Saturday, September 7, 2024

Work in progress


I've started a new altered book I made from scratch.  

Actually, it's made from construction paper, which is terrible material unless you are using glue stick to adhere items to it.  I was really proud of my sewing.  It is the first time I have sewn a straight line since forever.  There are a total of four sheets of 4 inch X 8 inch, which gives 24 surfaces on which to work.

I've started with the palest yellow Ralph Lauren paint chip from my stash. I'm using that brand because they are square.  To the first square I've added a piece of security envelope and a piece of foreign text.  The second square got a bit of vintage sheet music.

Backgrounds 3 and 4 got two different metallic squares.  The square on the left has a note in English and the one on the right has a bit of shorthand. Unfortunately, I missed a dark yellow square when it hid under a security envelope.  I was sick, but there was nothing I could do because I had already

created backgrounds 5 and 6.  More sheet music and Greek (?) text in front of different security envelopes.  I was frustrated and stopped.  I hope to have the rest of the backgrounds finished tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.  Bleubeard and I are delighted to have you visit.


10 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

I really admire your creativity and look forward to seeing more.

Iris Flavia said...

Wow - a cool new project! Looking forward to see more! Have a great Saturday!

My name is Erika. said...

This looks great. and I can't wait to see what you do with it beyond these cool designs. And that is not Greek writing on the last one, but I'm not sure what. Maybe German. Have a great Saturday. hugs-Erika

Tom said... must have quite a stash!

CJ Kennedy said...

Cool little book. Erika is correct. The last text fragment is German.

Rita said...

Interesting choice with the black paper.
I've made a lot of pamphlet style bookcards over the years...four sheets folded in half...are you sure there's not 16 pages both sides? Regardless, they are fun to make and these are quite pretty and colorful. :)

Divers and Sundry said...

What a fun new project!

Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, a fun new project!

All the best Jan

craftytrog said...

This is great Elizabeth! I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses.

Jenn Jilks said...

I am lacking motivation for much. This is inspiring. I have never sewn a straight line, ever!!! Good work.