Monday, November 27, 2023

T Stands For Spice Merchant pt 8: Spices


Today I am back at the Spice Merchant.  Elle (eotc) keeps asking about the spices, so that's where we will go today.

EDIT: My electricity went off about the time I was ready to publish a comment to Valerie.  I was frightened my pipes would freeze, but thankfully the electric company had the problem fixed in about three hours.  Since I was freezing, the boys and I huddled under the covers and I promptly went to sleep.  I seem to do that a lot lately.  Temperature was predicted to be 11 F (-11.67 C) overnight.

Elle asked for spices.

Here they are.  When no one is there to open and weigh the spices, they rope off the area.

I suspect they are in alphabetical order.

I'm short enough I was able to duck in under the rope.

This is where they weigh the spices.

I love those posters of the different peppers.
Don't want to wait to have  your spices weighed? Some are ready for you to take.

Can you see the rope keeping people from grabbing the spices?  Love the tee of the Wichita flag.

A few more spices on the shelves on the right side of the photo.

Spice blends.

Here, too.

Love the old spices on display above the spices that are for sale.

I slipped under the rope to get this shot.  More scales here, too.

More spices that were prepackaged.

And because I need a drink or a vessel of a drink, I give you this from last week:

I would like to remind you it's now time to dig up your Second on the 2nd.  Any genre, any size, as long as it has been published sometime in the past.

26 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Lovely to see so many fabulous spices, and I love the 'coffee please' mug! Happy T Day, hugs, Vaerie

Violetta said... 2

What a big number of different spices. Which one to chose? Have a good time and greetings from our spa hotel

Jeanie said... 3

Does it smell just fantastic when you walk in there? I would absolutely adore this shop!

Valerie-Jael said... 4

So many wonderful spices, and I love the 'coffee please' cup! Hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said... 5

Those pepper id posters are neat. My daughter has one just like it.

My name is Erika. said... 6

I'm glad to see the spices since it is the spice market. Smile. I've never been to a store where they can weigh out what you want. That is a nice feature, because sometimes you only want a specific amount, and sometimes you don't want to pay for a big jar full. The more photos you share, the better feel I get for The Spice Market. Thanks for taking us along on a visit. And happy T day too. hugs-Erika

Rita said... 7

Love the coffee please mug.
We have a place in town but they keep the spices behind the cash register counter so people can't touch them. Love places like these. :)

Tom said... 8

...I never knew that there were so many kinds!

Lisca said... 9

Now I know why it is called the SPICE Merchant... What a lot of spices and herbs and all things fragrant.
I love the poster with the peppers.
Happy T-Day,

DVArtist said... 10

I so wish I had a store like this near me. I would be in it everyday. LOL What a beautiful display of spices and herbs. Thank you for sharing it. Hope your are feeling well.

Halle said... 11

IT has to smell so good in there! Happy T day my friend.

Christine said... 12

Lovely store!

Amila said... 13

Glad to see all these photos of spices. I'd love to visit such a place and I will spend more time choosing different spices. The vibrant array of spices and herbs can turn any dish into a masterpiece. And those mugs are really attractive. Thanks for sharing all these beautiful photos with us.
Happy T Tuesday!

Iris Flavia said... 14

We have a store like that, too. A bit. You can walk in and say: I need three screws of those, 7 of these... not like in the hardware store were the smallest package has 25 or 50!
Bet yours smells fantastic, though, unlike our "Ohlendorf"!
At Mumme-Mile you always find a spices-stand, I love it! But lately work took too much time and energy to experiment...

Elephant's Child said... 15

How I wish that we had a branch of that store here. We would be dedicated (and frequent) shoppers.

Rostrose said... 16

Oh, dear Elizabeth, there ARE spices at the Spice Merchant! ;-)) I almost thought they were just called that ;-DD It's wonderful that there is such a large selection, it even reminds me a little of a spice shop in India, where we bought a variety of spices and mixtures and they were weighed for us. (We still use some of these spices - turmeric, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, saffron, various chili mixtures, etc. - and they are still very aromatic even though they are 10 years old!)
Oh dear, you had a power outage in these low temperatures! Fortunately, the problem was resolved fairly quickly. I assume "the boys" you cuddled up with are your cats - they are great "heat sources", as I know from previous experience :-)
Stay warm! Happy T-Day and a happy week, Traude

Kate Yetter said... 17

Wow, there are so many choices. I love spices and different blends especially for seasoning meat. Hope your pipes didn't freeze. It is cold here as well in the Northeast.
Happy Tea Day,

CJ Kennedy said... 18

I wish there was a store like this close to me, especially for the kitchen gadgets. I hope you're feeling better and Happy T Day

DVArtist said... 19

Oh 3 hours without heat. That is frightening.

Violetta said... 20

I am sorry, I linked a post that I didn't want I've added November Walk which fits better for t-day than the violet,black and white one .Happy

Debra said... 21

Glad your power wasn't off longer. We know how that is here too. Wow-that spice store is amazing! I loved the photos.

Empire of the Cat said... 22

Well they do have spices covered don't they lol. I wonder what the difference is between yellow mustard and fancy yellow mustard. Happy T Day! Elle xx

Divers and Sundry said... 23

I'm sorry to've missed T Tuesday :(

I hope your electricity stays on. It's sooo cold there!

Spyder said... 24

oh how loverly, all those shelves filled with spices! I love jars, and find it very hard to put them into the recycle bin, there's alway another use for them! Some of my spices are waaaaaaaaaaaay past their sell by date. I wonder if they are ok! If they smell ok...they still usually get used! Love the mugs. I'm al way looking out for mugs! Srry I'm sooo late again, Happy late T for Tuesday!hugs

Spyder said... 25

ps, I hope yu're feeling a lot better!

peppylady (Dora) said... 26

I need to a sky theme.
Coffee is on.