Friday, October 25, 2024

Friday Smiles 387


It's Friday, which means it's time to join Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).  Let's visit Annie and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.   I haven't played in awhile because I haven't been able to leave comments.  I'm still getting a few "Failed to Publish," but not like before.

I don't have a lot to smile about this week, because I hurt my left arm while moving my herbs inside.  I made a sling for it on Sunday because I kept forgetting I couldn't use it.

Before I hurt my hand/arm, I took a few photos of the changing trees in my neighborhood.  However, I haven't taken them off my camera yet. 

Instead, I have a few funnies about aging and old age to share.

I hope you found a bit of humor in some of these.  Thanks for spending part of your Friday with us.  Bleubeard and I would love to see you at Friday Smiles, too.


6 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

I am sorry your arm is still giving you grief.
Thanks for the smiles.

Iris Flavia said...

Let us LAUGH!!!!
And not grow up. I haven´t by 40 I won´t attempt that now (or ever).
To healing, too. Clever idea with the "reminder".
Happy Friday!

Lisca said...

Oh you got me giggling! So many really funny funnies! I do worry about the hearing aid....just the thought....! And of course I love the 'Aunties' having fun. I also need a bit of WD-40 at times (especially in the morning). And the belt height got me laughing. Actually young people wear their trousers so low that they risk losing them!
I'm sorry to hear your arm is still giving you gipp. Good idea to put a sling on to remind you. I hope it gets better soon.
Enjoy your weekend,

mamapez5 said...

Hi Elizabeth. I hope your arm feels better soon. We don't heal as quickly as we get older do we. I had to smile at your funnies. I rarely get an all-nighter, and I definitely need the WD40 most days. I always said I would grow old gracefully and I try not to complain, but I fully understand why some old folk are a tad grumpy! Kate x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Elizabeth, I hope your arm is better soon. I know how you feel as a while ago a door swung open and hit me on the shoulder and it took some time before it got back to normal. Sadly I think the older we get the longer it takes to get over small accidents so I can understand why older people get grummpy. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Annie said...

I'm sorry to hear about your arm...really hope it's better very soon. Old age doesn't come alone [although I have no idea how old you are lol]
Annie x