Many of you asked about my condition last week. I was too weak to go into real detail at that time. It all started when I bought my first house when I was 19 and my grandmother gave me a cast iron skillet. Let me explain.
I was entertaining and getting ready to fry chicken in the cast iron skillet. I picked it up with my left hand, an act I had performed more than a few times before. Friends watched as the skillet fell from my hand. It had not slipped. My hand had no grip.
For several days, I grappled with stairs because all the bedrooms were upstairs. The only "facility" downstairs was a "powder room" with a toilet and sink, so I had to go upstairs to bathe as well as sleep.
I crawled upstairs on all fours and back down the stairs on all fours. I went to my medical doctor, who was sure I had carpal tunnel. He took lots of measurements and scheduled a surgery for me. However, when he opened me up, he saw I had a birth defect that had finally manifested. I was born with NO CALCIUM around my joints. He sewed me up and said I would be in a wheel chair within a year. I remember asking how this could happen since I used milk in my coffee and ate tons of cheese. He asked what I could eat or drink to grow a finger if I was born with only four fingers on one hand. It suddenly hit me how serious my condition really was.
Do you believe in "mind over matter?" I'm a scientist and that was not something I would automatically believe in. However, one day I woke and said "I'm not going to live like this any longer" or words to that effect. I forced myself to ignore the pain and started living again. Granted, it was difficult at first, but eventually I got my life back. However, about once every decade my body shuts down again. I can't control it. I just have to let it pass. I'm in that period right now, so I'm not posting as much as I normally do. I assure you, it will eventually pass. I just have to let my body take its course.

Now for a few funnies. How about laundry day!!
I hope you found a face you liked and a smile to make you happy. Thanks for dropping by tonight (and tomorrow). Please join Bleubeard and me at Friday Face Off and Friday Smiles.
27 thoughtful remarks:
You have my deepest respect, Elizabeth.
I think I would´ve given up. Or would I - luckily I was not and hope will not have to find out.
Hope your body is "with you" soon again! Best, best wishes from here... and a big hug.
Great faces and attached animals. Looks like a bunch of gorillas to me.
Coincidence: My folded! laundry sits in the living room behind me since 3 days...
Hope you come through this latest episode soon and can get back to more normal living and posting. Take care! Helen
Heartfelt hugs. I hope this latest episode passes quickly.
Love the sculptures, and thanks for the smiles.
You are very strong and brave to force yourself through each episode.I hope you can function more again soon. I liked the sculptures of the zoo animals. Take it easy and be nice toyoursef until this passes. Kate x
You sure are a tough lady Elizabeth and I hope you are feeling better soon and can get back to what you love to do. I don't mind the laundry, just wish it could ironing it's self! Take care and rest up for a while. Gentle hugs, Angela xXx
What an amazing woman you are to conquer your health problem...I really hope you get over this set back very soon. An OAP is an Old age pensioner...I now get a pension [my long term plan was to retire at 60 but our government moved the goal posts and I've had to wait til I'm 66 for it....luckily I love my job and have no plans to stop doing what I love yet.
Annie x
You have to be strong to deal with that situation. I hope that your body finishes this "course" quickly.
(I almost always have a basket of laundry that needs folding and put away, but I don't think I would enjoy nudism. LOL)
I´m glad you decided to live your life!
And to be strong enough to continue.
You will get through this as you did all the other times. I can imagine how you feel. Stay strong, and thanks for the laundry funnies! Hugs, Valerie
...Elizabeth, your health concerns make mine seem minor. Take care.
I don't quite understand what you mean by calcium around your joints. Are you talking about free calcium ions that are used for muscle contractions in the calcium and potassium pumps? Or are your bones low in calcium, but that wouldn't be around your joints. Hmm. Cool drive by photos. Too bad there is so much trash. And I have to laugh at your laundry memes. One had a UNH sweatshirt on. I hope you're starting to feel a little better.hugs-Erika
Good luck with a speedy rebound once again in your life!
best, mae at
I hope you rebound quickly. I'm doing laundry, today. The one household chore I don't mind. It's not like I have to take the wash down to the river and beat the clothes clean on a rock. Toss in washer, add soap. Let 'er run. Go play on the computer. Wait for the ding. Put the clothes in the dryer. Go play on the computer. Wait for the ding. Fold the clothes. Rinse, lather, repeat.
You have certainly come far in learning to cope with your health challenges. Continue to rest and be kind to yourself. I hope it won't be long before you are recharged. Yes, those look like frogs to me, too. Good laundry funnies! Best to you.
Wow, you are a courageous lady. I'm sure it wasn't easy but it goes to show what you can do when you put your mind to it. Kudos!
By the way, OAP in Annie's post means Old Age Pensioner. It's a common abbreviation in the UK.
Your laundry funnies gave me some giggles. But it did remind me that I have to do some laundry too.And as my mum doesn't have a washing machine, I have to go to the common one downstairs which is very often occupied.(Ill take my chances)
Have a lovely weekend,
I hope this latest flare-up of your body doesn't last long. You are a brave and determined soul, lady! I never knew this history of yours and you are proof again of not listening to doctors' predictions and forging ahead kind of on your own. Bless you! *love and hugs*
Good photos and thanks for the laughs!
wow. What an experience.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.
Oh, Elizabeth, you are a strong brave woman even though week with your body now and then. Keep your mind bright and strong 🌞
Thank you for funnies. I like to do laundry. My choice is the sweet girl and her words 😊
I'm wishing you do recovery soon 😘🌺
Bravo to you taking care of your health so well ~ Funnies are great too ~ Sending you lots of healing energy hugs, ~Xos
Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
This sounds like a horribly frustrating, painful and frightening thing to live through -- but you ARE living through it and overcoming. Take the time you need for this to move on. Sending all good wishes your way.
Elizabeth, you are very strong and courageous to go through this. I don't quite understand the "no calcium around the joints", but what it does with your body sounds very scary. The more I admire how you decided to live your life and not let it be dictated by your health. I wish and hope for you that the current flare-up will be over very soon and you can go back to living your life with hopefully a whole lot less pain and limitations. All the best.
I'm sure you will get through this as you have done before.
Important to take time out if you need to though ...
Sending lots of good wishes and healing wishes.
All the best Jan
PS Thanks for the funnies.
I'm glad you were so determined Elizabeth! Hope you're through this setback quickly, hugs, Chrisx
I've never heard of that kind of calcium deficiency. I'm impressed you have found a way to deal with it long-term. I hope you're better soon.
Those sculptures are striking!
That is truly a difficult issue to contend with and I admire your gumption to take it on the way you do. I have been blessed with good health, but I honestly think I would respond the way you do ... life is too precious to give in to challenges. AS for "mind over matter" I do indeed believe in it. I am a retired nurse and I have seen it work where one would have thought there was no hope. On the other hand, I have see people suffer defeat when they could have overcome but didn't have a positive enough attitude. So "You Go Girl!" ... I know you will win in the end and we will all be pulling for you. And, I don't know how you got on the subject of Laundry, but I found plenty to smile about in your post ... I especially liked the white Pink) shirt that clearly got washed with the colored cloths 🤣 Been there, Done that :). So tiring as it may be, keep up the hard work of recovery and know you are not alone in your pursuits ... and I am guessing Bleubeard is there by your side cheering you on, right?
Andrea @ Aform the Solo
I don't understand what you mean about the calcium either but I am really glad you're healing and didn't give up xx
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