Saturday, September 14, 2024

Why no one has heard from me


I'm sure many of you know this is my dear friend and AJJ co-administrator Erika's current blog header.  This is the message I get no matter how much I try.  Sorry, Iris, F5 didn't help.  This is the same message I have gotten for at least three days.  I will leave comments when blogger lets me and I will also publish my T Tuesday post even if I'm still getting the above message.  Have a stress free weekend everyone.  I'm hoping to, also, especially if Blogger decides to cooperate.


8 thoughtful remarks:

Tom said... have more than your share of problems!

kathyinozarks said...

sorry for all of these difficulites-there must be someway to ask google customer service for your blog difficulties- but then I would not know how to do that

Elephant's Child said...

I am so sorry that blogger is still messing with your mind.

My name is Erika. said...

That's got to be the most frustrating thing. I get them occasionally, but this is too many. Google must have a help desk. But like Kathy, I don't know how to reach it. Hope that is fixed soon. hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

Good luck, Elizabeth. I can feel your frustration.

Królowa Karo said...

Technology can sometimes be malicious...

Rita said...

I wish somebody had a solution for this issue. So sorry this his happening to you so much!

Iris Flavia said...

Have you tried to close and re-open?
Gosh, this is so annoying!!!