Tuesday, August 15, 2023

What's On Your Workdesk, Wednesday 741


It's Wednesday, which means it's time to join my dear friend and head desker Julia at Stamping Ground for the latest edition of What's On Your Workdesk, Wednesday, or as most know, WOYWW for short.   

Before we begin, I want to let everyone know I hurt my back during the annual neighborhood clean up.  Even though I bent with my knees, I felt something go when I stood up.  I told about the clean up during last week's Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie/Wipso (at A Stitch in Time).  I can only sit for a short while in my computer chair, but I promise to visit everyone as I do every week, before the weekend.

I told Wendy that several people thought she should clean up her work area.  I'm SO glad she is doing all the work, because I'm not sure how long I can stand.

Grudgingly she agreed,
although she believes it doesn't look all that bad.

What took so long was cleaning the baggie that held the punchinella (sequin waste).  Removing about 100 used gift and hotel cards was much easier.  How many of those cards to spread paint does anyone need?  Wendy seemed to agree on that one.  Then it was time to thank Wendy for all her hard work.  She still contends it hasn't improved that much, though.

Here are a few of the smaller rocking horses (including the medallion from a couple of weeks ago) that I assembled a few years ago for a challenge where we showed what we collect.  There were many different ones, including a candle (red on left), metal, wood, music box, glass, candle holder, and a tiny metal train.  There were also two rocking deer, a rocking rabbit, and a rocking sheep/lamb.  And these aren't even my newest ones!!!

Now let's head over to Julia's and snoop, enable, exchange storage tips, and share in the friendship and fellowship that only WOYWW can provide.

22 thoughtful remarks:

Helen said...

I hope your back eases soon. Well done Wendy for clearing up. the rocking horse display looks good. There are no restrictions to which way you face when you park here so people just pull into a space! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Elephant's Child said...

I hope your back improves quickly.
I could use a Wendy here. Love your rocking horses.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’m sorry your back is bad, it’s such a debilitating thing to go wrong. That Wendy tried her hardest to step up to the cleaning challenge - it was a lot to do for a little gal but she tried her best. Love the display of rockers, such a variety!
Hugs LLJ 1 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Oh no! you poor thing, you take it easy and don't worry about the visits we understand. Hope you're feeling better soon. Nice to see round the desk and pleased Wendy is being helpful. Wishing you a very happy and creative day. Hugs, Angela x15x

Valerie-Jael said...

Have a fun Wednesday, take care hugs!

Tracy said...

Hello Elizabeth and Wendy 🤗 sending gentle healing hugs your way, go canny till it eases. I'm so sorry it's been a while since I popped in. I'm so glad your Wendy is helping you out,she's looking very grand today 😘💕in the photos as is your desk ⭐️ tooo your rocking horses, each one beautiful... I made the photo bigger so I could see even the teeeniest,so special they are ⭐️💕⭐️ a joy to see them together! Sending wishes ⭐️ for you to feel better soon, I hope the pain eases. Much love and hugs Tracy #14 xxxx

Annie said...

Sorry to hear about your back and hope it improves very soon. I'm glad Wendy has stepped up to help.
Annie x #11

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh I do hope your back improves soon Elizabeth. I wouldn't worry too much about tidying the desk even with Wendy's help!!! Fabulous array of rocking horses. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #16

Glenda said...

Sorry about your back. I suffer as well as I have curved spine and my back slips out often. I can get in the floor and pop it back in but it doesn't hold for long. My weight doesn't help. I'm so glad you have Wendy, I'm alone so if it happens I have to do it.
Glenda #18

My name is Cindy said...

Oh no bad back - that's a nightmare! Hope it eases soon. It's always fascinating to see how varied your collection is - the tiny train is adorable!! I think I agree with Wendy, it doesn't look too bad but yeah - where do al those cards come from? I have loads of paint smeared ones! I haven't got rid of my keyboard, there is space to push it under the pc when I'm not using it. Happy WOYWW, have a great week, love n (gentle) hugs Cindyxx #9

Tom said...

...I must say, you sure are tidy. This is a trait that I have never developed.

Neet said...

WOW, what a display of rockers!
Am sat with a hot water bottle at my back (gel bottle exactly but it does the same thing) as I have chronic back pain from an injury. So do be careful and if it doesn't improve seek help, please.
Glad Wendy, grudgingly or not, is helping. I hope Bleubeard has helped too.
Take care
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

BJ said...

Oh tell me about it, my back went again on Monday! It seems to be getting better now though but had to skip dancing again last night, not been for a month now. I will try badminton again Thursday though. Got to start getting back somewhere and I do help run the club. Hope you feel better soon Elizabeth, it's a right pickle isn't it. Think Wendy did a grand job tidying btw. The Posca pens are quite expensive, had only bought the single white ones up to now but these sets are good value and in the kids going back to school section in our local supermarket. Only there this time of year and I managed to get their penultimate "standard colours" pack this morning too. Whoop Whoop. Hugs BJ#5

My name is Erika. said...

Sorry to hear about your back. Back and tooth pain are the worst. Your desk is very clean-smile. I'm glad Wendy is doing her job. And I love the seeing the rocking horses, and the rocking bunny too. It's interesting how people start their collections. How many years have you been collecting rocking horses? hugs-Erika

Lynnecrafts said...

So sorry about your back, Elizabeth, and I hope it gets better soon. Well done Wendy for clearing up!
Your little rockers display is great!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10 x

da tabbies o trout towne said...

hopin all iz well with ewe elizabeth, bleu and squiggles….we haza soooper quik minit
two say HI🐟💚🍀

CJ Kennedy said...

I hope you're feeling better. Wendy did a great job tidying the workspace. I could use her help.

pearshapedcrafting said...

So sorry about your back, I hope it gets better soon. Your desk looks tidy to me. It's always lovely to see your rocking horses. Big hugs, Chrisx

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, no, back pain is bad. I have a machine to hang upside down, it helps a bit. And "my" W (85 year old neighbor) just yesterday night told me he does yoga and now can bend down really well again (he even gave me a show right there in the hall!).
After your back is better maybe give that a go, too?
Lovely collection of rocking horses and... can Wendy come over? My desk looks messy ;-)

Rita said...

So sorry about your back! Really messes with your life.
Your desk looks pretty good to me. :)
Hope you feel better soon.

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh Elizabeth, poor you, your back! Not being able to sit for long is bad enough, but having to move about gingerly is really a nuisance, I really hope it eases fast. My dear husband says you should try going from a nice hot shower or bath to a freezing cold one....apparently that what athletes do. My answer to that has, is and will remain...' I'm not an athlete, lease don't try to help me'!!!im with Wendy, your desk didn't even look as if it needed sorting or cleaning, but you did get her to do a great job anyway. Just for a second there, I thought that was a pair of knitting needles in the pot behind her and that you were off on another skilled tangent!

Robyn said...

surprised to hear you say you dont make cards- ouch for the back pain, tho you seem to be keeping busy! Robyn 4