Monday, January 29, 2024

T Stands For Spice Merchant pt 12


Before we get to T Tuesday, today is Kansas's birthday.  It is also known as Kansas Day.  Kansas officially joined the U.S. as the 34th state on Monday, Jan. 29, 1861.  My state is now 163 years young as of today.

KANSAS STATE FLAG - Liberty Flag & Banner Inc.This is the Kansas flag and our motto: the Latin phrase Ad Astra Per Aspera, meaning "To the Stars Through Difficulty."  The state motto appears on the Kansas flag and state seal. 

Now to turn to T Tuesday.

We're at the Spice Merchant for T today because I am working on a large project.  My friend and T Tuesday participant Sharon (Foxy Stamping) stopped by on Friday.  She asked if I needed anything and I should have asked her to pick up two AAA batteries, so we (as a group) could try out my new frother, but I didn't even think about it until I started this post a few minutes ago.  As usual, I have left this post to the last minute again.

Espresso Yourself was cute, Dad hooking the big one was humorous, but my favorite was Love comes in many colors.

Some decidedly adorable mugs, like the birds reminded me of Mae and her love of birds. I believe the black birds turn to colors when the mug is hot.

I wanted to bring back one I shared before.  This one is of course, for Valerie.

Some of these are definitely Christmas oriented.

Women suffragettes were well represented on this mug.

I was quite happy to see that Kansas was represented, along with other states.

I can't ignore the tea drinkers who visit every week, either.

Of course I laughed when I saw this cute little duck stuck in among the teas.

Now it's time to share your own drink related post, please.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants.

This is my second week of reminding you it's time to dig up your Second on the 2nd.   The rules are quite simple.  You can use any post, any length, any genre, as long as it's been published sometime in the past.  I sincerely hope you will join Bleubeard and me on the 2nd.

21 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

They certainly have a great variety of mugs at the spice merchant. I loved the funny cows, thanks! A neighbour gave me a cow tin, too, very useful! I hope you have fun with your milk frother when you get the batteries. Today there was a cat in front of the house exit when I went downstairs. It shot inside and started scratching and calling at a door on the first floor. I never let my cat wander off alone! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said... 2

You guessed that right: Len has the bird mug with the bird images that become colorful when hot liquid heats up the cup, and then return to black at room temp. The only downside is that you can’t put it in the dishwasher or the effect will be destroyed. They are real and identifiable birds from various locations in the world, with a key on the bottom of the mug.
I wish you luck with your big project!
best, mae at

Carola Bartz said... 3

I wonder whether you will ever run out of pictures of mugs at the Spice Merchant. Just a great selection, there is something for everyone. I love the bird mugs, they're so pretty and I like that they change color. Have a lovely week, Elizabeth, and thank you for hosting! Hugs - Carola

DVArtist said... 4

Happy Kansas day. I hope you never run out of photos for the Spice Merchant. I love this store. My favorite mug today is the one with the cow. I hope you are well, Elizabeth.

Lisca said... 5

I'm going to echo Nicole, I too love the mug with the cute cow. And of course the women suffragettes. Oh what can I say, I love the whole store!
Let me wish you a happy Kansas Day. Is there anything special going on in your neighborhood? Parades or something?

Tom said... 6

...they sure have a mug collection!

Christine said... 7

Nice mugs, happy T!

Elephant's Child said... 8

I would love to have a colour changing bird mug.
I hope your big project goes really, really well.

Helen said... 9

What a lot of mugs! I have a cupboard full of different mugs from over the years and use the same 3 or 4 over and over..... Happy Kansas day.

Iris Flavia said... 10

I go with Nicole and Lisca, Great mugs of course!

Barwitzki said... 11

Happy 163rd birthday Kansas.
I buy my tea from the tea dealer and yes - a great cup is a must... whatever your mood...

Spyder said... 12

Morning! I love alllll these mugs and would have a job choosing any of them! Happy T Day! running late as uaual! ((Lyn))

Rostrose said... 13

Hihi, dear Elizabeth,
we have two bathtub ducks like this - one with a captain's hat and a frog and one with a surfboard and sunglasses. When I go into the bath with my grandson, of course we also play with the ducks.
But about the mugs - you found lots of nice mugs at the Spice Merchant. The store really has an unbelievably large selection! I like the idea of the birds changing color - and that reminds me of something: my grandpa had a drinking glass with bikini-clad ladies who would undress when you drank the glass empty 😂
I think my favorite is the mug with the Midsummer Night's Dream. But the decision is difficult!
The post I linked to you today is the last one before my recently announced break from blogging.
I therefore say goodbye to you for a while with kind regards 🙋😘.
Stay healthy - we'll read again!
All the best, hugs and happy belated Kansas Day, Traude

CJ Kennedy said... 14

I like the Shakespeare mug, too. Happy Kansas and T Day

Divers and Sundry said... 15

Happy Kansas Day! I especially like the Votes for Women mug :) Happy T Tuesday

Jeanie said... 16

What a fun collection of mugs! And Happy Kansas Day. (I don't think we have a Happy Michigan Day.)

Violetta said... 17

Happy Birthday Kansas.
And once again a wide variety of nice things at your spice-merchant.
Happy T-day
ALl the best

Empire of the Cat said... 18

Happy birthday Kansas! I had to look it up but my county was formed in 1205 so it will be 819 years old in May! Lovely mugs. Happy T Day! Elle xx

pearshapedcrafting said... 19

Fabulous mugs especially the Shakespeare's Classic - where there any more? Loved the duck! Happy T Day, Chrisx

Sharon Madson said... 20

Hi! I would have been happy to bring the batteries! I didn’t even realize it had been Kansas Day. Great post,maven last minute. Most of my posts are last minute or non existent.

Rita said... 21

Always fun to visit this store, I'm sure.
Have a wonderful Tuesday! :)