Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Index Card A Day : Days 27 through 33


It's Wednesday, which means it's time for Index Card A Day or ICADs.   However, before we begin, I want to thank those of you who had questions and advice about my blog photos stored on my virtual box.

As I explained, my photos are kept in very detailed folders and files.  I can find most anything with little to no searching.  In the past, I would load my files to blogger under the word "Upload," then "Choose files."  Suddenly last Thursday, in place of "Choose files," I got an image of a cloud with the words drag or drop photos here.  The cloud wouldn't recognize the virtual box and when I tried to add photos from it, I got "Upload failed.  Server rejected."  No amount of turning the computer on or off helped.  It just made it so I had to start everything over again.  If anyone knows what to do, please help me.  My only web browser is Firefox and I am running Linux, not Windows.  Now for my ICADs.

Day 27: Asian beauty.  Red cardstock background, Asian text, Asian woman from a travel magazine, faux Asian coin, computer generated text colored with watercolor, black dye ink, black ink.

Day 28: Untitled (Flowers and fairy).  All images gifted and found in my stash.  Problems with sewing.  Variegated thread.  Black dye ink, black ink pen.

Day 29: Noted.  Blue printer/copier paper background, gifted alphabet.  Black dye ink.  I accidentally cropped Bleubeard's and my name, so used my watermark to denote our names.

Day 30: Keep calm.  Drink tea.  Background blue printer/copier paper, part of a napkin, gifted focal image, washi tape, black dye ink, black Posca pen.

Day 31: Canada Day. Some call it Canada's birthday, but it is much more than that, as any of my Canadian friends will tell you.  Washi tape, Canadian flag from the internet, computer generated words, black dye ink, ink pen.

Day 32:  Heidi Ho.  Blue printer/copier paper background, doily from my stash, computer generated words, brown dye ink, ink pen.

Day 33: Point the way.  Layers of dressmaker's tissue, black Sharpie fine tip pen, dye ink.
Here is a recap of the cards I made in June.  This shows 1 through 13

and 14 through 30.

Thanks for joining Bleubeard and me today.  We are thrilled you took time to drop by, since this is the only place you will find my ICADs.

12 thoughtful remarks:

Helen said...

I hope you find a way to sort your photo upload issues. I noticed the changes here, but had no issues, as I run Windows (wonder if that is the issue?) but it's a bit excluding if blogger doesn't support other browsers. Great icads though. Helen

Elephant's Child said...

I am really sorry for your problems, and wish I had solutions. As I so often say, I love your creativity.

Katerinas Blog said...

Great cards,
some of which I had highlighted in a previous post!
I know they need a lot of work and above all inspiration!!
I hope July is just as creative!!

CJ Kennedy said...

So creative. My favorites are The Flowers and Fairies, I like the stitching and Drink Tea. Runner up is Heidi Ho because I loved the novel by Johanna Spyri and the movie with Shirley Temple.

Tom said...

...I wish you a Happy 4th.

Nancy said...

Nice to see these together in the series. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I'd say "You are a Star"- I just love that background. The paper dolls look good with all of your backgrounds.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

really awesome cards Elizabeth! hope your 4th is a safe and happy one

bleu N squiggles…heerz hopin ya due knot hafta liaten ta fire werkz de live
long month…YEOW…sum peepulz just due knot noe when ta quit. 😺💙🐟‼️

Jeanie said...

these are all nice, Elizabeth. I love seeing the whole bunch together -- quite a body of work!

Rita said...

Happy 4th!
I like seeing what you create with your mixed media. I am far behind on ICADs at the moment, but keep plugging away. :)

Divers and Sundry said...

I like "Noted" and "Point the Way" best of these, but it's always hard to pick. Nice variety!

craftytrog said...

A fabulous selection of ICADs Elizabeth!

My name is Erika. said...

These are another fun batch of ICADS. You look like you are having fun with making them. I haven't had any art time all week, and I almost hate to read art blogs because it's making me want to go play. But I think the hubby has other plans today and they will include me. grin. I hope you had a great July 4th. hugs-Erika