Monday, September 17, 2018

T Stands for Washi tape challenge and a trip to Riverside Cafe

I apologize that this is such a long post today.  I will try to be as brief as possible.  Last week Eileen and Halle challenged us to show our washi tape.  I really didn't realize how many rolls I had until I laid them out on my craft room table.

But first, to make a long post even longer, I know some of you who live in the U.S. have already seen this, but since a few of you only visit on T day,

it's time to get your free Museum Day ticket for two people.  This annual event is sponsored by Smithsonian Magazine.  I've gone the past four years and intend to take advantage of this year, too.  You only have a few days to decide what museum in your area you want to visit free of charge, so I suggest you follow the link to see what is available in your area.

I am color driven, as I've often said in the past.  I subscribe to the ROY G BIV system.  In case you've never heard of it, it's color coding and stands for Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.  There are similar areas on the color wheel.

Of course there will always be a few I can't place in line, mainly because of their sizes or shapes.  In the far back are masking tapes I've made, along with tapes others have sent me, including the ones Eileen sent with my lovely teacup stencil.

Most of the tapes you see were gifts.  Many came from either Cindy or Chris.  I even won a few on different web sites.  Most of these I've already used at least a few times.   These are red, pink, orange, and green (or ROY G).

When I laid them out, I was surprised I had no violet or indigo, but lots of multicolored tapes that didn't really fit with the ROY G BIV scheme.

I had several browns and golds,

but black and white definitely dominated my tapes.  If you visit me regularly, you have surely seen most of these tapes.  I use them often.

The musical notes on the far right were sent to my by both Chris and Cindy.  I've already gone through one roll and am working on the second one.

Chris sent me these at Christmas last year and I'm sure you've seen the ones I've used. 

I house my tapes in one of the drawers in my roll around cart that lives behind my desk.  However, I got the bright idea to buy a small holder that would sit on my cutter/sewing table.

In addition to two drawers, there were two small units and a lift up area, too.  Unfortunately, when I checked out WalMart, where I got this one last year, they no longer sell them.   Just as well, I suspect.  I'm not sure all the tapes would fit inside this container.  I hope you share your washi tapes so I can ohh and ahh over yours.

Looking back to July, my foodie friend Sally and I went to lunch at Riverside Cafe.  I've shown you photos of the restaurant here, here, and a couple of photos of Kathy and me in the back room (where these photos were also taken) of Riverside Cafe here.  Water with lemon for me, was the drink of choice that day.

Sally had given me a birthday card for my birthday, but I stuck it unopened in her car and promptly forgot about it.  Months later, she suggested I open it, which I did in the restaurant.

I was still admiring it when Sally's salad arrived.  Of course, I completely forgot to take photos of my breakfast or Sally's meal.

However, when the meal was over and we had boxed up our leftovers, the waitress walked over with a big stand-up sign of pies that were available.  When I told her no thanks, she told me I got a free piece of pie for my birthday.  Sally even encouraged me, so I insisted I buy her a piece, too.  That's what the money on the table is for, since the waitress still had not brought the bill and I had already given Sally my share of the bill because she only had a large bill she needed to use.

I got chocolate peanut butter meringue pie and Sally got lemon meringue  It was a great, albeit very late birthday gift, that's for sure.

Now it's time to show your washi tape and your drink related post you are sharing this week.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Please link only to your T post, not your entire blog. Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken at any time.

34 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

That pie sounds great! Lots of lovely washi tapes, too. Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

i looked through your wonderful stash of washi tapes, and funnily i must say your motifs do not double with mine - but i like them all!! oh my, that washi hype could ruin me if i would let it happen... (similar like stencils, another crazy love...). but i should definitely use them more often. hope this challenge results in that LOL!!
happy t-day, elizabeth:)

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 3

OMGosh, Elizabeth, you surely have Halle and me beat in the "show your washi tape stash" challenge! Organizing them is tricky. I like your acronym: ROY G BIV and am trying to memorize it - repeating it over and over like a manta and thinking of Roy Rogers - lol.

Yay, I see the wide passport stamp tape I sent you in the background! I thought you could make good use of it in the arm chair travelogues that you post. I enjoy those.

Fun birthday card story. Out of your many adventures with Sally, this was especially charming.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Halle said... 4

Loved the washi! You have so many styles I've never seen before. I'll be back to link up once I write my post...after playing taxi driver and eating dinner. :)
Happy T day!

Linda Kunsman said... 5

oh wow you have a fab selection of tapes Elizabeth!! What fun it is looking at everyone's tapes. I didn't see one in your collection that I have but sure would love to- esp. the black and white ones (ooh, the houndstooth is divine!):):) Chocolate and peanut butter- oh that is a dangerous combination. I used to eat Reese's peanut butter cups all the time. Nice to have gotten a free dessert, and glad you finally got to enjoy that beautiful birthday card too. Happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 6

You certainly have a lot of wonderful patterned washi tape. I love the various colors. I think I need to build up my collection.
And that museum day sounds so fun. I am going to have to check the link out.
Your desserts look so amazing! It as been ages since I have eaten a yummy piece of pie.
Happy Tea Day,

Rita said... 7

Between what I have purchased and what Leah has picked up for me I have a ton of washi tapes! Two satchels full! They are fun. I add them on letters and cards.

Have a nice museum day! :)

kathyinozarks said... 8

You have an awesome washi tape collection-love your idea of organizing them. I just found out about these tapes a bit ago and had picked up two of them to try-I can see how these can be addictive-I bought a collection today-in my post-was hard to choose which one lol
your pies look delicious-I made a lemon meringue pie this morning-one of our favorites

Helen said... 9

quite a pile of washi tape! I'll have the lemon meringue please, I cannot abide peanut butter.

Of course I will link you for WOYWW , no need to put the details in the comments I will do it from your post. BTW, the red "thing" isn't for feeding the birds, but the housing for the life buoy to save someone if they fall in the pond.

Most places in London are fairly close together Kew is to the southwest and Ally Pally to the north.

craftytrog said... 10

A lovely selection of washi tapes, very colourful, mine are mostly black and white. I love making my own on masking tape though.
Have a great week,
Alison xx

Let's Art Journal said... 11

Wow, so much washi tape and it seems we have some of the same ones too (grin!). The Riverside Café looks lovely and oh, that pie - yum! Your birthday card is so beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog and when you see my post today you'll see I've mentioned the VW Beetle photo but had lots of other washi tape and T Day 😁. Happy T Tuesday! J 😊 x

Meggymay said... 12

Your washi collection looks super Elizabeth, a real lovely variety o lovely colourful tapes.
Your added treat of the yummy cake will have made a lovely ending to your meal. You were meant to open your card that day to spread your birthday to another date.
Our Queen Elizabeth has two birthdays, her actual birth day and her official birthday where they celebrate with a special parade in London.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

froebelsternchen said... 13

WOW - your washi collection looks unique Elizabeth, what a variety of beautifultapes. The Riverside Café looks super and what yummie pies! The birthday card from Sally is just beautiful!
Happy T-Day dear Elizabeth!
Big hugs, Susi

My name is Erika. said... 14

I love your washi collection. I think washi is a good deal since it isn't outrageously expensive and makes art so much more fun! And I'll take a piece of pie please. Of course I am trying to watch my food right now so it is better I don't eat it but boy, I might be willing to break my "diet" by eating that. Hope you have a great day. Our rain is here, lets hope we don't get too much. Hugs-Erika

Mia said... 15

Great a great washi tapes collection, Elizabeth!!!!!!!!! Kisses, my friend.

RO said... 16

Yay and more Yay Elizabeth because you've posted about two of my faves - Washi Tape and Lemon Meringue Pie!!!! I'm particularly in love with the black and white editions, which I have a hard time finding around here, dn they all look so amazing. I say the more Washi Tape the better, but then there is the issue with where to store it all, right?(lol) Thanks so much for caring about me during the storm. Your kind thoughts were so appreciated and sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Today is my first day back to some normalcy. Hugs...RO

Darla said... 17

What a wide variety of washi tape you have. I have 2 rolls and I don't even know where they are. Guess it is time to up my game, LOL!

The pie looks very tasty, you can't go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate.

kathyinozarks said... 18

Good morning-thanks for idea that the cutters could be used for stamping-never thought of that-now will need to decide which way I want to use them-crafts or food lol

CJ Kennedy said... 19

So many tapes. My favorite was the one with the black kitty faces. Wishes past a date are not late, they prolong the celebration. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who forgets to take pictures of the food. The pies look yummy. Happy T Day

Sami said... 20

Nice pies for a belated birthday celebration.
You have quite a collection of washi tapes. I had never heard of that colour coding system but makes sense.

jinxxxygirl said... 21

OMGosh Elizabeth you have so many pretty washi rolls!!! I love the birds on the wire and the old fashioned writing.. and and .. lol Birthday cards are great to get even if a 'little bit' late.. :) Thanks for the reminder for the free Museum Days.. One of these years i'll actually take advantage of it.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Dianne said... 22

Love the Washi tapes, and what a pretty card! Your pie looks and sounds delicious too...yummy! sorry I've been missing in action for so long, but back for a visit. Hugs!

Divers and Sundry said... 23

I'm focused on that pie, ya know lol Looks delicious! What a lovely card and a delightful late birthday celebration. Happy T Tuesday!

Sandra Cox said... 24

Look at all those beautiful, diverse tapes!
Glad you are still celebrating your bday:)
Thanks for the info on Museum Day. I had no idea.
And last but not least, thanks for your concern.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 25

Dear Elizabeth, thank you for the great tape suggestion for the plastic bottle zipper cases! I've ordered a roll from Amazon. Hugs, Eileen

kathyinozarks said... 26

Thank you Elizabeth-that is a good idea too-there are so many pieces that I am thinking of saving our a few for both in the kitchen and for crafts-I love your idea as a stamp and never would have thought of that-hugs

Nancy said... 27

Thanks for the link! Will look into it. All that terrific washi tape on display- very inviting. The pie looks yummy! Oh, and by the way, if you make crinkle pages again, ask some friends to save cereal liners for you to recycle- I found that many cracker packages were a bit too thick to adhere well or to see through, and am not sure wax paper would fill the bill either. But they are fun to make!

Sharon Madson said... 28

First of all, thank you for the link to the museums. When you posted it last week, I went to the link and got my tickets. Next, thank you for the heads up about the Washi Tape. I missed it last week, or maybe I wasn't here, I don't know! LOL Anyway, it has taken me all day to do my journal page that I wanted to do for a couple of challenges, and do my post! But , hey, it is still Tuesday! And I got it posted! Happy T Day, Elizabeth!

pearshapedcrafting said... 29

So pleased to have been able to assist with your washi collection! I'll get around to showing mine when I get home! Your pie looks delicious and quite a naughty treat, but who am I to talk!!! You will see why over the next few weeks! Sorry not to be joining in this week but it's not so easy this time! Hugs,Chrisx

Caty said... 30

Wooww Elizabeth .... your washi tape collection is fantastique !! they are all lovely, and this birthdays card is wonderful! lovely day!
and your cakes may be the most yummu, I wish you a nice afternooon, big hugss, Caty

aussie aNNie said... 31

Look at all of that washi tape, I think I have 4 in all.x

Jeanie said... 32

I just LOVE that you arrange your washi tape with Roy G. Biv. I love Roy G. Biv. Great idea. Lunch looks wonderful too!

Jackie PNeal said... 33

My oh my The pie the pie!! YUMMY!

Elizabeth, your tapes are just beautiful! Such a gorgeous assortment!
and I don't mind your long posts-heehee

Lowcarb team member said... 34

Oh my that pie!
It does look good!

All the best Jan