Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today's blog link

I've given a lot of thought to Silent Sunday and blogs. I took Patty Davidson's idea into consideration, where she suggested using photos from the blog I'm spotlighting as links. Although it sounds viable, I sometimes don't know in advance whose blog I'm going to feature until I start writing, so that wouldn't work if I wanted to observe that pesky little problem I have with plagiarism or copyright infringement.

Speaking of plagiarism, that's what my link is all about today: blogger plagiarism. Having attended school for nearly half my life, I am well aware of what constitutes plagiarism, so you won't find any of that on this blog. I won't knowingly put anything here that the person I'm quoting doesn't know about. I also try to protect any photos I've borrowed (which is just once, I might add). And you'll never find any text on my blog that is stolen. I don't need to steal ideas or content. I have enough ideas of my own to last a lifetime.

But this post is not about me. It's about this cool web site I found. Don't expect any photos. The only ones you'll find are in the sponsors' ads on the right sidebar. Don't expect art. Do expect to learn a bit about blogs, what to say, and what not to say. Although I've not read every article (and there are a bunch), the ones I have read are very informative and helpful for navigating through this wonderful and supportive blog community. So without further ado, today's blog is:

3 thoughtful remarks:

Seth said... 1

Thought provoking blog post. Thanks!

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said... 2

Tips are always good, thanks for the link Elizabeth!
Also I quite agree, you do have plenty of original ideas and inspiration to pass along!!!

Terri Kahrs said... 3

Great link, Elizabeth, thank you for sharing it. Quite an eye opener! Hugs, Terri