - I am sure JoZarty & Neet would also want to meet - as would alot of Uk Woywwers, of course now I am worried about Bleubeard....does he know you would abandon him at the drop of a hat...
also would you want to hop over to Paris on eurostar? we could do the galleries and lunch and be home there and back the same day....
also if you need to five year plan we would be in France not the uk - but that's no problem if you prefer rural to city....
Hope your mojo returns soon... at least it is neat and tidy and ready to start work when inspiration strikes!
Laura 94
Definitely come on over and then come up to Manchester. I'd love to host you and your rocking horses! In fact, maybe we should have a WOYWW meet up somewhere. How cool would that be? We could all get together and craft. And inspire each other. OK, I need to contact Julia about this.
Don't worry about your mojo; it will come back. Sometimes you actually need a break from creating and this might just be your subconscious telling you to chill out. (Or roast in the heat!)
cheers, rachel #19
Lack of mojo is hugely frustrating. Hope inspiration hits soon.
Zoe #57
It is so rare for you to have no mojo ...maybe you need a rest ...a chill out ...a recharge of batteries ...I am sure by next week your areas will be heaving in inspiration xx #9
I would love to send you an ATC but I still don't have your address - if you want to please send it to my email which is dolores.kerec@gmail.com
My mojo is also gone but I am hoping to get it back soon...
My mission this week is to finish the abandoned projects that are languishing on my desk - the ones that have been put in the 'WIP' box don't stand a hance!! I'm sure MR M is just on a short break and will be back very soon - thanks for visiting!! Cindy #8
fabulous desk. Loving the art work. Hopr your mojo returns soon
Many of us seem to be lacking motivation. As for me, I'm in the same boat. I can't seem to focus when there is so much to be done outside! Have a lovely rest of the week!
Glenda 101
I had lots to say at 5:40 AM, but my iPad simply would not let me edit out a couple of spelling errors, nor re-paste the text. Weird. Before my DESKTOP was the problem - now I've worked that out, the iPad is flaky. Argh. Anyway, what I had to say was that when mojo goes walkabout the best thing (for me) is to just drag out a pile of stuff and start playing. Paint, ink, stains, stamps. Clear a space (oh wait, you did that already :)) and make a mess. I'm ALWAYS surprised at what happens.
Mary Anne (4)
Super tidy, all ready for the next project. Always good to have a break I think, recharge the creative juices I reckon! Take care & enjoy the snooping! Zo xx 74
Everyone needs a little down time to rejuvenate and I'm sure the summer solstice will prompt some creativity :).
Stay inspired!
Oh i really feel for you, I hate it when I lose my mojo :o( I usually find that organising something (anything) helps, also moving some stuff round, i.e.: furniture that really helps to stir up the creative energy in the house. Hope it helps!! woyww 112
If you need motivation look no further than your WOYWWing friends..... so much abounds. Look around at Nature pick one item blur your eyes and reproduce what you see. First and foremost just do something if it is only putting paint on paper. It will happen. You give us inspiration so now take it!
As for Doone's suggestion, I'm in on that and you are welcome here too and she could join us now I have two spare beds. We have so much fun together, bounce ideas off each other and make so much art (including mess which I hope you could cope with!! LOL).
Love JoZarty x
I think I would be lacking inspiration if I was having the heat you are having. Never mind the cool times will be upon you before you know what you are doing.
Hope the motivation arrives back soon.
Sending Cyber Hugs (the kind that don't make you warm) - Hugs, Neet #21 xx
I agree, maybe it's the Summer heat! I find it hard to be inspired this time of year in general....so I can't offer any ideas/suggestions there :)
P.S. Happy Summer Solstice!
I hope you find some motivation soon Elizabeth, personally I blame the heat, it saps all the energy out of me. On that note, what the heck are you doing cutting the lawn! We do ours early in the morning when it's so hot! We have a lot of year round geese in Michigan now and you're right, they create such a mess! I think the Solstice is around 7pm this evening on my TZ, hard to think that the night will be reclaiming the day from here on out!!
Sometimes a nice clean work space is the best motivation for me. I might make a mess when making art but new ideas don't come easily if I'm faced with the leftovers from the last project.
You are so productive that I'm confident your work space will be soon filled.
I have a nice tidy desk too but have had lots of fun wet felting in the kitchen - I like to spread my mess around the house!! x Jo
there are just fallow times... it's the nature of things... don't fret, just enjoy peeking at other folks' desks :)
happy summer solstice!!
Fab desk Elizabeth,, I'm sure Mr Mojo will return home soon..when it cools down.. Hugs May x x x#62
Hoping you have LOTS of fun things to show next week! For now, enjoy the solstace!
Hi Elizabeth, well what a lot of offers you have had to come to the UK!! I hope thinking about a crafty trip will ignite your imagination and get you on to crafty things again. Love the heart canvas, maybe you could do another canvas with a rocking horse on it, just a thought. Anne x #43
Hi Elizabeth,
Thank you for your kind words on my blog!
For your question; I don't have both. My stazon inkpads are brand new so I won't need reinkers for a while and I just ordered some great colors of the colorwash series from ranger.(and a lot of other great stuff) I'm expecting them too arive this week (happy me)
Just spend soo much money I won't be buying anything for a few months (or thats what I'm thinking now :))
I hope you have a great week! I'll send you some cool weather, cause we don't have much of a summer here right now ;(
Love Susan
I see a fan on your desk ... maybe that explains your lack of motivation .... its too hot!!!!
I'm not participating in WOYWW but I read your blog and just wanted to say that I've come to accept those "down times" as VACATION TIME....and just enjoy it! You'll make up for it when your mojo returns.
Here's wishing you a happy Summer Solstice dear E!
Every muse needs a rest now and then ... relax and take care!
Bright Solstice Blessings Elizabeth! sorry to here your mojo has flown away for a while! Sure it will come back soon. I re-organize my crafty space when I am in a creative lull, it always helps as I find stuff I had forgot about! Hva e good week!
Lavinia #5
Sorry you've misplaced your mojo...but at least your workspaces are bright and clean!! There's always an upside!
Amy E. #17
Scrappymo #29 here to say your mojo will return...it is just taking a break!
Hi Elizabeth! I'm sorry you have a hard time every time you visit me! Thank you for your perseverance! I'm planning to remove my blogroll when I have the time, but I'll have to transfer it to some other way to see new posts. So it's taking me some time! Hope you get inspired soon! patsy
Enjoy the break... sometimes it's the calm before the next flurry of creative wonderfulness. Happy Solstice!! I know this dang heat takes it's toll on my creative mojo. There's been a lot of pulling up my bootstraps and diggin' in lately. :) Happy WOYWW! Warmly, Tracy #105
Sometimes nothing is good! xox
happy woyww, Hope you get your mojo back and hope you enjoyed the solstice x
happy crafting, mark
Enjoy the solstice! you will get your groove back, no worries! The rocking horses are simply devine! I would LOVE to play with them!!!!!
Nooooooo I cant load any of your pictures and I dont know why gahhhhhhhhhh
Well, you did a darned good job for having nothing to show us this week girlie! Happy WOYWW!
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