Monday, September 2, 2024

Second on the 2nd: anything goes

As most of you know, whenever possible, I like my Second Look to somehow reflect what our current host at Art Journal Journey is featuring.  That means, since Aimeslee chose Anything Goes, I wanted to do something on Friendship.  For two years, I joined a weekly group at Journal 52.  The following is from week 31 in August, 2014.


At Journal 52 this week's prompt is Friendship.  This prompt left me scratching my head and wondering how I was going to demonstrate friendship, since the majority of my friends are those I've made around the world on the internet.  I only have about 10 close friends and all but four of them live in other towns.

Leave it to Bleubeard, who suggested I show one of his friends.  And since he seldom gets much recognition, I thought this would be a perfect time for him to pick a friend and show what friends and friendships are all about.

He even picked some of the quotes

that represent how he feels about friends.

And of course, he had to pick a dear friend of his, too.

I hope you realize this was all in jest, because the image came from an old calendar, and the quotes and sayings were all computer generated and glued onto a used file folder.  However, I hope you enjoyed Bleubeard's and my take on friendship this week, because it's the only place you'll see my entry, since I'm not a member of Facebook or Flickr. 


Now it's time to share your own Second on the 2nd.  The rules are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back.  All you have to do is bring back a post that you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.  Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is acceptable, as long as it's been published sometime in the past.  Then link below (direct links only, please) and Bleubeard and I, along with other Second on the 2nd friends, will be by to visit.  If your T Stands For Tuesday post is the same as your Second on the 2nd, please share it both places.  This is for Second on the 2nd, only. 

11 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said... 1

Most of my friends are on line too. I was so glad that you were able to comment on my post this week. I hope it continues.

Lisca said... 2

I love those quotes on friendship. And a friend for Bluebeard. I am fortunate to have many friends. Mostly fellow Christians as we are a rare breed here and we like to stick together. (I mean protestants are a rare breed as 99% of the country is Catholic) I have a 'bestie' here in Spain and one in the UK. And my oldest friend is in the Netherlands.
Fantastic that you were able to comment.
See you tomorrow,
PS my folding tables (yes, I have more than one) are very easy to set up and I still use them occasionally.

Tom said... 3

...friends sure are important.

Iris Flavia said... 4

"Friends: Reason, season, lifetime", is what my friend fK always says... We met at a seminar (on railway, of course).
I lost some friends on the way, it is sad, but her quote helps.
Bleubeard picked very well!!!
InLinkz must have made friends with blogger. I give you my 2nd here...

CJ Kennedy said... 5

Cute kitty face and lovely quotes.

Jeanie said... 6

That kitten is totally adorable!

Divers and Sundry said... 7

Pretty kitty! And I enjoyed the friendship quotes.

Damyanti Biswas said... 8

So adorable! This post had me smiling from ear-to-ear.

Violetta said... 9

Oh, this month I didn´t miss your 2nd Link-up. This post ist about 2 years gone and was the first time this short summer dress was taken out....
Have a good time and I hope your comments can be posted soon.

My name is Erika. said... 10

That's a sweet kitty. I never saw this page, so it was great to see it. And those are great quotes to go with that adorable kitty. I hope you've had a nice start to the month. Off to visit your T day post. hugs my friend-Erika

Rita said... 11

I really like the friendship quotes. :)