Monday, August 21, 2023



It's time to once again join my dear friend Chris, our host this month at Art Journal Journey, with her Where in the World theme.  I'm working on a couple of journal pages that will take Bleubeard and me across the pond, but today, I thought we could actually stay in the states, where no passport is required.

Unfortunately, this post (and these pages) has been fraught with peril.  I had six sheets of cardstock on my table when I started by adding some spray mist to the first page.  However, it wouldn't spray.  I took the sprayer apart and when I did, I knocked the entire bottle over on my table.  I tried to wipe it up with the other cardstock pages, but I got a bit hit and miss.  What you see in the background is what you get.

I had to create four different pages for this spread because I couldn't get it all on one page.

We're cruising the mighty Mississippi today in a luxury paddle boat.  We'll be traveling from Memphis, Tennessee (TN) to Louisville, Kentucky (KY).   Below are the detail shots of the first page.

Let's start in Memphis, TN, where we board the paddle boat.  But first, we will explore the city. Below are detail shots of the second page.

Before we leave Memphis, we absolutely must visit Graceland. In reality, my favorite spot to visit in Memphis was Mud Island, but the travel magazines don't spotlight that "museum."  Detail shots are below.

The last page is all about where we stopped off in Louisville.  Detail shots are below.

I rotated the caption so you could read it without twisting your head.

Bleubeard and I hope you have enjoyed your time on the river and visiting both Memphis and Louisville. We are delighted you dropped by today.  We always appreciate your visit.  We look forward to seeing you at Art Journal Journey with your own interpretation of Where in the World.


14 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Your struggles (which I am sure were intensely frustrating) are NOT evident to the viewer.
Thank you for these excursions to places I will probably not see for myself.

Rita said...

Your happy accident (isn't that what Bob Ross called them?) gave you a real punch of bright color that's very pretty. :)

Valerie-Jael said...

Well, I like the bright colours even it's not quite as you planned! These things happen! I hope your new week will be good for you and yours! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

My name is Erika. said...

Cruising the Mississippi would be fun. I like your page too. I can relate to the spilled mist. A while back I had a paint bottle open and it did the same thing when I hit it the wrong way. Eeeks. Your spilled mist made some really dark bold color on your background. And it looks good with your photos. This is a nice page for AJJ. Hope you had a good weekend. hugs-Erika

Tom said...

...I'd love to cruise into Memphis in my hot rod.

Iris Flavia said...

Dear Elizabeth, this is one thing I fail to understand, this addresses my Aussie friends, also.
You live in such a huge and mostly beautiful country and long to go outside.
I wish I could visit you (despite I have some huge gaps of visiting Germany and Europe).
Some fly from Perth to Bali and I wonder: Why? Fly to Darwin, or Broome, or...

I would LOVE to be on such a Mississippi-boat!
Like with trains I´l love to seed technique and nature combined.

And Memphis... There is a song my Brother "brought" to me in a sad moment when I still lived with my family...
I would love to explore the place with him!

Thank you. I will call family soon (Niece is turning 13) - I hope to get a chance to talk to Bro, too!

I go with Rita on the accident :-)

Divers and Sundry said...

I'll go to Beale Street with you if you ever get to Memphis :) but I don't get out at night anymore so it'll have to be a daytime tour. Still plenty to see during the daylight hours, though :)

I'd love to take one of those riverboat cruises from Memphis to New Orleans, but the prices are too steep for me.

I've been to Nashville several times but never to the Grand Ol' Opry. Maybe next time... :)

Neet said...

Oh dear,don't envy you the mess you must have made. Glad you mopped up with some card and can use it.
Thank you for showing me some of the places I have always wanted to visit in the USA. Great to see and read a bit about them. Who needs to go abroad when you have so much to see on your doorstep. Thanks again.
Hugs, Neet xx

sirkkis said...

I enjoyed the luxury cruise and Graceland visit with you, Elizabeth. Well created interesting journey 👍🤩

Jenn Jilks said...

We've been having dropsies these days. So sorry! You recovered, thogh!

dee Nambiar said...

I love murals like this. They tell you quite a bit about the city in the form of art!
Every town should have them. :)

It's always lovely to return to murals were spotted; especially those that were in the process of being painted when we first saw them.

Have a great week, Elizabeth. <3

Sandra Cox said...

I've enjoyed my time on the river and loved the tour.

NatureFootstep said...

wow. I would have loved to be on that ship :) Wonderful!

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! What a great trip, I really enjoyed seeing your pages - these colourful pages - a definite case of 'happy accident'. I would love to travel on that riverboat. A really great page for my AJJ theme, thanks Elizabeth, hugs, Chrisx