Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday Smiles 532: Mostly Autumn Art


Before we begin, if you are a blogspot blogger, I am getting a TON of "Failed to Publish" notices.  If you don't hear from me, it's because blogger refuses to publish my comments to you.  It's all so random, too.  No explanation for why some publish right away and others force me to wait at least half a day.  

This is my penultimate entry for Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey. As most of you probably know by now, her theme is Books, Cats, Tea.  I have two of the three since this was created in my Cats altered book.

This is a quickie in my Cats altered book.  I decided there would be no detail shots.

Bleubeard and I call it Stop and smell the flowers.  I hope these kittens put a smile on your face.  They did mine!

Now for some photos from the Autumn and Art juried show.

This is a free event to visitors, but I suspect the participating artists pay a hefty price to show their wares at this three day event.

This is at the beginning of the event.  It always looks so pretty here.

I was surprised when I looked at this first booth.  Some of the art was incredibly realistic, while other was almost graffiti like. 

In a way, it reminded me of something Seth Apter would create.
I was really intrigued by this painting (or maybe photograph).  This looks like something I would find on a country road in my state.  And look at how flat the land is, too.  That's Kansas.
This was some beautiful pottery. 
It reminded me of something I might share for T Tuesday.
I was drawn to this booth because of the amazing colors.  I loved this awesome glass and the colors are stunning.  Not so much the colors on the back wall.

I bet my play date friend Sharon would love these colors, too.

The man who creates these beauties was here last year, too.

Looks like I got the backside of these elephants.

They are “Shona Art” stone sculptures which are named after the “Shona” tribe of Zimbabwe.  The owner told me they are hand carved from stone, then polished.  He said the stone told him what to create.  I found it fascinating.  His sculptures range from $6500.00 to $65,000.00.  All prices are USD.

I think I only stopped here because of the beautiful blue on the right.  Both booths were really crowded!

That orange is an eye catcher.  Again, there were several people in the booth, so I showed the one photo with the least people in it.  Yes, that is a lake in the background,

More images in which the colors caught my eye more than anything.

I thought of Sally (my foodie friend) when I saw these flowers.  She would LOVE them.

I thought of my friend Valerie when I saw the hay bales in the field.  Those flowers were definitely a riot of color.  The gallery owner is from Mission, Kansas, part of the Kansas City, Kansas area.  His paintings sell anywhere from $295.00 to $795.00.

I loved this shop, but there was never a person not there checking out the furniture.

I'm a big fan of sci fi, so the rocket impressed me.

I loved the robot and finally fought the crowds to see the one on the wall.  The artist is from Eureka Springs, Arkansas and, although she paints more than rockets, this was mainly what she brought to the show.  The large rocket is a print and cost $58.00.  The large robot was also a print and cost $83.00.  It was called "The Bird Whisperer Joybot."  The small robot shown above cost $35.00.

I think I'll stop here so you don't get too overwhelmed.  I have quite a few more to share, but I think that's enough for now.

Thanks beyond belief for joining Bleubeard and me today.  We hope you will join us at Art Journal Journey with your take on Books, Cats, and/or Tea.  Bleubeard and I would love to see you at Friday Smiles, too
Now for a few funnies:,700,700
Now smile and enjoy your weekend.

23 thoughtful remarks:

Iris Flavia said...

Yes! Biiiig smile for the kittens :-)
And a big WOW on all the artwork!
And the cat-funnies - love the poem.Have a fun Friday full of smiles.

Elephant's Child said...

OF COURSE the klttens made me smile. That art show looks like somewhere I could spend a LOT of time. And thank you for the funnies. I loved them.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

What a brilliant event, so much gorgeous art work. Loving the kitty funnies and the sweet little ones sniffing the flowers, gorgeous. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Sweet the cats with the flowers, yes it made me smile.. *wow* what a wonderful exhibition whether pictures or crafts.
Thanks for showing.
Blogger has a lot of things that are not possible again and again!
Have a happy weekend, hug Elke

mamapez5 said...

Swet little kitties in the flowers, and I loved your funnies this week.
The art festival looks really interesting. It is true that an area of colour attracts people to look, and the blue/green glas is gorgeous. The stylised flowers are bright and cheerful, and one set looks based on Monet's style. I liked the ceramic flowers and the carved animals were magnificent. They are out of my price range but I can quite see why they command so much. Kate x

Annie said...

What amazing obviously love blue as much as me. Love the cat funnies a lot.
Annie x

My name is Erika. said...

So many cute kitty faces today. And lots of beautiful art too. I think those paintings aren't that bad if you think about the cost of supplies and the artist's time. Plus the cost and time of actually selling any pieces. I hope all is going well with you. hugs-Erika

Neet said...

Yes the kittens on the page you have in your journal are cute, but then I have yet to find a kitten that isn't. It's those eyes that do it for me, and the fact that they are nearly always just a ball of fluff. That's why i fell in love with my Tabitha.
Your art show reminds me of one i visit called 'Art on the Prom" which is held on the promenade by the estuary. Always lots of thigs I would like to buy but oh so expensive.
Hugs, Neet xxx

Tom said...

...what a nice show, the furniture was my favorite.

craftytrog said...

Such sweet little kittens and I love the cat funnies too!
Your photos remind me of a craft show I went to recently at a local garden centre. Lots of wonderful art and crafts.
Have a lovely weekend,

Rita said...

The art & craft fairs are always such fun to wander through. So many interesting and pretty things, but the sculptor we does the wild animals--OMGosh! They are just gorgeous!
Cat funnies are always good. :)

Christine said...

Thanks for the smiles! Love the paintings that remind you of Valerie.

Divers and Sundry said...

Pretty kitties!

The art show had a lot to offer. Fun!

CJ Kennedy said...

Adorable kitties. The art show looks fabulous. Something for everyone (though a lot out of my budget 😉) Enjoyed the story about the stone carver. My favorite art pieces were the bright flowers, skies and hay bales.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

elizabeth, this entire post is happy awesome !

N bleu and squiggles happee weekz end two ewe


Lowcarb team member said...

Aww the cats look so sweet amongst the flowers.
The art show looks great.
I enjoyed the cat funnies.

Enjoy the remainder of Friday and have a good weekend.

All the best Jan

kathyinozarks said...

Awesome cat funnies, I really enjoyed the art show allot, we don't have any near us-when we lived in Illinois I loved to go to them-thanks for sharing-hugs Kathy

Jenn Jilks said...

What a great show! And the kitties! 💓

Lisca said...

The kittens are so sweet!
The art fair is interesting. I too liked the coloured glass ( blue and green).
The funnies made me giggle.
You didn’t ‘get’ one of my funnies, the child with the long nose. I think the wife of the husband with the long nose saw a child with exactly the same nose and got suspicious that her husband had been unfaithful.
Have a lovely weekend,

carol l mckenna said...

such endearing funnies ~ love the poem the little girl wrote about kitties with sweaters on ~ and great art/crafts show photos too ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Empire of the Cat said...

Sweet kitties on your page today, how many spare pages do you have left in your book? The art fair looked interesting, is there judging, if so how do they do it, a separate judging tent? Lots of funny cat meme, the one with the cat with its paw over the other's mouth lol, and the poem too. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

Anne (cornucopia) said...

This blog post made me smile so much! More adorable cats, and those cat funnies were hilarious. Great art show. I especially liked seeing those rhinoceros statues.

Debra said...

Loved the art fest pictures. The cat funnies are hilarious! My fav is the devil-cat biting the shoe!