Wednesday, January 15, 2025

January, 2025 and a new calendar


My dear friend RO! fessed up that she sent me the calendar I will be using for the next 18 months.

I have a new calendar.  It is LARGE.  Too large for the scanner, so I will need to photograph it each month.  In keeping with Art Journal Journey, our host and co-administrator Mia of Craftartista has chosen Dots as her theme.  You can see I've added dots to the page.  We also have a holiday this month, which is MLK Jr Day.  It is one of our official federal holidays every year.
Thank you for visiting today.  I appreciate it more than you know.


3 thoughtful remarks:

Tom said...'s hard to image that the month is half over!

Mae Travels said...

MLK Day is next week… I’ve been wondering when it would fall this year. I wish more of his goals were continuing to be reached. Sometimes I fear that we are losing some of the gains that were made under his leadership.
Enjoy your new calendar… mae at

Christine said...

Lovely gift