Friday, August 30, 2024

Elephants in the wild


Yesterday I was able to leave comments to four people, then I started getting "Failed to publish" again.  I am so sorry this is happening.  However, I am thankful for the ones I was able to leave.

This will be my final entry for Jo from Let’s Art Journal, our host this month at Art Journal Journey, and her Wonderfully Wild theme.  

I give you elephants in their chosen habitats. As many of you know, there are two types of elephants: Asian and African.

It's easy to see this elephant is from Asia.  I realize there are several ways to distinguish to which country the elephant belongs, but for me, it is the ears.

Special features of the African elephant.  I was surprised to learn about the teeth.

What sets the African elephant apart.

I began by sewing a sheet of rust colored scrapbook paper to 110 lb cardstock using blue variegated thread.  I sewed the focal elephant I found in a calendar to the page.  I then added the features I found in a box of cards on wild animals.  Finally, I added the words.

Bleubeard and I want to thank each of you for visiting today.  It means so much to us that you have not given up on visiting, even though we are unable to leave comments in return.  We would also love to see you at Art Journal Journey for the final day that you can share your take on Wonderfully Wild.


10 thoughtful remarks:

Christine said...

Very nice

Elephant's Child said...

I adore elephants and am v sorry that you still have commenting woes.

Iris Flavia said...

I was about ordering a book about what animals can do, but I have too many books and too little time.
I adore how elephants remember not only each other but also humans who helped them.
They are artists and can be friendly (can, I would be careful).
Blogger-troubles don´t stop, it seems.

My name is Erika. said...

You can't go wrong with elephants. This guy in the photo is quite a handsome one. I love how elephant ladies stick together and make a clan. Animals are so smart. Or at least many of them. I hope September is a better commenting month and blogger gets it's act together for you. Have a lovely weekend, hugs-Erika

Divers and Sundry said...

Elephants are always worthy subjects for care, consideration, study, and art👍

I wish I could help with the commenting issue. I thought you had it worked out and am sorry you continue to have trouble.

Tom said...

...a fabulous creature.

Rita said...

I didn't know about the teeth, either.
I did find out that all my blog comment notification emails had been going to spam all this time! Things have always gone awry with Blogger but the past few years it seems to have multiplied.

Let's Art Journal said...

Such a wonderful page! The elephants and facts are fabulous, thanks so much for the inspiration and for having me as Guest Host this month 😊. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

Lowcarb team member said...

Elephants are amazing creatures.

All the best Jan

CJ Kennedy said...

What Erika said