Sunday, January 10, 2010

Silent Sunday: Diverse Architecture

3 thoughtful remarks:

gobeagirl said... 1

Wow, I love these pictures. Taking pictures is how I got into scrapbooking and now blogging about my cards. Isn't it just so interesting to see the world thru someone else camera? I really love your pics. Thanks for posting a link to my blog about the lint brush and gems. I am sorry, I didn't see your comment until today. Not the most hi-tech an awesome evening. Lisa g Oh, have I mentioned how much I love the pictures of your cats. They are such beautiful cats.

Seth said... 2

Nice variety here!

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said... 3

Always marvel at your gorgeous blue skies, fun seeing different buildings and the architecture of the bare trees is very pleasing as well!